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Everything posted by blue89

  1. I could not really understand a detail why don't you make it a bit easier to audiences,otherwise I am own highly demanding sometimes to write longly. For instance check such things and apply. like this continuoum f is a function ∀ ɛ > 0 , δ , I x- x0 I < δ , I f(x) - f(x0) I < ɛ simply if any functşon is continuous ,then x → x0 , f(x) → f(x0) discrete probably there exist several descriptions for this one when d is a metric. and on a set/space d(x,y)= 1 ,then this is discrete. Countability if there exist a function ,f is one by one and f G → N G is countable Cantor theorem. if any function is continuous i a closed interval,then that continuoum is regular.
  2. hi; I have sent a letter to harvard and said them that I cancelled all considerations across this university. according to my contention the recommendation letter is quite fault requirement to make it mandatory. I respect everyone's ideas. But I strictly criticized harvard and cancelled the consideration. There exist some details. nature is in silence. as I understand they are willing to take articles from me. But I need economic support. this is unique necessity. I do not need anything else (MSc ,PhD any of these is not the thing which I am looking for.) because I believe I have ability to learn by myself at first and moreover ,while believe and I am willing to do science,I am more interested in inventions. My paper was around 3000 words and declined by nature photonics. while I presubmitted two standard articles too to nature ,I actually do not think to continue before solution for economic matters. furthermore I would leave from turkey as soon as possible. Photonics Output 21st October 2016 Dear Mr Tunc Thank you for submitting your manuscript entitled "Project Outlines : ...(hidden,development,science)". I'm sorry to say that we cannot offer to publish it in Nature Photonics as we have concluded that it falls outside the scope and aims of the journal and does not have sufficient relevance for our readership. I am sorry that we cannot respond more positively. Yours sincerely, Oliver Graydon Editor Nature Photonics The paper was brief. the wholly form probably would be very long such a PhD thesis. some formulas are strict. But surely I believe I do not need any remarked courses. Chief Editor as you see did not warn any language and / or spelling fault. I did care it. and I do not believe that my language is so much bad as assessed in the past. careless & intelligent
  3. haha :-) this is your personal idea.(but I respect your thought,ok you are free how to think) illogical why I know ajb is Editor at one journal at real ,and at once he said "if I see no reference at any paper ,I will reject it" :-) but while you are right ,about my responsibility, I think I am unable to be good at everything or every subject. so failing to find evidence is NORMAL. and so supposing logical me to have failed finding reference must be just illogical I am leaving now. there exists some e-mails which must be replied by me. furthermore nature physics sent me a new e-mail ,but automatical and require me to fullfill something and it is said that they would meet me. by the by, I saw forum's rules. I must read them carefully. I am not someone who is impolite ,weak or ... I have quite opt,imistic personality. DETECTED !! I have taken one warning ,so , I will definitely leave and not write at least for two months if you would like me to be there, you have to fold this. (any question will not be responded ,no difference on issue that who asks) BY BY blue89
  4. I have been feeling exhausted ,I don't agree this idea. be aware that ,I will add you to my ignored list if you continue this subject. my explanations which are up to now should be enough
  5. NO! But you seem a bit disracted in your ideas.
  6. haha haa ha :-) one of the most entertaining (fine) personality @studiot haha ... could you reply again my question which had been asked as a first time around 3-4 months ago. why did not you accept friendship with me on facebook??? Really appreciable sayings haha :-) (positive ✓ ) I only remember ,you said : "I am too old to use facebook" I don't think that it would prevent. is it logical or illogical?? or neither logical nor illogical? which one ? :-) (note: I had met a christian woman ,really she was very good (qualified according to entertainment as I define, like you) ajb is more elite in communication skill than me (not linguistic ,approach implied). this is clear. (now comparison exists,if you think it is incorrect ,sorry.) I recommend that moderator replace this thread to another forum (lounge preferred) and change the title. if there exist any question (sometimes the question is given by hinting only) , I think everything should be logical or illogical ,if you want me to assess this circumstance, I may it politely. but I see more than one event there. another occasion : ajb says ,"there already exists usage of >3D in engineering". but I could not see any reference yet. so ,it is illogical now.
