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Everything posted by Raider5678

  1. I'm sorry to tell you, but that's not science. If things can be altered from other realities into our own, things would commonly and explosively change. Every possibility would have its own road, every. single. one. In this matter there would never be any cross over at all. A better way to look at time(IMO) is as a present rate. The universal time would be say 1 second every second. But for your own accord you could slow down time by moving extremely fast using the Lorentz factor. The Lorentz factor changes dramatically because its exponential, but that's besides the point. In doing so, time goes slower for you then everyone else, hence "time travel" into the future. Although it would be a one way trip, its still exciting to think about if you like that type of thing.
  2. Ok, I would put in the answer but I don't know how to use spoilers. But I'll give my method. The difference between 2 squares is always a+b. A being the previous perfect squares square root, the second being the new perfects square square root. Its hard to explain either way, on the fifth one he's taken out a total of 15. The 6th and 7th would 28. So the square with 13 between it and the next one can be found. Which leads to the answer. Using algebra, not simply taking guesses. I think.
  3. But no matter where the thought turns it would create an entirely new existence, so its more like a paver pulling off the road.
  4. There's nothing in here on how to travel through time. And why or how would information from our minds travel between realities but not physical things like radio waves??
  5. Your question is a little confusing, But I believe your asking what language should you learn next. I would highly suggest mandarin Chinese because at our current rate it may become the global language. If this is true then you would be contributing to that day.
  6. Yeah, probably.
  7. I did, but I don't get what your getting at.
  8. Raider. Enough said.
  9. Self pity leads to a rapid regression in social life and meaning, as well as a even faster immersion into depression. A response to "I'm fat and ugly" would have to be the right portions of Harshness and understanding. "Your just being a cry baby" Is too harsh. "No you aren't, your beautiful" Too soft. While this might be true in some cases, it often leads to said depressed person saying things like that more often because he/she expects a compliment, or an uplifting statement. "No you aren't, and you know that." Is a much better suited response to something like that. It's trying to build self confidence rather then tearing them down, or building them up. Think of it like, give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach a man to fish and he eats for the 6/12 months the lake isn't frozen.
  10. Not always.. I've known a friend who's parents response to a deep state of their child's depression was rash and extreme. Grow up and stop being a baby, is not a proper response, let alone threatening them if they tell anyone else. At least he had the sense to try and ask someone else for help, or I'm sure she would be dead at this point. Either way, fear of social impacts can also deter someone from trying to get help. If someone is known to consider suicide, there's often a rash difference in how their treated. And then there's those who threaten suicide as a means of getting what they want It's alot more complicated then "They are offered help" although that would be the ideal circumstance. I used different pronouns, I know. It's on purpose.
  11. Why not?
  12. Yes, yes he does. You should tell the other 15 boys who've gotten hooked up.
  13. This man has successfully predicted every president since 1984.... When he first started.... He uses a system of 13 true or false statements to predict the presidential winner, and it hasn't been wrong yet. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/10/28/professor-whos-predicted-30-years-of-presidential-elections-correctly-is-doubling-down-on-a-trump-win/ Good God I hope he's wrong.
  14. Absolutes lead to misunderstanding misunderstanding leads to frustration Frustration leads to anger. Anger leads to the dark-side.
  15. Obviously.
  16. Except if we win then you simply turn trump to Hillary, and republicans to democrats. And vice versa. Incubators for the state? Wtf..... Sorry for the language but where the hell do you live????
  17. *yawn*
  18. Yes. Just to rub it in Trumps nose that she doesn't believe Isis is mean, but that they just want jobs in an equal market, like America.
  19. And what would happen if everyone in the world was stupid smart, strong, and powerful. Can you find a way to fix morals? Poor will be poor, and rich will be rich, yet we would all be the same. Think the poor, just as smart and powerful as the rich, will decide: hey. Now that every one is a genius, me and my family will be poor forever while those rich snobs will be rich forever. Or better yet, the rich make them selves more powerful as to simply control the poor. Massive divides will arive, they won't shrink.
  20. God save us all.And if Hillary wins. Well, I'll say hi to the UK and just step back when the war starts.
  21. Or did it Sincerely, The only local theist
  22. Not to mention on 35% tax rate on any trade left.
  23. Mm. Don't worry, this election will only effect you live in the USA, Canada, MEXICO, China, Japan, UK, Russia, rest of the first world countries, etc. You know. Nothing big.
  24. World peace would be a goal, probably not going to happen if either one of the canadiates gets elected. All I know is that it ain't gonna be a pretty 4 years. There.
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