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Everything posted by redkiss
THANK YOU VERY MUCH ( each opinion more is important ) PLEASE not show me reply I want to study ALONE - all my drawings I prepared alone ( I think that I not misunderstand words that I translated - my drawing showing RED) better example is here ( I showed speed respect to center - I not measured this problem it is only example to study problem ) on my eyes I see 1/3 Hz shift we no need speak about Big Planet universe is very very big 600 000 km it is not big distance Expantion ? it is possible that we see red because we have Rotation ? - we no need linear motion ( escape ) to see Red ( thank You for help again ... please study my post it is natural when one person see something new it is new and he is able make small mistake but ... it could be small mistake ... ) ??? I will be in shock if I misunderstand wiki and I found something very important for physics ??? sometimes stupid IDEA = NEW ???
YOU SEE MY MISTAKE ? ( OK PLEASE WAIT i WILL STUDY ABOVE BOOKS list .............. ) ...... WAIT PLEASE IT IS MANY JOB ( FEW WEKS OR dayS ?? ) THANK YOU FOR PATIENCE mistake ? 1 ,2 , 3, - source POSITION source = 3 hz 1',2',3' - sensor position
I WILL FIND THIS PARAGRAPH ( wait .... I looking ....) Przypisy David Halliday, Robert Resnick: Fizyka. T. II. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1972, s. 427 - 430. Doppler, C.A.: Über das farbige Licht der Doppelsterne und einige andere Gestirne des Himmels. 1842. Tekst w niemieckich Wiki-źródłach (niem.). de.wikisource.org. [dostęp 2010-05-20]. Fale dźwiękowe. W: Robert Resnick, David Halliday: Fizyka. T. 1. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN SA, 1998, s. 511 - 517. ISBN 83-01-09323-4. Erik Gregersen: The Britannica Guide to Sound and Light. The Rosen Publishing Group, 2011, s. 293 - 295. ISBN 1615303006. Nobelprize.org: Johannes Stark – Facts (ang.). Nobel Media AB 2013. [dostęp 2013-09-28]. Propagacja fal w próżni. [dostęp 2014-05-29]. William Cronk Elmore, William C. Imore, Mark A. Heald: Physics of Waves. Dover Publications, 1985, s. 164 - 166. ISBN 0-486-64926-1. Andrzej Kajetan Wróblewski, Janusz Andrzej Zakrzewski: Wstęp do fizyki. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1984, s. 104 - 105. ISBN 83-01-01359-1. Yuri Ivanov: Rhythmodynamics:RD interpretation of the results of Michelson’s experiment. Gabriel LaFreniere: Matter Is Made of Waves:Electron. Gabriel LaFreniere: Matter Is Made of Waves:Ivanov Waves. Andrzej Kajetan Wróblewski, Janusz Andrzej Zakrzewski: Wstęp do fizyki. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1984, s. 232 - 239. ISBN 83-01-01359-1. Piotr Cieśliński: Kosmiczne błędy. [dostęp 2014-06-09]. Peter R. Hoskins, Kevin Martin, Abigail Thrush: Diagnostic Ultrasound: Physics and Equipment. Cambridge University Press, 2010, s. 85 - 87. ISBN 9781139488907. Rozporządzenie Ministra Gospodarki z dnia 9 listopada 2007 r. w sprawie wymagań, którym powinny odpowiadać przyrządy do pomiaru prędkości pojazdów w ruchu drogowym, oraz szczegółowego zakresu badań i sprawdzeń wykonywanych podczas prawnej kontroli metrologicznej tych przyrządów pomiarowych (Dz. U. z 2007 r. Nr 225, poz. 1663) Opis wibrometru William H. Guier, George C. Weiffenbach. Genesis of Satellite Navigation. „Johns Hopkins Apl Technical Digest”. 19 (1/1998) (ang.). Piotr Kaniewski. System nawigacji satelitarnej GPS, cz. 1. „Elektronika Praktyczna”. Cezary Ziółkowski, Józef Rafa: Przestrzenno-częstotliwościowe uwarunkowania lokalizacji źródeł fal radiowych wykorzystującej efekt Dopplera. Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna, Wydział Elektroniki, Instytut Telekomunikacji, 2007. [dostęp 2014-05-29]. Michael Smotherman, Walter Metzner. Effects of Echo Intensity on Doppler-Shift Compensation Behavior in Horseshoe Bats. „Journal of Neurophysiology”. 