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Everything posted by Raider5678

  1. Ummm...... no.
  2. I think the general idea, is that the child can't give consent.
  3. I've experienced child abuse. I think there's a difference to circumcision and child abuse. At one point, the majority of boys were circumcised. I don't think that every single one of them had horrible emotional trauma. I doubt it affected them. It's like bumping your head. Sure, it hurts. Its painful. But do you really think that it's going to traumatize you?(granted you don't hit it that hard.) Also. How many of you men, would have volunteered at lets say the age of 10, to have your dick put to the knife. Regardless of medical benefits. Any volunteers? Someone?
  4. Honestly, talk with your fiance. I highly doubt your son will ever really care other then the 24 hours after the circumcision. If your fiance wishes it, I would do it. I doubt it will affect either of you much at all. The risk of a UTI is 20x as high if he isn't circumcised, but the risk of a UTI is so minimal anyways that shouldn't be a concern. Unless it happens. Then your son is gonna hate you for all it's worth(Really. Really. Really, agonizing and excruciating pain, that makes it brutal to do even the simplest thing while it's infected. Least for me.) Other then that, condoms are more effective and basic hygiene can probably help. In the event your son doesn't personally take care of it though, there may be problems.(Again. Unlikely.) This is a decision between you and your wife. If she doesn't want it done, then don't. If she does, I don't see any reason why you shouldn't. There's always risk and benefit. There's the risk something might happen if you get it done, and there's risk something might happen if you don't. Her in-laws should have no say in this. Now, if it's a female, don't even think about it. Stupid, dumb, cruel, and a human right's violation. As well as illegal. Don't do it, it's bad. Very bad. It's barbaric. Now most religions denounce it, but in the event that they're from some weird cult, then don't listen.
  5. Science isn't generally a money making buisness. Unless you come up with some kinda new thing that revolutionizes the world, or have something that millions of people will actively voice their support for you, then you won't make money. Edison. Invented electricity. Revolutionized the world. Elon Musk. Has something millions of people are interested in. Millions of people actively support him. I'm almost sure, that if space X were lacking all funding and were going to shut down the space program, they would get a lot of donations. Hell, even I'd give money. But then, maybe I'm crazy.
  6. Elon Musk plans to have a system that can send thousands into space every few years. That will greatly increase the amount of people that can go to space. BUT. It will still be far more expensive then most people can afford. And while some people will get to go because of their jobs(i.e. Doctors, engineers, pilots), thousands is still a tiny percentage of billions. Truthfully I don't think most people will ever go to space. Even in the far future. I think most people will stay on what ever planet they're born on, with maybe 1-2% ever venturing into space for one reason or another.
  7. Why is it that some people are always like "I wish i lived in the 1800s, where it was so much simpler." So stupid.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. zapatos


      Why is it that some people think the way things are now is always better than things were in the past?

    3. Raider5678


      Well for one, I like space. So if I liked in the past I wouldn't get to watch us progress. Medicine was also awful back then, and the population remained low because so many people died from disease and infections.

    4. quickquestion


      I don't hate you, Raider5678, but you aren't the majority of modern people to which I referred of. I also hate ancients as well like the Catholics of olde who I hate too. Basically, I hate human society in general.

      And being able to talk online is not the norm for me, on facebook most people refuse to respond to my messages. However, on internet forums, due to a sense of anonymity, people are more open and civilized.

  8. Raider5678


    LEEEEGGGGGOOOOOOSSSSSSSSSS! Nerds toy. So yes, one of my favorites.
  9. Wait. Would a computer program that predicts the numbers make it illegal?
  10. I know him fairly well, but I trust him that he didn't lie. Yes, it was because of the lottery. That's what he said. Imatfaal, is there any laws concerning the lottery/gambling? Like casinos can throw you out for counting cards. Is there something like a lottery version of that?
  11. They confiscated his computer, which scared both of us. You said he couldn't get in trouble, so we figured he'd get his computer back. Then they arrested him, took him to a court house, and found him guilty of theft by deception and some other law that I can't find. He got 6 months jail(well, juvenile detention), and Somebody help me find this law. Something to do with the lottery and it sounds like it's named after somebody. We did the same thing. We both did the probability work together, and both bet the same numbers. I'm assuming you think he hacked it, and he didn't.
  12. The other guy got 6 months in jail for theft by deception and some other law that I can't find. I'm so screwed.
  13. Huh. So no pattern?
  14. Internet random numbers aren't very random.
  15. What would be the best test?
  16. And this means?
  17. When a kid attacks you, and you break his nose, you get suspended. What the hell is wrong with school policy here?

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Raider5678


      Or to quote my ex: "I maintain the position he kicked himself in the balls.

    3. zapatos


      I'm generally not opposed to your actions. Well, maybe 10-20 extra punches was excessive, but if someone opens that door, they get what they get.

      I'm just commenting in the post-fight, reflective stage, and trying to keep it honest.

    4. Raider5678


      10-20 punches was excessive. I didn't count, and it probably wasn't that many, but it was definitely 2-3 strong punches more then was required. He was already on the ground and I was on top.

  18. They're sending in a destroyer now.
  19. As it seems, Russia is pissed off now. And is now actively calling it an illegal act of aggression. This means?
  20. Geeze. Why don't you calculate this lottery and win a few grand? Seems like you'd be able to do it a lot more efficient then we did.
  21. Oh god. We didn't find out about the missiles being launched until a few hours after it happened. Government conspiracy of keeping Americans in the dark! Or maybe, avoiding killing Russians so we don't go to war with them. Wonder which one it is.
  22. Considering we bombed a Russian Ally, doesn't that mean it's war that has been declared? Honestly, I probably have very little idea what I'm talking about so I'm mostly just gonna sit back and ask questions for you guys.
  23. Um, non genius here. What does that mean exactly?
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