  7. 1)okay. this is right! (In this case I would express that anyone did not see me ,live) 2) off topic. this is also right. but we did not do somethings which are so bad. anyway, imatfaal may change this topic to another forum. Really I remember I was saying loved this personality (imatfaal) ,but look he prefer not to see this notation. I believe he has also clever personality and seem poistive (like studiot) but I have been feeling surprised from his notation. look he is feeling annoyed above.(previous page)
  8. No,There is no comparison. in my opnion you are cunfusing . I only mentioned something about my personality. (but there is no comparison) I also enjoy to see someone are giving comliments to their own personality. like this :When Studiot was beginning his own comment with this sentence "Let see more perspective idea..." surely I feel very happy. I mean YOU WILL FEEL BETTER IF YOU GIVE COMPLIMENTS TO YOUR OWN PERSONALITY. MORE OBJECTIVELY I mean if anyone give compliments to his/her own personality ,Then He/she feels and be better. (this is belief) surely ,there is no comparison. I only did do this. (no comparison) was not it so : I am more elite than you or I am the most elite person ?
  9. both of these are right! but I don't remember that I implied I was better than anyone.
  10. 1) I imply only scientific context but (not apperance or not ego ,be sure) 2) :-) :-) really I thought imatfaal was lovely, I also think I love everyone. but remember feeling nervous does not mean contradiction with this and almost every subject will have relation as I said before. no question ,thanks. ?????? it is strange may I ask ,why do you think so?
  11. ok. if they want me to leave the forum. I may make it by my own. any elite person will not be demanding to remain where he is not wanted. I don't think that I am speaking insultive. (sure!) where is any insultive expression belonging me,show it to me ? I think imatfaal will feel regretfull at the end if he is thinking intimately. I know this. he did not see how Dr.Krettin used DISGUSTING words. (at another forum(s). and if you are able to show me any insultive expression ,I will apologise. you did not show me (??)
  12. if you are asking a general definition of ethics , this is quite simple to give brief information. (very very simple ! , so simple that I think you should not ask! ) ok. I will make some definitions or give some instructions. (you are making me exhausted!, although I am quite series and state that I am speaking honestly ,your all questions are repetead actions ,stop please to do this and / or don't do this over 3 three times so as not to miss ideal communication!,I am not feeling happy in such cases or anyone who thinks he/she is intelligent will not feel happy,but I see almost all of questions are repeated action ,if my life conditions were not so bad , probably I would not feel so nervous or depressed)) GENERAL ETHICS it is related/about moral values ,and originated right or wrong conducts. human right will be highly important as I always try to make someone understand. my experiences are generally based on normative ethical contexts ,but this does not mean that I don't know anything about theoritical context ,why we generally and already have to know basic concepts related any subject to make any application or to understand in practice mod. as it expressed repeatedly ,once again I would remind that there will exist some usages based upper analysis applications to dominate some ethical contexts for some wide range of society and/or to describe or to prove some invisible or insufficient theories in ethics via using mathematical theories. (most of them will be taken from algebra and analsysis) once again ,I would express that I have creative personality and DON'T use traditional methods. some references are already detected. probably someones understand when I use "new methods" they suppose that I would use something quite strange or meaningless They should understand anyone will already be attentrve for not to use meaningless methods. this shows they have no enough ability how to thing thinking perspective was. (check please Respective scientist Nikola Tesla ' s words / principles and something more about him. or what was avicennas implication to make some new candidates to be great scientist like us.