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Everything posted by Raider5678

  1. Guilt doesn't stop crimes. Or poor education. Or force. Or violence. Or bad attitudes. Or much. The majority of things happen because there is a force driving it. Rage, passion, anger, need, hunger, hopelessness, depression, etc. Guilt is something that happens as a result. A result can't change the event. Event then result. It can however, influence future events. But then, that depends on the level of guilt. And believe plays an important role too. Take a school student who is feeling guilty about failing an exam. Actually, two. 1. The student feels guilty, but knows he could do better. So he studies more and gets a better grade on the next one. 2. The student feels guilty, but has been raised to believe he's stupid. With no hope, he doesn't study more and doesn't get a better grade on the next one. I see it time and time again around me. It's expectations. And not "Do this or I'll get mad at you" expectations. I mean genuine disappointment because you actually expected better. So it's a lot more then just guilt.
  2. I don't worry about death. Mainly because I'm religious. However, there's not much you can do if you aren't religious other then to make the most of your life and enjoy it. Plus, why must you need to be remembered? You'll be dead. You won't care.
  3. Yes. No. You can't. Your testicles create semen at a certain rate. When the semen gets old it breaks down and exits through urine. Whether you ejaculate or not won't affect how much nutrients your testicles are using.
  4. I'm not sure. I highly doubt there will be a war between the U.S.A and China. They're too closely related to start a war. If there is a war, it'll be devastating to both of them. Even if the U.S.A managed to conquer all of China(or Vice versa, China conquers the U.S.A) it would be so devastating and destructive, that it would be beneficent to neither of them. Plus, I believe both of them would launch every nuke they had before they could be destroyed. Soon as they realized they were on a downward slope with no hope of winning, they'd be like an animal caught in a corner. They will do everything they possibly can to preserve themselves. Which would probably result in the nuclear annihilation. China is closely tied to North Korea, sure. But are they willing to risk everything for a country that would be wiped out with little impact on their economy and life style? I doubt it. China knows that the U.S.A sure isn't gonna risk a war between China. So threats against China won't work.
  5. Trump will probably greatly reduce the amount of nuclear missiles in the U.S. By launching them elsewhere.
  6. I have finally figured out how to log into this damn thing.

  7. Okay. So ignoring any fancy wing shapes, you want it on an angle, but you don't want that angle to be too high because then there's more drag. Just messing around with designing a small model plane, and then a slightly larger one, etc etc etc. I just wanted to know how to apply some fairly basic aerodynamic formulas to it. However, this was quite helpful.
  8. That seems strange. I typically think of it in the form of information. I don't see images as much unless I'm trying to remember something. When I read, I have an inner voice. Most information I read I remember in that voice. So when we're talking about something, I recall that inner voice bringing up facts about that subject. When I see something, I usually "talk" about it in my head. Probably processing it. Like I'll "say" it's 6:30 on the clock. And if someone asks me I immediately say around 6:30 because that's the time that was just said to me. So I guess I hear a voice more then I see images.
  9. Hey guys, I'm trying to find a formula for the amount of lift a plane will get from it's wings. I'm looking for net lift, as in the entire plane. I realize I have to make sure it's stable, etc. Either way, using the following variables: Wings surface area Angle of wings Velocity What formula will tell me how much lift the wings are generating? I've probably got the wrong variables. Any formula that resembles the solution to this problem helps. I believe this is it: https://www.grc.nasa.gov/www/k-12/airplane/lifteq.html But I'm not sure.
  10. Well, considering it's God, then that'd mean it wasn't something that we could understand of having been "something."
  11. So you do it by having all three E,N,and M values inside the equation? I'm confused. So the challenge is, have 9 boxes, with different formulas in each. The formulas use X and Y. For any value of X and Y, you have to make it equal a square in each box. And then on top of that, have all the sums equal for all horizontal paths, all diagonal paths, and all vertical paths?
  12. I don't really get it. Are you basically choosing a number for x, and then no matter what x is it will be a square inside of at least 6 of them? What if you just put x^2 in all of them?
  13. I think it's perfectly okay to think of some women as inferior. Because it's also perfectly okay to think of some men as inferior.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. koti


      You mean inferior.

    3. Delta1212


      I can get behind ranking actions. Ranking the worth of people themselves is something I think is best left to God. Nothing good has ever come from walking down that particular path.

    4. koti


      I presume you ment "can't get behind" in which case I agree. It is tuff sometimes not to rank an evil, utter moron but I think we have to take it at all cost because of the well known, horrible consequences which history is filled with.

  14. A problem is not a problem as long as NOBODY(Not even one) sees it as a problem.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. NimrodTheGoat
    3. koti


      If you don't know about something, that something is well...not known to you. If you have a problem and doesn't perceive it as a problem than...it's not a problem?

      That seems pretty straight forward.

    4. Raider5678


      Pretty much yeah.


  15. We know that. But if they happen more often then it's more common.
  16. 1. And the pain lasts how long? They're fed grains. Which while they aren't what they naturally eat in the wild, humans typically don't naturally eat cooked food. Yet..... it turns out to be much more healthier for us then eating everything raw. 2. Again. Not all pigs. You're assuming, and guessing. You haven't been to all farms. Neither have you been a farmer. 3. Have you ever tasted an ethically raised meat? How do you know it was ethical? On top of that, the chemicals won't stay in the meat forever. You don't want the animal stressed when you kill it. 4. Because releasing domestic animals into the wild usually results in them dead. They'd get freedom, and then they'd die. Now. I know your argument. "But we haven't tried it with EVERY SINGLE domestic animal! Some might survive!" That's true. But the majority would die slow painful deaths.
  17. Meat isn't the problem. We're wasting a huge majority of our food. Fix that first. Then fix the meat problem.
  18. If you can organize them so that they don't eat meat as much, surely you can organize them to simply distribute more food.
  19. Except scientists are thrilled they finally figured out the mystery. If you knew the answer so long, why didn't you say so?
  20. It's science news. I thought you just shared news.
  21. Or PBS2.
  22. https://brightside.me/wonder-curiosities/scientists-may-have-finally-cracked-the-greatest-mystery-behind-the-bermuda-triangle-254460/?utm_source=fb_r69f33&utm_campaign=1ced3c682779&utm_medium=cpm Amazing.
  23. Oh shoot. Almost gave away my real name in my status.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Lord Antares

      Lord Antares

      What is the point of sarcasm if you then have to say it's sarcasm?


    3. Function


      Adding the intonation in the reader's mind

    4. koti


      The above makes me have second thoughts on my previous sceptisism towards AI reaching "proper" sentience any time soon.

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