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Everything posted by blue89

  1. inmtimately I feel me very very happy when/if I help someone
  2. :-) :-) I have almost lost my ways among his posts :-) :-) NOTE : The term given in bold is a bit far from your question. and may make you confused I do not recommend that you use that on the net. avoid this.
  3. I am MSc student at mathematics. really I think the riemann form is very important. and your this comment is the best of your expressions!.. sure!..
  4. do not please write anything until my expressions be ended and renew your page time to time how possible is. yes furthermore I realised that your question (probnlem was more relevant the first one. tecnhical errors .. I cannot edit the first comment!... being continued there... the first picture already was showing that in differenatial equations we are not trying to find unique solution. (if there was no information like this you given y(0)= 5 ,y(1)= 12 ... (at else statements the value of K mean there are not the unique solution for our equation(s). but already this is not relevant your answer that might solve your question or make your thoughst clarify.... wait please.. your exact problem is not about the values of function (this does not express properly and particularly)...the exact problem is more relevant with the content of interpolation & trapez technique and these techniques have been improved / creted from the riemann calculating the intregral forms at real .. remember please what were we doing or how were we constructing the rieamann integral (wait please ,I will use your own grapphic) look carefully please to this grapphic ... let use these data's to understand well how we were constructing the rieman integrall ... look the iteration for instance x values 0.4-0.6 ... the riemann integral form was saying to us that we were calculating/constructing the formula via using this ; (once we were dividind the field to small parts as possible as is but how were we constructing the riemann formula ? follow please!..) RIEMANN THEORIES IS HIGHLY IMPORTANT YOU WILL UNDERSTAND THIS , and follow ; wait please.. all these means actually the iterations are very important...(the same meaning is , how you make smaller your interval , how you will find the best results!...but again this will not change that it was the APPROXIMaTION . and Just this means that you will never be able to find the actual result!.. wait please.. RESULT 1: you will be able to find the better result if you make your interval smaller/tighter. (THİS MEANS ,IF YOU RISE YOUR İTERATION'S NUMBER ,THEN YOU WILL FIND BETTER RESULTS (MORE APPROXIMATIVE TO THE BEST.) you can find some other forms and something are different in comparison each forms but all results will/should support each them like this ; look this picture and REMEMBER ; what it was defining at value of x=x0 (this was a special point)? ........... at x=x0 value if we write f'(x) = h(x) h(x0) were being our tangent function of f(x) then we were able to write any equation in cartesian form (analytic geometry) y-y0= h(x0) (x-x0) (but t(x0,y0) were given) thats why ,h(x) were any function's tangent function at its derivation at any given point like t) this is probably is related with your this picture if you look more carefully https://s32.postimg.org/x0hl5isj9/ccc_numerical_methods_png_2.png RESULT 2: you need the various shape of riemann integral forms of theorie (to understand well ) riemann interall form of theorie is one of the most important theories (espeacilly at all subjects related integration) this means it may provide you ..some better knowledge. and the iteration will provide you more sensitive results. lets check the grapphic again. if we do not use the smallest intervals ,then already we will find the results like marked errorr one above. if we do not use the suiatble iterations the we will find the results above marked as numerical approach the best result (exact soltion (shown above with red line) is the under convenient limit form of rimemann integral now this is the end of my comment.
  5. ok , I am reporting some details and some related things that I think might eradicate the problem you think... but unfortunately because of I do not know using LaTeX ,I will write the equations in normal form. howevever i have photo machine but I do not know how to upload there. (I would write by my own pen ) it might be abit long and so , please wait until you see this notation at the end of comment. "this is the end of reply" to begin with , I recommend that you look for some materials whiches are related numerical analysis (directly) instead differential equations. then ... As you see this related with integrate's main properties , it would be very good to remember/remind some properties about Riemann Rntegral and the different forms of the theiries relevant this. (especially fundamental theorie and some other basic theories but under convenience of surveys at numerical analysis (not general analysis / calculus ,of course these may mek you better undertand ,but at first look the numerical analysis I mean.) wait please..
  6. YES SURE!.. thats right , but ...here is a problem or confusion among thoughts. I will send the record ,but the record will contain only my NATUREL voice. really ,I believe altthough it will not contain any instrumental voice,it would be good. I think I have very special voice ok. I may send one of them to tune core.