(unfortunately I can't see a strong or series candidate. whenever I mention about such great scientists ,I see everyone confuses something - they suppose like I am making compasion between them- I never did this. I only expressed my admirations to them. I never violate such sensitive general rules. but of course we don't know what would happen in the future (only)) ADVANCEMENT IN USAGE OF ETHICS & HOW TO USE IT AT THE TOP OF SCIENCE Once ,you need to think how ethical experiences were. for instance anyone doesn't deserve to insult you. you don't deserve to insult anyone even if you be announced as the most intelligent person in this modern century. if you check the related contexts about ethics ,you will be able to find out this and this is not difficult to understand. how to use it. Remember what Leonardo Da vinci was saying when he died. his this last expressions are defining quite easily how to understand. Remember He said; "I am sad ,I hoped to make something more to contribute developments to science" if you think/investigate the reason ,it will be possible to find more easily what was the actual reason and what was the relation to usage of ethics in science. Please Don't express anything anymore about usage of language. I have been quite exhausted to make explanations about this. once again ,I surely believe : I have ability to study independently , I know and accept that my english level is not advanced.but you are always missing and you made me quite bored to explain that I have no convenient conditions to make you delighted on this issue (my keyboard is spoilt,moreover I am sure,if there was any else more relief option ,I would be able to respond all of your question in the best was ,even how yopu want and upper. stop plese to mention anything about it. you may ask something only ,ask where you have not understood,then I will reply. these are enough explanations. ok? 1) logical , when you allege anything you have to provide at least one evidence (like reference or quite intelligiable and acceptable evidence) (prefer to give academic reference please in order not to live any matter) 2) illogical, when you allege something but unable to provide any reference / evidence
  13. this queries shows us , at least one of these (about academic / mathematics) --->> you are not enough (insufficient) for mathematical skill (especially perspective aspect) --->> you have no sufficient mathematical knowledge (only mathematical) Really the ethical contexts are too wide. I am unable to tell now (I am at universty hospital for presentation (oncology değartment) ) but simply,it will be about "human rights and manner of intellectualism at science" DO NOT USE BAD WORDS!!! NEVER DO THIS , Dr.krettin is in my ignored list. I don't see his comments and... HE IS UNCULTURED & UNSUCCCESSFUL (he is too weak scientist!) blue89
  14. SHOW ME WHICH one ANY OF THEM IS "ILLOGICAL" ?? I hope you will not be unethic (or uncultured as Dr.Krettin) .... Remember please other instructions about my personality , I am stressed and feel quite exhaustive to repeat something to someone .. REMEMBER PLEASE ,I AM NOT TRADITIONAL AND NOT A WEAK SCIENTIST ACCORDING TO MY IDEAS. THERE EXIST ENOUGH INFORMATON NOW TO RALIASE THIS... I request you not to violate BOTH GENREAL ETHICAL PSRINCIPLES AND PRINCIPLES WHICH ARE RELATED TO ETHICS OF SCIENCE the last one is containing advanced rules & approaches. blue89
  15. sorry to write lack word. my keyboard i spoilt and sometimes it does not write some words. (the correct form should (have) be(en) "one moderator implys ....we should NOT quote ...." ("NOT" Could not be written ,sorry for this) 1) I NEVER SUPPORT SOMEONES WHO ARE DISHONEST! (yur comment seems like to reminiscent something just like CONFLICT OF INTEREST (!) 2) may I ask ,why did you prefer to use that (subject) pronoun : "your" , this was not necessity , and why don't you prefer to criticize your own ideas before criticizing any idea? while ,this have some good ways in your opinion , this is not enough to reach that goal (that you implied to be easier to use the forum) as you see ,I enjoy to write long comments at scientific subjhects and please be aware that I WILL ALMOST EVERYTIME BE SERIES AT SCIENTIFIC SUBJECTS. I prefer to write long ,REASON: to be able to give all details so as not to make feel someone missing required detail and so to make them prefer criticizing quickly (This is intention). sorry to speak so strictly to an elderly scientist. but you have not Cused all else ways if you are complaining now from this tongue (it's including a bit tension,but this is not right for manner of science to create USEFUL results)
  16. this is not discussion. WHERE IS THE RELIABLE EVIDENCE....??? ajb ,do you know that the time is 01.39 there :) (after midnight)
  17. haha yes , of course the time's character will definitely be changed! that was not the actual implication of hawking ... he is realistic.
  18. THANKS FOR YOUR NOBLE! I have to go ,at least for not to live worse matters about my eyes. inner product?? if it is so,no. some hilberd spaces are not euclidean.
