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About blue89

  • Birthday 06/13/1989

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  1. Currently, I am sure at two details 1) you cannot turn the time back. 2) that is better to earn hearts rather than earning money!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. blue89


      Unfortunately I do not expect to pass someones' prejudice.This is our result of current observation.

    3. blue89


      We do not enjoy seeing the same,impolite, repeated actions!!!

      Whereas,we remember that we had warned very politely. also,they had missed that we complimented them. but they insulted!..(arrogant(!)) unacceptable. egoistical is either.

    4. Raider5678


      You talking about yourself as though there are multiple people in your body. Like Gollum in lord of the rings. We don't like people like that. It makes us mad. "Whos us" Me, myself, and I.

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