  7. ok. ,this is the end of writing at this thread /for me) ,I will definitely not write anything there. you can ( also ) lock this topic. blue
  8. hımmm this one is also one of the best to define my music style
  9. welcome strange :-) really I erased that comment. but if you open your private message I can send you in private. yes this comment was both entertaining and highly logical in my mind. (not taking patent ,the comment's own was logical, it would be suitable to write article.)
  10. ok. ajb .. do you think that it would be possible for me to take patent ,if I show some good explanations/evidences (e.g.scientific formulas / theories) in use according to your question (in private) at the background? or in assumption of existence this information. what would be the best to do? I request you not to forget that it would be almost impossible speaking about the results before observations/experiments.
  11. could you determine that which expression is the best suitable for your question below.. 1-->> "I wonder whether iteration's properties affects the results" or ""...how affect the results." 2-->> "I would learn why we use differential notations or approxiamtions & equations "
  12. please do not write any answer before redaing that message!.. (after you read ,I would ask you this "did you see the hypothesis in it, and what is your opinion. (do not explain wholly if you wanti, say "yes thats right ",or "yes it is logical "or " no it seems illogical" I already know the message above or any intelligent person will already have that simple information above... my Goal is not earning so much money at reality... I am using mother teresa's sentences at this subject.
  13. yes,sure!.. ajb..I am sending you some context that I believe would be useful for all matehamaticians. if you agree that it was logical , ok ,I will be thankfull for your gladness.I saw you have tried many times to respond my questions.note please : I believe that most of pure mathematicians are dedicated studying at science ,but as I said before times repeat and repeatedly , surely I think that there exist some interesting unclarified details and cause such strange results. I will write this as a second time again although I know that interpretation of owner @Strange nickname was not false the more you work ,the more (you should) gain money. Let think something about my message that I will have sent it in 10 minutes. am I right ,or not(???)
  14. ok. thanks ... yes you are right. this is general route.I hope that anyone who thinks that he had studied effectively at pure mathematics (even if it was informal) will show evidences easily.
  15. I would start to answer with the second one. 2) I think we cannot say this (we cannot be sure that if someone has had PhD degree (or even if it is higher!..) it would provide us the evidence of quality everytime. because I see people are generally missing shortly these details ; -->> the quality of education is not as same as at everywhere. -->> the quality of personal characters is also not as same as among everyone. -->> some people may learn something without taking courses (but this is eligible generally after BSC level or after high school) here is what can show the quality (in my mind) -->> your recorded researces (certified) and how much they were usful &/ efficacious 1) I do not believe that someones believe are the best ,everytime the better one will be available and be sure that there exist too many bright things waiting us to be explored. but of course I respect your studies at pure mathematics. yes ,we may accept them as an example show your knowledge or quality about your researches ,but these are at pure mathematics and unfortunately ; I do not believe that pure mathematicians are doing so great accomplishments. (this does not mean they are not studying hard , of course they study hard!..these two expression are different. look what was great things ; -->> exploring the whole treatment of cancer ,smallpox, AIDS -->> interefering t-time parameter -->> to explore lightening technology or ..etc. note : dear ajb ; I have not checked all of your papers , I only looked a few.I respect and apologise if there exist any contrast to the content of interpretation.
  16. thanks for this post ; may I ask that whether you have any information or what is your own idea. " I am generally able or willing to create scientific projects that are most likely containing interferences to other disciplines (using some new criteria,but this means -->> observations&experiments will be required or with extreme probability will be compulsory to see the results, do you think that they migh provide me any good option "
  17. estimable ajb; thanks for your comment!.. okay I have not already alleged this (underlined word ) :-) but I am looking for / searching probabilities/options. my e-mail also was in a standard shape. I request scientists to share their experiences especially who have searched and know something about NASA.