89, s. 814-821, 1 lutego 2003. American Physiological Society. DOI: 0.1152/jn.00246.2002. Nowy radar w Polsce. [dostęp 2014-05-31]. Sergiusz Chmielak: Inne mniej inwazyjne metody pomiaru rzutu minutowego serca. [dostęp 2014-05-29]. Rodzaje prezentacji w badaniach USG. [dostęp 2014-05-29]. Echokardiografia. [dostęp 2014-05-29]. Andrzej Paluszkiewicz: Przewlekłe niedokrwienie kończyn. [dostęp 2014-05-31]. Andrzej Sołtan: Rozszerzanie się Wszechświata. [dostęp 2014-06-01]. Katarzyna Mikulska: Zderzenie galaktyki Andromedy z Drogą Mleczną. luty 2014. [dostęp 2014-06-01]. D.J. Erskine, J. Edelstein: Externally Dispersed Interferometry for Planetary Studies (ang.). SPIE Optics & Photonics, San Diego, CA, United States, 12.08.2005. [dostęp 2014-04-20]. G.A.J. Hussain: Inferring coronal structure from X-ray lightcurves and Doppler shifts - a Chandra study of AB Doradus. NASA, 2005. [dostęp 2014-06-10]. ESA: Engineering – Probe Data Relay Subsystem (ang.). [dostęp 2010–07–02]. Materiały pomocnicze do Ćwiczenia VIII. [dostęp 2010-05-22]. Barbara Baran: Badanie dwuwymiarowych struktur atomowych. W: Uniwersytet Jagielloński [on-line]. [dostęp 2014-06-02]. Ewald Hiebl: Christian Doppler: life and work, principle and applications. Living Edition, 2007, s. 31. ISBN 9783901585098.
A= B = C ? (right UP CORNER below pic. ) ?????
sorry for English please help me TRANSLATE this paragraph ! ? it is key to solve problem !
DID YOU READ IN BOOKS about DOPPLER ! oryginal polish ( my langue ) "Gdy źródło porusza się prostopadle do prostej łączącej odbiornik ze źródłem (α = 90°), nie zmienia swej odległości od odbiornika, pomimo tego odbiornik odbiera falę o częstotliwości innej niż nadawana: " Google tlanslator : When the source moves perpendicular to the line connecting the receiver with the source (α = 90 °) does not change its distance from the receiver, although the receiver receives the wave at a frequency other than that transmitted: Please find in English Book the same words ( English doppler it is not Polish ? ) GIVE ME INFO I MUST INFORM AUTHOR below book about mistake ! INTERNAL CONTRADICTION ! ? ( EUREKA ?!) or WE HAVE DOPPLER ? or WE HAVE ZERO ? oryginal polish ( my langue ) I marked by red RING "Gdy źródło porusza się prostopadle do prostej łączącej odbiornik ze źródłem (α = 90°), nie zmienia swej odległości od odbiornika, pomimo tego odbiornik odbiera falę o częstotliwości innej niż nadawana: "
o1 observer 1 o2 observer 2 ... ..... .... o3 o4 .... on-1 .... on ARE YOU TRYING TO TELL ME THAT DOPPLER NOT EXIST !!!!???? X1 = X1 sorry for my ilustrations "quality " but .... You are people who schould see this problem I showed You TWO different situation ( You no need be inside Planet's center to evaluate doopler ) mirror = observer ? Michelson Morley ? it is not DOPPLER ? WE NO NEED SPEAK ABOUT PLANE ( we can be in DEEP space ) zero planets only SOURCE and SENSORS (mirrors) Respect to what in my test I see RED ?
THANK YOU I RIGHT NOW STUDING NEW PROBLEM TERMODYNAMICA ( methabolism ) and DOPPLER food = fuel ( methabolism = information haw fast we exchange fuel for ENERGY ) it is 100% fresh idea even for Einstein ( RIGHT down Corner see three brothers ) http://i65.tinypic.com/kdttf5.jpg Minkowski ? please evaluate WOKR / ENERGY - WHY ? I can not ? Mathematica ? = problem Physics = problem ? OR Einstein = problem ? I showed You all drawings I showed You equations ( books physics - DOPPLER) .... Where You see problem ??? I'm sorry I already made test I see RED I don't know WHY ?! sorry for langue but I showed Equations ! ( do You see mistake ? ) You told about Star I hope that my drawing explain that BIG planet = Small planet and moon ! ???? where is problem ???
- 60 replies
ok ???? wait please ??? Very Important Question ? ( Person on moon see RED SHIFT ) ? Yes/ No ( please not look on big planet now we speak only about moon )
No Doppler from light on Earth. Omega = V1 / L moon for You = Doppler what about " huge planet " it is not DOPPLER ???
