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Everything posted by blue89

  1. REPORT Dear... I think my English is good. The turkish one is already upper advanced and highly professional.I believe I will be able to present to you >80 ets TOEFL point & one paper in this year (Note: currently I am willing to study with only springer-Nature ). Unfortunately someones could not see one detail , indeed my life conditions are dreadfully difficult.(but I am studying hard ,though) About Language: there already exists an explanation : ets TOEFL says : "a very good understanding "grammatical structure" (score was 51 (july 21)) ,ets commonly notified vocab faults. but you are free whether you believe or not. Furthermore,I am quite honest and series. I have highly social :& lovely personality So already communication is very easy in real/daily life. if you do not accept these evidents then you are free of course. but I request everyone not to remind me that event.(I am feeling me boring) in such cases ,sometimes someones are being so cute that I am unable to compliment her/him,but in contrary some members (like Strange) are being so cute that I am automatically smiling to that friendly and flexible one. .. :-) :-) (Note: NPG's articles are very very easy to understand now. (quite easy)) They already do not use so much narration. intimately I have never used google translate to comunicate with you and surely do not need ,too. haha this is comic . but String was saying friendly. if someones accept that as evident , I will try to present you >80 ets-TOEFL result (and might be one paper in this year (I can't promise for paper but I mean I will try)). and as it expressed I am speaking highly quickly. Charon And Arete seem mellow or have good manner. your comments are different but really I don't mind anyone's ideas. I always use my own techniques and ideas/principles.I do not need somewhere like harvard to achieve something great and I am sure they know this. I LOVE PEOPLE ESPECIALLY SOMETIMES "ONLY ONE HEART" IS SO VALUABLE THAT YOU CANNOT MEASURE IT WITH ANY AMOUNT OF "MONEY". ANOTHER DETAIL ı BELIEVE ,ANYONE CANNOT DESERVE TO SOOMEONE (HUMANISM ,I MAY SHOW MANY MANY REFERENCES) . so,I believe I am using this belief very seriesly ,thus everyone "loves" me in my real life generally everyone believes me that I was "honest"
  2. I have been abit confused. could you provide more detail please,whgat did you exactly imply? (which of them below or else you implied) 1) Chief Editor was there during two hours read only abstract. (abstract was around 160 word only) 2) Chief Editor was apperaing there,but was not at real. A notation Dear CharonY I submitted one whole manuscript and two abstract presubmission,means as total 3 submission. but I am almost sure at a point: "they sometimes give very very natural comments. or in other words ,I think they do not give generic replies at all. (I experienced it at a time) The more clearly,I believe they read. my manuscript was too long. but I did not want to provide so wide reference. (onbly 14-15 existed) (this was project)
  3. there ,I see something like equivalency between two part of analysis. if all sequences have convergent subsequences at any (X) set X is said to be compact. (f.analysis) The descriptions in real analysis seem like another descriptions. basic and or functional analysis. of course topology might contain more different ones.
  4. if you are asking a question about how to calculate a type of "probability",then you have to provide us more information and choose suitable distribution. probably poisson distribution or one type of "continuoum distribution" (like: beta-gamma- cauchy,normal ,std.normal ...etc.) be suitable. but I would inform that the analysis is quite different part of math. a notation: these are commonly used at "statistical" analysis 1) Variance E[x] -E[x^2] ,2)covariance. 3)correlation=k (-1 <k <1 and k might be equal to -+1) ,5)deviation. 6)standart deviation. 7) trends ..etc.
  5. thats right for a reason. Nature comonly warns all authors on an issue "spelling faults" they say that this was "unacceptable". but when I asked this to editorial office. it said that it was not important for initial submission the brief manuscript was 3000 words as it expressed. I see that editor made consideration more than two hours,but hypervalient iodine says that that was only if only "generic" assessment. CharonY what about your idea? heyy,did you read nature's articles? I could not see so diffşcult or so advanced usage of english at all. already nature warns that we should avoid to use complex sentences. and existing ones are too easy to understand. intimately I am not lying.
  6. yes. 1)Never!!! (I do not think anyone who gives such strong emphasise to the honesty demands this.) 2) really I do not know the actual procedures,but if we think the logic aspect,why not? think/asssume this detail,there exists one engineer says that he invented a method or methods for a device or machine ,then will you say the same thing??