  19. WE NEED STRONGER EVIDENCES FOR >3D spaces (actual proof) LIKE STEPHEN HAWKING IMPLIED IN HIS PAPER. read please this the most respectıve scientist's paper if you are interested in. He was quite realistic at that paper when he used this sentence "We predict that 3D space would be..." he means ,we are already able to formulate these spaces for a long time but there still there is no reality ....at real :-) could you show me please any of the picture which are red coloured ?? note the second one is definitely not acceptable! (equation!) hah ha ha ha :) :) what a cute expression
  20. (DrKrettin is such ones Uncultured (his culture is too lack ) and he is impolite (not inelegant ,impolite ,elegance is upper level than politeness) and also illogical in particular idfeas,sorry krettin) let show me any element of such sequences or functional sequences ...or any usage in engineering. I also have no enough knowledge. one moderator was speaking blaming . but this is already general / UNIVERSAL truth that anyone cannot be good at all subjects. I accept this. this is logical. TOPOLOGIC USAGE (PICTURING MAY BE USEFUL IN ENGINEERING ,BUT HOW THE POSSIBILITY IS ..? I Know that topology is not easy to learn , almost all of students were failing at this course in BSc (>> 80 % ) look the shape (but this does not seem too corelative ) picture entitled : "A continuous deformation (a type of homeomorphism) of a mug into a doughnut (torus) and back" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Topology but unfortunately this is not so strong (not aceptable enough) ....
  21. picture are telling. let continue on facebook later. I don't feel me relief there SOME UNCULTURED & IMPOLITE AND ALSO ILLOGICAL MEMBERS ARE DETECTED.
  22. therse are also not acceptable. Laurent series are upper than Taylor series and I know these. ... I have to sleep (I suffer from my eyes.)
  23. feel relief ,I see the wisdom. (you are trying to make me remember nt to be off topic.) ok here is the answer. with extreme probability : YES Because we need both formula and picturing (appearance and / or strongly active usage) look the pictures.and remember EUCLID space was constructed with only three general planes (no existence of extra plane) .. and Span of Euclid. I did not see all material which you implied ,but probably you will be able to make formulizate ,but will not be able to give picture. and I am also unsure for acceptable formulization. otherwise when we use such these sequences/functions or functional sequences ,it will normally (already) show a usage of formuliation 1) R ⊂ N , T ⊂ N ,S ⊂N , M ⊂ N An : R x T x S x M → R any of element An is in shape of (n1,n2,n3,n4) 4D dimension ✓ 2) Fn : R x T x N x S x M (but there all of these sets are ⊂ R , x ϵ R , y ϵ T , z ϵ N , t ϵ S n ϵ N Fn(x,y,z,t) = x2n.√y . e2xyz. z.∫ log(t) dt 4D functional sequence ✓ according to theoritic (pure) mathematics ,it is not problem to show such expressions convergence or invergence. but where is the usage of these functions or sequences. and where is any picture of these sets element? this pictures shows the real apperance / picturing / usage of 3D space (Euclid) ✓ I was implying such materials. nevertheless , my field is analysis now (not geometry). I do not know what you implied. so,I am unable to satate clearly whether you are right or incorrect. Good nights.
  24. we need the actual correlation with REALITY ...like stephen hawking's words. check please his paper which are related black holes. ok. anyone doesn't deserve or doesn't have to read my texts which are containing speling or grammatical errors. well, I DON'T HAVE TO SEE/READ ILLOGICAL IDEAS they are forgetting that I am mathematician and always check whether any idea was logical or not at first step. and I am sure someones idea are QUITE ILLOGICAL. why don't they think the reason why they were not great scientist??? they are missing ,both nature and science aaas are also contain many useless type of academic papers. -if they would like to say they don't like me ,this is not problem which is belonging me. but if they are thinking that they don't like my scientific words, ok this will mean a problem which is belonging me ***THEY SHOULD NOT MAKE ASSESSMENT ON AYNONE's PERSONALITY , THEY SHOULD MAKE ASSSSMENT ON SCEINETIFIC ALLEGEMENTS*** I am leaving there , good nights. blue89
  25. :-) someone will never see the correct truth until I get published the material how I think it was. what about to continue on facebook for a while tomorrow I don't feel me relief now there. I may tell some parts of any project that might persuade you. (I had shared one project:'s big part with studiot, why I trusted him) ??
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