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Everything posted by Raider5678

  1. Super natural. As in not natural. Something that's not natural doesn't need to follow any rules.
  2. Hence the term, supernatural.
  3. Attempting to eliminate it. I'm not 35 frankly, and I don't feel like waiting before the whole country is messed up. Plus, if I can implement more money toward science and technology, that could result in huge leaps in technology for humanity. 35 years of heavy advancements could mean a lot. But, I'm 14. So problems arise.
  4. Yes. Hence the "Do not try anything like this" Yeah, no. Don't even bother trying it with this, there are much better, much more stable ways to do this.
  5. But the typical american pays 22.65% in taxes off of their paycheck before they even touch it, so what's the difference? http://www.venturescholar.org/moneymatters/handle_money/know_paycheck/know_paycheck.htm A 20.5% would actually be a tax cut. Pretty much nothing, but still something. Hence budget. I'd like to focus a lot on some of the things you described, while also allotting a larger budget to science and technology research. If you'd like to help me with this process, that'd be great.
  6. What would the tax rate have to be? They did discount state taxes, so I'd assume they meant local taxes. Which meant that left only the federal government would be run off of these taxes.
  7. Simply because of places such as Africa, where access to things like condoms, sex ed, and basic hygiene are much harder to come by.
  8. "$3,700,000,000,000 That's how much money the United States government spent in 2015 to run. The majority came form taxes, but not all of it. Now, we know that it's a pretty popular position to say you're going to lower taxes. But the problem, is that nobody ever lowers taxes. They simply find another way to make you spend your money. This going through back doors and trying to make it seem like you're saving the average american money, is harmful. First of all, it makes taxes so hard that it almost takes a professional to explain how to pay your taxes. Second, it makes it really hard for you to budget your money, because the taxes keep taking away from it at different times. A little here, a little there, and before you know it you've given a good portion of your taxes to the government, but you don't realize just how much. We propose, that we simplify this problem. We can't eliminate taxes, we need the money to run the government. We can't lower them, because it'll simply lead us to find other ways to get money, typically more complicated and expensive measures. The best we can do, is simplify it. Rather then having tons of taxes, we can simply compile it into one large tax for the federal government. State taxes although, would have to be let to the states for now, but we'll make it a priority in the future to simplify state taxes too. 20.5% That's the tax rate we would collect. All at once, from your initial paycheck. Everything else is your's to keep. We got this number by calculating the gross domestic income(GDI) of the United States of America, approximately 18 trillion. This would completely fund the federal government, all at once. Rather then having 10 different taxes all taking a piece of your income. Making it easy to calculate how much you make. Simply multiply your income by 79.5% and you know how much of your money is yours. This means no more social security tax and no more medicare tax. Congratulations. Taxes simplified." Would this tax plan actually work? Obviously it's designed so the average person who reads it will be like "oh yay, simpler taxes!", considering it's meant to gain support for this political party, but it seems straight forward enough. But then, nothings this simple. So where did they go wrong in this thought process? Edit: The one good thing I see is that they aren't promising something that's too good to be true. Just saying they'll make it a little easier.
  9. Democracy is the worst form of government............except for all the others.
  10. Alright. This shouldn't be too hard.(joking, obviously.)
  11. Have you experienced a near death experience? If not, don't say you know which one is worse. They are very traumatic. Weeks of reliving the same bloody nightmare again and again, watching your family die in front of your eyes, and wishing you were dead. What you're describing, seems heavily like situational depression. The first, in no way, would leave emotional trauma on you. You simply got depressed because you lost your motivation and had to find it again. A lot of people do that. The second, you refuse to elaborate on in detail, so I can't tell you nor comment on. So maybe that was emotionally traumatizing.
  12. I beg to differ. Physical events can be very traumatizing. Perhaps depression?
  13. Again, it depends on the event. If you were actually near death, as in bloody and dying, that would leave more lasting impacts on the brain then simply nearly falling off a cliff. As for the first traumatic event, that was not a traumatic event.
  14. Hello guys, How hard would it be to change the law and nullify the current age limit on the President of the United States? If I had the majority support of america, could I force the change?
  15. There was a test that was suppose to take 4 hours. I finished it in 30 minutes, and had to sit there the rest of the time. UGHHHHHHH.

    1. fiveworlds


      Could you not leave? They let us leave when we are done. 4 hours is a bit much for one test to be fair.

    2. Raider5678


      Technically, there were multiple sections and breaks in between the sections. I had to do the sections one at a time, but in total of the four hour period of testing, I only did 30 minutes of actually doing the test.

  16. Depends. What was the traumatic events?
  17. The irony, as a Republican, I can confirm this to be about 65% true, and still side with being a Republican. It's not that we're stupid, it's that we fundamentally disagree on what we want.
  18. V Very interesting. Any practical purpose for this robot?
  19. I think she means, how do you know you're not stuck in this moment forever in a time loop.
  20. F Fine. I give up. Humans are nothing different from any other animal. We aren't smart, we aren't more intelligent, we don't have any extra brain power. We don't change the world around us any more then other animals. We change it just as much. We aren't the only species capable of language, animals can talk to each other just like we can.
  21. Oh come on and get over this nonsense. We've already discussed about sentience, and all this WAY back in the first page. We've specifically been trying to find a definition and a word for what we would describe as a higher intelligence. Stop just finding something to argue with. You cannot, in any way, tell me you think this is affecting your life. Just because you have your amazing vocabulary, is no reason to continuously hinder this discussion by nitpicking insignificant details so everyone gets off track. As this thread has progressed, we got to the point where we were attempting to distinguish animals into different categories based on intelligence. NOT HEARING. NOT SMELL. NOT ANYTHING ELSE. So stop bringing it up! Seriously, this is just annoying now! If you can actually have a conversation, then contribute. Do you have the magical word to describe what we're talking about? If so, by all means fricking tell us. If not, stop getting your panties in a bunch about what words we're using.
  22. It was a statement of fact, and I also pointed out that "The positions would probably be reversed if it wasn't", so this entire point is moot. But yes, I have stopped ;-) Hurts when he walks? I've never heard of that side effect. Also, don't be an asshole and use him as an example. Take him to the doctor.
  23. Okay, because with our brains, which their only purpose isn't to think logically, can think logically. Due to this ability, we have the ability to improve not only our lives, but the lives of our children. Our brain is capable of a lot more then a dogs, including memory, processing, reactions, and the ability to keep us alive. We've developed vaccines, machinery, medicine, and even the ability to fly in space. This separates perpetrates us from dogs. Previously, in this thread, which I'm hoping you read, I specifically pointed out "I'm not claiming humans are some special thing above all animals, I'm claiming our brains are our strongest evolutionary trait." You're attacking a position I separated myself from very early on in this tread, to avoid having to discuss this. But the thread is 4 pages long, and it'd be irrational to hope you read it all. But just so you know, that's not my position. We're animals. But we have something most animals don't, a highly evolved brain. But that doesn't mean animals don't have things we don't, like a highly evolved sense of smell. So stick with the discussion of our brains, rather then saying the discussion of our brains means we think we're superior.
  24. Just because we're not all brilliant, doesn't defeat the fact our brains are capable of more then a dogs is. Try getting a dog to have an intelligent conversation.
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