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Everything posted by Raider5678

  1. Seems like it. But even I think Kin Jung is mad, and his harsh dictatorship over his people is cruel. I wouldn't want them having access to nuclear weapons. Mutually Assured Destruction. MAD. I do not hesitate to think that they would be willing to initiate MAD if they could destroy the United States, and save themselves in some bunker.
  2. Perhaps you watch too much porn. Watching porn decreases your sensitivity to a social sex life, making the videos more appealing then actually developing a relationship with someone, even if it's just a one night stand. My recommendation would be to stop using porn for 3 months, then see if it turns you on again to go back to the strip club. Also, this only applies if this continually happens. If it was a one time thing, most probably your sex drive wasn't at full power, or your hormones were particularly low at the time. This is common, and nothing to worry about. On top of that, I must say I don't recommend going to strip clubs nor watching porn. As you said, your wife may find out. And if you don't have a wife, I'd suggest not doing either of them so maybe you might find someone. Mean while, masturbation without the use of porn is healthier on the mind. And while I don't particularly approve of masturbation either, I can't find significant evidence that it is harmful. So it's probably just a religious point of view. Porn is controlling. Stop doing it now, don't wait. You'll be addicted before you know it, and it's hard to stop. Believe me. But once you do stop, you'll realize how stupid it was to do it.
  3. I take offense to this(Not really), I'm fourteen. This, is seriously messed up. No society would raise up like that. I mean, soon as you set the rule "No sex" that governments out of there. Try containing 150 million testosterone fueled boys. Good luck.
  4. Hello guys. Another weird thread. Recently, I've noticed I have started to have far more ambition then usual. From things like what I want to get in my grades, to going places in relationships, to just about everything. I'm far more ambitious. I literally crave power. It's becoming concerning. Any idea why this is happening? For back notes, I'm slightly above average intelligence, spend a lot of time reading about science and space, and I have minimal social life. Do any of these have to do with it? This has been going on for weeks. It's actually interfering with my ability to concentrate, as one particular idea won't go away. Should I go ahead and try it? Or at least try to satisfy this? Somethings off. I'm not sure what.
  5. Aye, us with high IQ's hate to be wrong. But having illogical arguments are far more rare. I'd imagine if we asked her how the argument went it would be more saying that you just denied everything. As it often is the case. Christians simply deny Atheists arguments, and Atheists simply deny Christian arguments. Now I know, someone is gonna come screaming that Christians are the only ones denying anything, and that all Atheists have perfectly logical and calm arguments. Just wait. Anyways, high IQ amounts to basically shit. In my opinion, you have good deductive reasoning. That's about it.
  6. I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road without being questions about their motives......

    1. NimrodTheGoat


      i dont, let the CIA watch their every move and question their motives for crossing the road

    2. Raider5678


      Notes: Goatboy is discriminatory towards chickens.

  7. I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road with about being quested about their motives.....

    1. StringJunky


      That's very profound and photosynthesis

  8. OH MY GOD! I'M NOT ALONE! Evidence?
  9. Try getting people to stop eating meat.
  10. My advice, get off face book so much. There's a limit, and when you hit it, you know you're on face book a lot.
  11. https://medicalxpress.com/news/2017-03-scientists-unveil-giant-anti-aging.html I agree. Eventually, you'd be such a frickin mess, with so many scars and missing limbs and health problems it wouldn't be worth it.
  12. It will get you more comfortable with visualizing things. Obviously simply one game won't help much, but a series of games that help you visualize things in many different ways, will help you to visualize things mentally much better over time. Chess for example. I did a study and found that students who played chess in the top 30 rankings in the local area around me(actually, just my school. Sorry.) and I found every single one of them was doing at a 93% or betting inside of Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and Pre-Algebra. My hypthesis(unproven, again, sorry) is that being able to visualize several moves ahead in chess helps you to be able to visualize several moves ahead inside of algebra. For me, I play chess and I noticed an increase in how well I did when I started playing heavily. Basically, Algebra seems to be breaking down equations into a process. Chess helps you to visualize those processes, and allows you to sometimes see the answer before actually writing it out, as long as there is no complicated math involved. For example, (4x + 2) (4x +2). To solve that, no complicated math is needed. And in my head, each step briefly plays before changing to the next step, eventually becoming the final answer. And I've found I can usually rely on the final answer. It becomes 16x^2 + 16x + 4. Now maybe I'm just seeing random patterns here, but I think some games do help.
  13. They're working on a pill that will be capable of having the cells repair themselves. They've done it with mice, and have made old mice equally as capable as the young mice. Human trials have already started.
  14. Perhaps, if you took your anti depressants as prescribed, it would work better? Rather then just taking them when you want a quick fix? If I were say a gazelle, and there was this lion about to kill me, I'd be pretty pissed off if he was doing it to show off to his buddies rather then actually having to kill me to survive.
  15. For your last two questions, I actually have an answer. Thanks to science forums(Thanks guys. I think.) When an object approaches the speed of light, time starts to move slower.(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_dilation#Relative_velocity_time_dilation) It's more complicated then that to explain why time moves slower, but that's basically it. Now it's important to note that time isn't speeding up for the outside world. It's simply moving slower for the object moving at that high of a speed. This is involved in the theory of relativity, which makes for a good read if you have a few days to really study it. Now pertaining to your last question. First, nothing can move faster then light because lights already the fasting thing out there. You can't make anything faster, so there's nothing that could be used to push you faster then light. But that's an edgy answer. A better answer would be that since speed is distance/time, it's referring to how much time passes for you. Not the area around you. This is because while moving that fast would make it seem like time around you went faster, it didn't. Your time went slower. So you actually traveled slower compared to if there was no time dilation. Basically, by the time you reach the speed of light, time will move so slowly for you that you won't be traveling at the speed of light.
  16. I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn't roll like that. So I stole one and asked for forgiveness.

    1. jimmydasaint


      That brought a smile to my face. Nice one!

    2. Raider5678


      Smiles for the win.

  17. All of them. Because they contradict modern psychology is so many ways.
  18. Tell a man the universe has 300 billion stars, and he'll believe you. Tell him the bench has wet paint, and he has to touch it.

    1. StringJunky
    2. Function


      I think it is in our explorative nature to strive for debate when testing the theorem is within reach and capabilities.

    3. Strange


      Depends on the person. For some, if you tell them the universe has 300 billion stars, then they will want to count them.

  19. Can you give me a link to that thread? I'd like to read it.
  20. Exactly. Velocity boy, it isn't always the persons fault that he gets it. Diet and exercise can't cure every case.
  21. My dad weighs 130 pounds, skinny to the bone, eats salads, and still had type two diabetes. He never was fat, he's always worked in hard labor, and he eats very little. Explanation?
  22. LMGTFY https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1865592/ Yes. Not gonna even try to explain that. There's your article, you can read up about the differences.
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