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Everything posted by blue89

  1. okay ,but thıs was not the actual ıssue . look what the edıtor said at once (Nature Methods editor) Dear, The author will have the option to change submitted files later, if the editors wish to see the full paper. If the file is incorrect or must be updated, I can change it for you if needed. Best wishes, Claire this edtor was also saying spelling faults are not important for presubmissions
  2. REALLY I DO NOTT CARE THESE FAULTS .. I HAVE LIVED STRICTLY ECONOMIC DIFFICULTIES DURING WHOLE OF MY LIFE. I AM GIVING CARE TO ONLY MEANINGS VERYOEN SAYS YOUR ENGLISH IS TOO POOR (JUST LIKE "YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHINGS : many thanks for such expressıons you made me happy very much ) BUT you are missing every journal may have different privacy policy. your shared abstract and your accepted manuscript was accepted by scientific reports ,mine was to nature physics these are different
  3. Dear Arete ; the results & methododlogies & ... cannot be sumarised in abstract as they wanted. because they would/allowe us to use between 150 and 250 words (no more words) but only if only poject's rudiment will be >20 page. (too wide content) the project's own will definitely spreads on over (at least) 200 page or more (and this will be only the part of mathematical discipline but there were three more disciplines ,too) this project's rudiment which had been sent to harvard was 23 -25 page
  4. I think someones are not willing to speak in enough amount of clearance to take obvious decision. I am also feeling surprised ,probably they do not realise how I am series. NOTE : NOT ACCEPTABLE = INCORRECT that words must not have been mistake LOOK THE REASONS/EVIDENCES (I AM COURAGEOUS (NOT HURTING) ) --->> EUCLID cannot be incorrect : I am mathematician and I know that Euclid space is constructed with only these planes 1) (x,y,0) 2) (x,0,z) 3) (0,y,z) (no existence OF any else plane) --->> interpretation cannot be incorrect why it will already be almost impossible to invent/explore the real >3D space. we will be able to make interpretations (not inventions) --->> treatment cannot be inccorrect ...very clear. ..... etc. I MUST EXPRESS THAT THIS CRITIQUE IS VERY GOOD / MEANINGFULL THANKS TO ARETE
  5. What do you mean with underlined of your words at last sentence?.
  6. I have been quite confused! there is still no discussion to take criticism already. you ... you don't want to understand . I was implying the invisibility of evidence in almost all critiques. otherwise no problem with this. how wiill we be able to develop the science unless we be against criticism. Strange , you are missing something... SHOW ME THE INCORECTNESS. I DON'T BELIEVE YOUR WORDS NOW. ABOUT GRAMMAR.... WHERE IS THE ERROR (IN ABSTRACT). .. ? I must believe & obey Nikola Tesla's principles. as I understood, He was saying ; "winning hearts is the most valuable thing. money , scientific projects, studies , .. etc, nothing may be more valuable than hearts. So ,if you are willing to discuss about it wholly,I might do it later via sharing almost wholly at forum. already ,I have been looking for no money, no richness.. MY GOAL WOULD BE EARNING PEOPLE'S HEART & LOVES. blue89
  7. ABSTRACT This is an interdisciplinary scientific research project to have a new form for treatment of cancer illness via modernizing its radiotherapy part under partial convenience of functional analysis’ completeness principle. I intended to take better results partially for cure of this illness and because of being systematized form of the same treatment,I do not expect to take worse results in comparison to existing treatment.however, it is clear that it would not be possible to explore whole of the real treatment via implementing this project even it be improved. In modern mathematics, there exist many type of functions and sequences or functional sequences.the project includes typically two methods and both of two methods based upon functional analysis’ application. And according to results of implemention,even if we take very little better results for tretament of cancer ,it will be possible to give the newest interperetations about euclid space especially about whether there exists a real space or spaces out of Euclid. this literature is rudiment and improvable. this was official version which was submitted to nature physics.
  8. yes ,ophiolitte . your all words are hurting :( but I am feeling quite surprising. I have been contacting with many many journals & services & associations why any of them did not mention about my english as you say that it was too poor. ophiolitte be aware that I think you will never be helpful to anyone. I don't discuss your opinion. I express what I am understanding from your hurting words and this is not the first time you do it.
  9. if you are sure,and they confirm this. probably I will have to find new ways for job. (I will have to leave to continue science) I was almost sure why some professors did not refuse it (meaning it was illogical) look I am marking some keywords to support my ideas. they prefer to publish instead suitability or being appropriate . they also prefer "to conclude" .
  10. Dear Strange at first I think you have not met me yet. I mean you do not know how my personality entertaining & friendly is. but I am saying repeatedly. I don't mean that it would be incorrect taking help. but I say I have already had no chance ,now. (remember please My parents are illiterate ,and I have no economic option. however ,as I said i think I have strong ability to study independently. but of course if it would be possible to take help,this would make more quick the process. really , normnally as every scientists I am highly willing to develop science ,especially via engineering. but I would remind you that some journals may have differences in comparison to their each policy so ,I mean that you have not explained the actual mean with enough clearance to make me understand. I thought the possibility that editor rejected because of incomplete version of paper. (they implied that I had had to submit the whole of paper, (not only abstract))
  11. why not? ,I am not native turkish. but I am sure my turkish language is very very good. it is so good that I may present breaking news. I think it would be more relevant with culture: ok. even if I do not accept you are friendly , you are lovely. I think you have also flexible personality thats good. Dear Strange ,actually I had tried to tell many many time. I am accepting this is not good why I live strictly difficult economic problems. Remember please , my computer is unuseful ,but intimately I am already trying to change them with correct ones. unfortunately I do not believe if someone who believe so strongly themselves, that even do not need to such strong associations like harvard,they share that original contexts or paper. this is illogical. I don't believe that any of intelligent people would do this. and remember please ,I believe you are clever. I think you understand. oh my lovely friend ,could you see the previous comments above. I think you are a bit nervous today. really ,while I am accepting that my english is not advanced. I will never accept that it is very poor. (never mind) I may provide only TOEFL score. but you will be right as I said ,I have no suitable computer to write everything properly. I request you not to miss this detail , sometimes missing words or spelling faults may cause grammatical errors on its appearance. you cannot speak so! he is one of my good friends. he is lovely! :) NOTICE : THIS POINT HAS BEEN MAİLED TO EDITOR.
