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  1. i have had a similar idea. hard to wrap head around, imagine the whole universe was 'falling' and spinning. lots of 'points in space and time' appear which is just space plugged up with matter. (apparently light particles that cooling down) if they didnt cool down they would just keep 'swimming around ' from every conceivable direction in the darkness of space. some particles go through matter with no slowing down of course, but essentially all light goes through the same points and eventually they will cool and 'hit' larger bodies as there has to be a start point and end point for all. It would also explain that it is possible to travel large expanses of universe if you get the right 'track' (wyrmhole). rather than gravity being just large objects attracting smaller objects, the 'course taken' by all energy leads to matter appearing in the same places and is inevitable to gaining mass. and larger objects appear to attract matter, because quite simply they have followed the same route and eventually cool down. gravitational waves being just vibrations of large amounts of energy being converted to matter
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