  7. the question that you asked above made me feel like "I am wanting or looking for someones to help me via taking them an amount of "money" this question was the worst I have ever seen. I never wanted someones money. but I thought this possibility if I sign an aggrement with some corporations ,then they might pay me amount of money and application fee. probably Strange knows this detail. but be sure I never want/request someones "money". that also does not seem like a thing which would be done by someones who are saying that they were quite strong and honest.. application fee: for patent
  8. 1) because most of my works require new device or cure or any type of "novel" method or product. 2)no,surely not. NPG,we have made many many communications. if you have option ,I may give you my telephone number,call me and see that I am speaking well. nature only implied that my that manuscript was insufficient. also,the editorial assisstant said to me that it would be good to revise it. I already submitted only one whole manuscript. 3)yes I just tried to say that one. 4) thanks,check please the second explanation. The second manuscript is standard article and is to provide evidents and proofs that nationalism was unusefull. I don't mind nationalism nor native. of course they are probably such ones like you described. but I am sure that someones exaggrate .. but thanks.. like this one: http://www.digitaltrends.com/cool-tech/best-crowdfunding-sites/ but ... this was the worst question I have ever seen. not at real money nor support. remember this one I am young and hardworking at real (I am sure!) but..patent institıtes are saying applications are very costly. so ,we normally cannot take the actual worths. do you know this query "companies?" what they do? and how?
  9. no ,not really useful. or this was not the implied thing. patent is quite different event. nature is already willing to take my papers. because we have had numerous mailings. I strongly would emphasise e detail ,I have no suitable computer so spelling faults are commonly happening. again apologies. I have no well temperatured accomodation. so I am unable to make my bests. if you are insisting that I am not sufficient studying hard,then I am trying to make it well. furthermore,I also have no option how to apply patent institutes because at first I could not clarify a detail : turkish patent institute says that I was able to apply with no fee. but someones said me that they would require me to pay at last. And I cannot differentiate. but I am sure that some of my studies are patentable. I only feel me negative for the reson why I cannot start ... this is not good , very bad thing ,is there anyone who may understand my feelings? :( strange ,to be objective ,I think you have to accept it my english is not poor. it has almost been licensed. but if you meant something else,like "go away from this forum",then of course I will again, like I did before this day These are detected as linguistic faults by my ownself on this forum 1) spelling faults 2) faults relevant to punctuation 3)missing words or letters. 4)sometimes telling faults but generally I do not fail grammatical rules
  10. Sure,it is incorrect and so should not :-) hey strange ,I think I have more flexible personality than yours. of course you are nice.(but My favouritte is studiot there) anyway why don't you concentrate on the text? you are probably the most qualified one to interprete the subject. everyone is willing to use traditional way. They are of course honest. but generally anyone is unable to catch the great accomplishment. however,of course after a period it is probable to pursue the "professor" title. but...I am unsure whether professors are entirely happy. because The youth is one of the most lovely thing... isn't it??
  11. totally and with the extreme probability this is the best item to prefer among all critiques which are coming towards my romantic and handsome personality. hey strange how are you?? how is everything going? have you ever been to china. as long as I observed on my social profile,chinese are friendly. arabics are dangerous indians seem sexy :-) I also thank to you
  12. hahaha ha ha :-) Seni Çok Seviyorum StringJunky :-) but....is it really so much bad??? if it is then Oh,my gosh!! :-) you are really a bit right intimately I did not allege that it was advanced (never!). but also not so much bad that would prevent me either to write paper or communicate. I only thought these ones 1) frşendship is very very good thing. 2) whenever I read something academic. I understand >%80. so ,why not to say that I know english. but of course ,I also do not say that it was upper intermetdiate. you are right at all these details. hey string ,do you know your telling style is the best one to ensure empathy.
  13. Currently, I am sure at two details 1) you cannot turn the time back. 2) that is better to earn hearts rather than earning money!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. blue89


      Unfortunately I do not expect to pass someones' prejudice.This is our result of current observation.

