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Everything posted by Raider5678

  1. I'm not perfect. If I was, it would feel lousy as I would be despised.
  2. With this statement, I am confused. Please explain.
  3. No.
  4. No, but everyone around me does.
  5. Should we not rewrite them as: 1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. 2. A robot may not hurt another robot unless it conflicts with the first law. 3. A robot must obey orders given by humans unless it conflicts with the first or second laws. 4. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Third law.
  6. Yes. That counts. Now if someone had used religion to save your friend, would you decide he shouldn't have been saved?
  7. I'm not saying anything solid, but perhaps there might be a case where animals started distrusting another group of animals for one reason or another. Like lets say maybe flying squirrels and red squirrels were living in close proximity to each other in a forest, and then for one reason or another a lot of the red squirrels got rabies, but very few of the flying squirrels did. If this happened often enough, and the red squirrels didn't die out, do you think perhaps the flying squirrels would eventually simply start avoiding red squirrels whether they had rabies or not, or even if the flying squirrel had never met a red squirrel? Would that scenario possibly happen? Because if it did, that would be strong evidence correct? The flying squirrels would be being racist(in a defensive manner at least) against all red squirrels, and would teach their kids the same.
  8. I can understand why it won't work, but I can't describe it. Imagine it like this. In order for this you need to produce enough force from the spinning thing to move the whole "engine" up 9.8 Meters per second per second. And that's just to get it to hover. Where would this force come from? It's like trying to pick your self up by the back of your pants.
  9. Treason! This is an outrage! We should exterminate these menacing religious people to stop them from helping people! That man should be put to death!
  10. I was responding to the statement that NOTHING good could come out of religion. Saving someone with religion is something good, in my opinion. And while you may try and save a suicidal person by threatening to kill their family, I'm afraid to say I don't believe you have ever actually had to save anyone from suicide. Because I don't think that would work.
  11. 1) If I see someone about to jump off a bridge, I'm not going to ask about their medical conditions. 2) Not necessary for condition one, but it helps depending on the situation. I fail to see what I'm mixing up anyways.
  12. Except, just because some bushmen don't sit down much doesn't mean all of evolution in that area is a sham and actually came from something else.
  13. Saving a suicidal person with religion =/= good thing. Got it.
  14. The sad problem that plagues all great men. Uncomfortable and disgusting urination. Perhaps try it when.....eh......it doesn't look like the elephant is trumpeting.
  15. Yes. I am incredibly less skilled then you. I was reading an article on AI. Sorry.
  16. I'll be here until 9 P.M. Eastern tonight, and from 6 A.M. Eastern to 9 A.M. Eastern tomorrow. After that from 10 A.M. - 3 P.M. Eastern.
  17. Any more chess games?
  18. The ability of AI to suddenly take over and start making terrible decisions is unlikely. Simply having the ability to cut the power to the main processor would be sufficient means to turn it off. And no rational human would give the decision to say, launch nukes, to an AI anyways. I think AI's will have a limit to truly being AI's. Maybe the will be able to learn, analyze things, make decisions, but they would still make mistakes, just like humans. And if you teach them to have emotion, then you better give them full rights under the law too if they can actually experience emotion. Because that would be going into seriously dangerous territory. An emotional AI would be much deadlier then a non emotional AI.
  19. You know you're arrogant when your parents cheer when you lose a chess tournament.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. jimmydasaint


      Well done! Nothing to worry about then!

    3. StringJunky


      When people laugh when you lose you know you're good.

    4. Raider5678


      I'm leaning toward StringJunky.

  20. How many depressed people do you know? I know it seems off topic, but give me a chance.
  21. I am blind on account of a swollen lymph node. Well, that's an exaggeration. I have a bump behind my ear and it hurts like hell, so I can't wear my glasses. The bump, is a result of a swollen lymph node according to the internet.

    1. Unity+


      Probably should actually go to the doctor and get it checked out lol

    2. Function


      Yeah. Even if it's something stupid, or if you think it's something stupid, it clearly bothers you. So. Take a trip to the MD

    3. Raider5678


      I'm still surviving and it's went away. So I think I'm good.

  22. F = Magnitude of the force of gravity R = Distance between the two objects. m1 = Object ones mass m2 = Object twos mass G = Gravitation Constant. I'm not sure how high F has to be for spagettification to occur, but there's the formula.
  23. Great to know there's at least one other person my age. Either way, I'm going to have to tell you to explain this better. At least explain what the experiment is. Then we can discuss it in more detail of what you actually want to talk about. Also, welcome to the best science forum out there. I would recommend reading the forum rules. Good luck! Edit: I would also recommend hitting the "follow" button at the top of the topic so you get notifications when someone reply's to you.
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