  18. !!: NOTE: this text might be reformed in 24 hours repeatedly. Dear Scientists; I had sent a letter to NASA far before. and I remember it had been responded very quickly in comparison other associations.(they responded in 20 hours.) I will share their reply as same as reached. (only one difference : my name will be changed with my nickname.) and I see it contains a probability of getting a job there (but of course there will be responsibilty to search, it is clear to understand.) I have not responded this letter yet. but I do not know the real probabilities and when I looked to the links given in their e-mail ,unfortunately it was too wide. I am too busy with academic studies (and I already still continue contacting with harvard). and stressed & depressed I will be highly demanding to leave from turkey if I have any option to study and NASA. if you think that you have information about this association and if you are willing to help me ; I request you to read this letter (taken from NASA) below and check my profile and express your opinion what options I might have. I would clarify a detail in addition that might be useful : I think I have highly creative personality ,I will be able to create good & interesting scientific projects (the goals are also interesting at reality).but the main thing that I I need now is economic option and safety .and of course I think this would be possible via getting job at NASA at the same time to continue researches.if someone would like to critique something belonging me ,of course I will be thankfull ,but they should make me understand that their critique was logical/reasonable with enough clearance , in other cases avoid to do this please. I would remind you that blue does not share his all experiences and studies at unofficial websites!.) the letter that had been taken from NASA (far before : over 4 months before) blue
  19. hi , okay thanks again. I had downloaded over 10 articles from this journal's archive. but I see this journal is also not unique journal for a specific part of science areas. (this journal is also working as a group of journal) and mines was different. so I am grateful for sharing this information.
  20. this is really one of the best according to my pleasure style..
  21. this thread's questions has been ended & responded thanks very much to all of interested scientists .. and thanks for you intimate. regards. blue.
  22. 1) why? 2) which descrition is the most suitable description for my behaviour ? (it has been asked for all ones who say they follow my posts ,of course thanks to them for their care) and could you express your opinions whether I am right. (really the last sentence of strange shows something like that it should not be normal (implied I am exaggrating ) ** supersitious ** having lack of technical information ** being stressed (because in case I would implement effective academic studies,but I have not any example of them) ** right!.. ** does not want to epress any idea. I am going to library at istanbul university now. it means it will take my times a bit long.
  23. hey dear binbo36 ; why you are feeling so exciting :) (this is my prediction does not show the truth). ok. now I am unable to evaluate all sharing ..(it is not difficult to read so long post ( this is not the exact matter ,now I have no enough time but of course it would be better you to write part to part sameller). now ,I may say theese; really I have been wondering that question why we were using differential quantities,espeacially when I was at my first class at BSc level. I learnt and added my own idea that simply it provides us easier conditions to work with computations & formulizations ,or to better understand them.(more clearly) however there are assumption some approxiamtions in our calculations. there exist something similar things at another usages (not only at your question above.) look like this ; does this help?
  24. okay. thanks I only tried to show my feeling that I am being a bit slowly to order processes becauese of some negative ideas . hımm , to klaynos ; I think we have good friendship with ajb. but of course he has many more experience about pure mathematics than me. I think almost all of mathematicians (especially who are studying at pure mathematics ) will be thankfull and curious if I succedd the publication. yes they are interesting and I think we are using mathematical theories more directly . but as I said ,I need to publish before. thanks very much repeatedly to ajb. (I do not miss strange's good experiences that he implied. and thanks to him for sharing his ideas and also other friends/scientists) I surely give great value to science.
  25. I definitely and surely do not believe that giving negative advices to someone would be good ,especially if you have not enough information about them. this means general/public ,because we already have no enough information about every people (general). however ,I believe it would be better (would affect positive) to give positive advices at almost all kinds of events.

    1. Raider5678


      I disagree.

      Constructive criticism is helpful usually.

    2. blue89


      I don't mean this one Raider. of course criticism is very good to make someone/something more qualified. this is not discussion. I have experienced in real life many more times there exist some people's characters are very negative. they are regularly responding almost all of your questions how its results will make you go the negative results or make you unhappy at the end.the rough ratio is quite clear to make this prediction according to their general sights of words.

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