    3. blue89


      We do not enjoy seeing the same,impolite, repeated actions!!!

      Whereas,we remember that we had warned very politely. also,they had missed that we complimented them. but they insulted!..(arrogant(!)) unacceptable. egoistical is either.

    4. Raider5678


      You talking about yourself as though there are multiple people in your body. Like Gollum in lord of the rings. We don't like people like that. It makes us mad. "Whos us" Me, myself, and I.

  14. ow,there is "lounge" part.and we may communicate more reliefly and politely and also intellectually. Dear ophiolette and klaynos aren't you really a bit pessimistic?
  15. neither of these are good to prefer nor value. look please. we are scintists. We need communication. yes that is indeed possible and normal thing if you have both english and well cultured qualifications to await me to present you very well designed text. I definitely respect that! but actually I have been feeling me quite sad for this repeated reminders rather than to see nice faces. I believe I have a very nice personality because in spite of everything,be sure that I am always generous to smile everyone. no liar and no truism in such a way. but if you would earn my heart ,that is not so difficult... I believe I earned many many people's heart and happy... why don't you prefer this?
  16. self publishing?? Does this mean "blog"?
  17. As we observed and concluded a point And a decision ; there exists a very good detail to make our preferences more clearly and also carefully than rather than goals. For instance,I obviously observed/gathered these details (***** * ***** See the intellectuality among details ***** * *****) 1) everyone would do the science whoever is honest but unfortunately is ordinary 2) everyone is not aware a point but it is very very important : "youth" 3)generally ,while it is commonly possible to write many papers ,it is highly difficult to create an extraordinary contribution. look please and see the reality : nothing might be more prominent than your health ,thus your fun! but look also please , how old the average of any professor's age is. and which of them is great? be careful please when you choose your preferences.and ask your own nice personality please which one should we prefer ? our life's fun Or Science in a traditional way like everyone does ? The journey is to your fun ,and the science is to very traditional way to do the science. Do not forget please,you are not forbidden to do the science if you choose the journey which one is better to choose for yourself especially if you are young energetic and polite, the question has both rigorous and entertaining character to answer
  18. yes. mandarin. but we know that arabic culture also contains wide information or mysteries.
  19. if any function is a linear function,then this function should satisfy these two conditions below 1) x and y are vectors. f(x+y)= f(x) + f(y) 2) when α is a scalar and x is a vector,then f(α.x) = α.f(x) or only this is equivalent ,too. *** α,β are scalar , x and y are vectors f(αx+βy) = αf(x)+βf(y)
  20. hi, I believe that language is quite important to do science it will affect our social ability and the quality of papers. I know three language one of these is akin to arabic but cannot choose the forth one. really I am willing to choose chinese. persian is also possible and easier. but chinese is different. which one should be chosen?
  21. you are failing. That editor had assessed the paper during two hours. anyway my unique goal is sufficient to be understood in my opnion. Financial support is not for such arbitrary things if you implied . really I already feel mne ashamed everytime to express , these demands are generally conflict with the personal honors or general ethics. Of course my unique goal is contribution to science
  22. also ,your irony does not have relevance with me but why did you say this really I wondered , if you submitted a manuscript in the past to any of nature's journals. would not it be shown in the output text (assessment) that your allegations were correct: bad language. and I request you to remember that I do not care such things ,but also have almost no option to correct faults. Economic support
  23. of course we have to respect all ideas until there exists any such a very very rude expression. anyway..I will always respect all ideas. I look for support...
  24. I do not want to reply across such rude scientist so as not to take warning points and/or notation from editors. Sorry but I cannot respond to rude scientists. first apologise,then..
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