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Everything posted by Raider5678

  1. http://blog.drwile.com/category/atheists-who-became-christians/ https://www.premierchristianity.com/Blog/How-an-atheist-journalist-became-a-Christian-believer http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2016/june/nicole-cliffe-how-god-messed-up-my-happy-atheist-life.html Or if you don't like small time people nor the sources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_former_atheists_and_agnostics Well known scientists, doctors, and atheists.
  2. Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us that do.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raider5678


      It's a joke about irony.

    3. StringJunky


      That one flew over him. :)

    4. Raider5678


      No. It didn't even fly over him. That means he might of noticed something but not quite caught it. This teleported right past.

  3. I'm sorry, but she is not seeing colors opposite. She wouldn't be able to know. Neither would you. And frankly, I've read that most likely people see a lot of colors differently. But we all learn what's called red and what's called blue, and never realize there's a difference. Now inside the theory, we would simply see shifted shades. Colors wouldn't be completely wonked out. We would just process the spectrum at different levels. There is something either A: Being misunderstood. B: A lie. C: A joke.
  4. The fact that we have new information suggesting they are soon going to have intercontinental ballistic missiles, capable of hitting the United States. They don't have enough to destroy us, but definitely enough to kill millions. Now it's more important then before to get them to stop progressing in nuclear technology. Whether you agree or not, I don't like the idea of them being able to hit the United States. He has attempted to speak, which they refuse. Negotiations have also been attempted, and Trump is definitely working with China to resolve this peacefully. Just because he's using a show of force doesn't mean it isn't with the intention of peace. Actually, in the event of North Korea deciding to start blowing everyone up around them, it would be wise to have something that wouldn't take 10 hours to get there, even at 700 mph. But I don't think that's the idea. In the event of a preemptive strike, there would be two options. Destroy North Korea entirely, wipe it off the map. Or, do surgical strikes and eliminate most of it's long range military power before they could cause much damage. Obviously, the second is a much better strategical idea because the first could get us into a long term conflict in Asia. Doing the surgical strike, first we'd have to position stealth planes, carriers, and navy ships near North Korea. This way, with in and hour or two, we could effectively destroy most of North Korea's nuclear weapons, artillery, and a good portion of their infrastructure. What better way to sneak in ships then to pretend it was just a show of force, and when you did get too close, retreat back a little bit. Doing that, you would "admit" it was a bluff. But in actuality, you just managed to position a bit more firepower in the region. All depends on what Trumps ultimate goal and strategy is.
  5. Hasn't our deficits been growing? I mean, a common Republican thing was to claim we were trillions of dollars in dept. Is that something they made up? Wouldn't be the first time, but still.
  6. Fair enough. Do you agree with how he's handling North Korea?
  7. Don't bother. Downvote and move on. And watch that clip. It's hilarious.
  8. Well, props for trying and admitting that it might not be possible. But yes, it won't be possible because the laser that measures the gravity is only moving as fast as light. Therefore, the message would only be received as fast as light. Now since it's a sci-fi story, and you can do anything, how about just saying it goes into a sub dimension(doesn't exist) and suddenly appears at the other side?
  9. So any concrete things that Trump has caused that's worthy to point out?
  10. I really don't think that's a fair analysis in any way. It's clearly way too much biased. Maybe some of what you said is true, but take a double take. What is he doing in North Korea? Does that suit his business in some way? Would you agree with what I told Phi?
  11. That's very true.
  12. Figured we could start listing any things Trumps policies have done. I mean, we have a thread for "how trump annoys you" so I figured this would be at least related to politics. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-infosys-usa-idUSKBN17Y09Y
  13. Can I quote you on that?
  14. Raider5678

    Tax plan

    What would be an effective tax plan? As in where and how should the government collect it's taxes? Or is the current set up good?
  15. I taught myself a good portion of physics so that I could calculate the velocity of a fake roller coaster. This included friction, height, mass(didn't need it as much as height and friction though), and more. That should have taken weeks, and I did it in a matter of hours. It all depends on who you are and how well you can digest new information. Saying that they are wrong because they didn't take two days to try and understand it, is a logical fallacy. Also, your argument falls apart when you require a magical machine for it to work. Also, I'm noting a lot of requoting. That's what I call it at least. That's where you look up a really complicated thing, and basically repeat the explanation given to you. While this can help sometimes, often if you're using it in your own theory you're not actually doing the mathematics. You're just saying that the entropy will increase with pressure(or something like that.). You should actually plug in the variables, calculate the entropy, and most of those equations will no longer be required. Mainly because you'll realize that this idea is pretty inefficient and you won't get a positive gain in energy from this.
  16. Yes. As you can see, everybody does that right?
  17. Then why is it, that when I said this everyone told me I was incorrect?
  18. My parents refuse to allow me to invest the $500 that I have saved up to use in the stock market.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Lord Antares

      Lord Antares

      I'd say that the parents are smart in this case. You could be making return. But you could also not be making returns.

    3. Raider5678


      If I could make millions, I'm sure they'd let me.

      I just want to increase my money a bit over the next few years. Obviously, I was joking about getting 25% returns.

    4. Lord Antares

      Lord Antares

      Yes, but you also might not increase money. It's like saying ''I'm going to the casino to earn some money''.

  19. Plenty.
  20. Your theory, should be backed by mathematical evidence. Period. If it isn't, it's a hypothesis, not a theory. And a hypothesis is based off of observations, and since I doubt you observed black holes much, I'll take your theory with a grain of salt. And don't worry, I don't have any degrees of any kind. Not even a high school diploma <removal of OP's theory advertising link and raiders response by moderator - thanks>
  21. You seem to disagree with the plain idea of what "NOT MADE OF ANYTHING" means.
  22. Perhaps.......its the strange occurrence of this one thing happening again and again.........and that thing is.........tomorrow.
  23. IF there's a God, I'm pretty sure he doesn't give a shit what you think he should be able to be detected by.
  24. Maybe. But I'm good at making speeches. And also. My key strategy. Can I possibly be worse then the person currently in office? Besides. That's not the point. The opposing parties will not be insane enough to try and elect a child the president of the United States. But I've lived to see the day a pig was elected, so I might as well run too. The plan, is to gain support BEFORE the presidential election in 2020, and gain support in congress and the senate in 2018.
  25. No. Could be alien made. Or, as the idea states, what ever it is made this universe. Therefore, it doesn't follow any of the rules it made.
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