  12. I used this word to define making some new changes on the treatment which is valid in process. are you seeing you have made a grammatical incorrectness, the correct one should be: "what is interference?" or more properly : "what is the interference's meaning which you implied there.?" NOTICE : I would inform that NPG's some journals might not accept only ABSTRACT part for submission. as CharonY said ,this journal might require to submit the whole of paper. so ,could you return again the previous page to think one more time? I had not read this journal's privacy or policy before submission.
  13. okay. responding.... as you know , the cancer ilness is being treated via using radioactiwe waves. the project would structure as in highly wide content for relevant part of cure. furthermore ,the interference must have been via using some advanced mathematical contexts in functional analysis. (note please these will show us in pure mathematics when we use this Fn(x) : X → R ( dim X > 3 ) sample of Fn(x) = (x+ 2y +z2+ t****) / n .. there exist some very special functional sequences in mathemettics soo, we would be able to take newest clues. because this would be active application of pure mathematics. unfortunately I cannot post there any part of actual paper ,and you are seeing a very little of analogy from paper now. -the actual paper's (only) rudiment is >>20 page. Notice : t**** parameter / variable may be changed with several other variables instead it (because of this, it marked with "****" so , this will make reach us for not only 4D space, >3D would be more suitable.
  14. if you implied that the correct one mus have been so ; "Mathematical Interference For Cure Of Cancer Ilness And Research To Reach Newest Clues About >3D Space" instead "Mathematical Interference To Cure Of Cancer Ilness And Research To Reach Newest Clues About >3D Space" then you will be right ,but I can't see another incorrectness just now. I definitely support taking criticism. no problem or no discussion on this issue. but there is a clear point about the exact maning at the background of this reply. this was my first submission and normally sometimes I can't differentiate something even if they are familiar. ...
  15. you mean the second one. ok?
  16. only abstract was submitted , in this case ,may I ask to make more clarity, did you mean this one below; --->> even if you submit every part of your this manuscript ,we will not publish it. (the second understanding in my first post which had been posted today) ?
  17. REPLY hi , actually I could not differentiate this e-mail about this two statement which they implied: 1) they did want me to submit the whole of manuscript (because of their policy) 2) they said : "we do not think that you might ensure advanced knowledge of physics or other related contexts" ?
  18. as I understand ,you criticize the theoritic studies at the background of this text. I also critize this. but here is clearly important detail ,I think theoritic studies are not empty or valueless. theoritic studies only need perspective approach.
  21. ALL LAST COMMENTS ARE REISSUE ! I ALSO DO NOT WANT TO MAKE SOMEONES REPEAT AS SAME AS I DO NOT ENJOY SOMEONES MAKING ME REPEAT! (on such series issues) CharonY ,you are right , but probably this will be the lowest rate of difficulty in comparison to events that I had lived ones Yes the english level is not advanced ,I will try to be fussier. many many thanks
  22. 1ST COMMENT 1) HE SAY HE MIGT HELP ME . NOTE: there was a technical matter , you are requested to read last comment before previous one.
  23. 2ND COMMEND we also seem his request/ suggestion as a second time. but there is no evidenvce that Strange was doing this help free. (NOTE: I do not criticize this ,this is already Strange's right. of cours he will deserve,I don't discuss thi,s I only say that I do not prefer that suggstion. and thanks again) THIS IS REPEATED EXPRESSION!
  24. Strange required me to pay. I have implied that I had had no option to do this. however ,I think this is Strange's right why anyone already will not be willing to do this free. but I would remind you that I have had many many experiencs (relevant ethical issues.) look ,was this my own wanting?? did I want/propose to Strange? I am intelligent! PLASE DO NOT MAKE ME REPEAT SOMETHING ! (THIS IS REQUEST)
  25. 1) if I am correct relevant issue. I am afraid, this might prove/show us a bit weakness belonging you ,why every great scientist (like newton or tesla ...etc) would not refuse that it would be sane answer to accept our mistakes.why not? 2) I have already said this repeateadly that I have had ability to study individually/independently (this also had been reported to harvard/gsas!) I am sure if there exist any matter ,al these will not bne relevant my inability. I have been exhausted to explain repeatedly ,I have no evconomic option. you don't know how difficult my life is.(and my computer's keyboard spoilt) you will probably feel a bit nervous to hear this ,apologies ,I don't think it would be safe writing our ABSTRACT there (at least until one published sample ,nature has not acepted ,it only asked to submit,this is not acceptance) but of course ,you seem right with one aspect .I had seen NPG - Translational psychiatry journal asked whether we had controlled our paper with our native english colleagues. look what I had understood relevant to your red coloured sentence above. oh ,I mixed Strange with Klaynos could you assume Klaynos = Strange when you read my last comment?
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