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Everything posted by Raider5678

  1. I feel bad for you man. Life must suck for you.
  2. No. They would not make that particular noise. But they would probably make some noise depending if there was engine failure, etc. All depends. Otherwise, if everything simply cut out for the plane, you probably wouldn't hear anything until it was just a few hundred meters out.
  3. Why cant i copy and paste images?
  4. Someone from Indiana tried to log into my email account...

  5. Your mind is like Schrodinger's cat. We don't know if it's dead or alive. 2 + 2 = 4 See that? That's the mathematical proof you're wrong. I see your intelligence has reached rock bottom. And proceeded to dig. You really think this could work? That makes 1. Your brain might as well be made of Swiss cheese for all the holes in your argument.
  6. These two statements contradict.
  7. You have got to be kidding me.... Of ALL the things, you get all riled up over this? Seriously?
  8. I think they meant music man.....
  9. Hello, How would you change windows explorer so that you can have a file in two different locations without the file being copied? That seems like it would save a lot of space.
  10. Link? I believe you, but I'm curious to the extent of it's power.
  11. Find the laser that can do that, and sell it to the military.
  12. I think he meant like a small robot that moves on the floor with a nerf gun.
  13. This works. I went to Brazil once, and in 11 days I was able to hold a basic conversation with someone, and still can. I can also describe a lot of things, and ask what the word for it is.
  14. So for the sake of a thought experiment, related to what I think the OP is referring to. Imagine you had a 1 way mirror. One way, light could move right through without a problem. On the other end, it would be reflected at 100% efficiency. (obviously an impossible component at current technology, but lets say it was real.) If you shined a laser into the box, where one end was the one way mirror, and every other side was 100% reflective. They would bounce back and forth. What would happen as more and more photons kept joining the box?
  15. Sadly. I can't imagine spending 100 million, let alone 600 million. I would just buy a nice pleasant house, a good car, and have the rest put in a safe below my house and pretty much never spend it.
  16. Principal thinks I cheated on my exam because the system says I finished too quickly and got too many answers right. So I have to take it again, under supervision. I better get extra points for this.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Endy0816


      Another chance to show them all just how smart you are! ;)

    3. Raider5678


      I don't really care what they think. I just want to graduate, get my teaching degree, and raise two kids.

    4. jimmydasaint


      You are an intelligent person. Good luck mate!

  17. And if you succeed, then boom. Never worry about financial stress again. Unless you're an idiot like the guy who won 600 million on the lottery and was broke within a year.
  18. Found this forum full of crackpot religious people. Now their religion should be banned due to Racist, Sexist, and murderous people on their. http://www.landoverbaptist.net/ Just saying. And before you say anything, most Christians are not like this. I know that for a fact.
  19. If you only live once, stay in the clouds. Never come down, trust me.

  20. The last election.... Was a disaster. I think it was the lesser of the two evils who people voted for, rather then actually like them. Besides. This has nothing to do with the election. Let it go.
  21. More likely marauding gangs forcing people to pay up if they practice a religion.... Except they gangs would be a particular religion suppressing another religion.
  22. Why is that unbelievable? Legal obligations apply.
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