Ok ??? .... Ok ??? can we do this test in space Vacuum ? ( for example not exist air near Earth ) Stars ? .... can I made my own star ? .... why ? I'm sure that my own star is on the Earth and is moving with Earth I can measure electric parameters ( AMM Voltage ) I'm sure Distance me ----star left star is on the Earth right star is in space ! ( right star = doppler ) left no ???? Bulb on aifel tower = Star ? Thank You for reply ! Can I use bulb to build STAR ? it is star or not ???
situation A Here We have Doppler ? source >v1 .......................sensor>>v2 situation B Here We have doppler ? ....................................................................................................................................................^V2 .................................................^V1.............................................................................................^ x---------------R------------------Source-------------------------------L-------------------------------------Sensor BELOW PLEASE FIND IN BOOKS it is not my Equation ( physics) https://pl.wikipedia.../Efekt_Dopplera I want to ASK again ( above I showed You DOPPLER definition books - physics ) please use above equation to evaluate below problem ! first please do this for one arm later ...for 4 arms http://images.tinypic.pl/i/00765/8g7j8biccn4d.jpg Above equation is ok ? ( true / false ) ??? ( right down corner above ilustration I showed You example - secoundary school ) May I use this drawing and evaluate below tool (precission ) ? http://i64.tinypic.com/2isb1og.jpg if No please explain if Yes please explain Respect to what Earth is moving ? ( Important is place where the signal started ?) it is stationary point ?
homework more help PLEASE DO HOMEWORK ! please not read single fact ! (above I showed You 5 years my work ) Please not trust me please please do Homework ! ( i will be happy after You finish you own work !) More help ( TEMPERATURE and IDEAL LINE ? not exist FLAT LINE and FLAT physics ! INVERSE SQUARE LAW ! ) please evaluate Doppler ONLY for ONE SINGLE ARM and only for one speed ! ( RIGHT DOWN CORNER ) STILL WORKS ? not moving ? not moving respect to what ? I showed You Maxwell DARK BOX 100% source--------------1m-------------sensor source--------------1000m-------------sensor How big force is pushing sensor ? ( colour ) Where force is hiting Sensor ? ( Ideal center hit ? TORQUE ? exist or not exist ? )
"Secondly, there will be no Doppler effect. That happens when there is a difference in speed between the source and the receiver. That is not the case with an arm with a transmitter at one end, and a sensor at the other." ................................................................................................................................................................^ .................................................^V1.........................................................................................................^V2 x---------------R------------------Source----------------------------------------L-------------------------------------Sensor V1 = V2 ? Sorry langue problem "CROSS" DOPPLER ( please translate this in google in YOUR langue ) https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Efekt_Dopplera RED SHIFT I'm SURE I MEASURED IT probem is RESPECT TO WHAT ? and problem is Michelson Morley ? PLEASE DO THIS HOMEWORK ( it is very important to take own pencil and check all own hand !) LOGICA and MATHEMATIC and PHYSICS Mathematica ( fact X) I'm able evaluate Doppler ) Physics ( fact Y) micheslon morley = DOPPLER) if true is X also true is Y You not trust me that I see red ! let me help You evaluate why I see red ! ( please do homework it is very very important learn Your own not read this what other writing ) small help to You ( please do HOMEWORK ) Mathematica LOGICA A ) I TRUST REDKISS B ) I TRUST MICHELSON MORLEY and EINSTEIN C) I TRUST LIGO ( they invest 300 000 000 USD - it is fact ) D) I made HOMEWORK
THX I studing google translator ... ... ..( actualy 5%.... .. ... "Do you want to measure the speed of Earth's rotation, speed of revolution around the sun, or combined motion of Earth, the Sun orbiting around the Milky Way Galaxy, or something else?" On ilustration I showed only one speed 360/24h (Earth's rotation) I did this to better explain problem ( to better show problem for single arm) Real system will be able read all speeds that globe has got ! " Who is "we." The Doppler effect occurs naturally from light coming from stars, and can be used to measure their speed because we can measure the receiving wavelength and can know the transmitted wave length from spectrographic studies. " ..........................................100%dark box........................................... ...................source-------------L-----------------------sensor..................... ............................................................................................................. I want to separate my tool ( ZERO OUTSIDE OBJECTS ) only single arm ( dark box is empty VACUUM ) Dark box = 100% dark ( zero outside EM waves ) Source - BULB , Radio Sensor - OLD FILM ( or Digital camera 16 Mpx matrix ) , ANTEN MY QUESTION L= 1 metr L= 3000 meters ( LIGO LAB ) DO WE HAVE DOOPLER ? HOW DEEP RED we have ? 1 meter arm please compare to 3000 meters ARM please study very very slowly RIGHT DOWN CORNER http://images.tinypic.pl/i/00765/8g7j8biccn4d.jpg what will be if ROTATION is CONSTANT and I changing only distance SOURCE ----SENSOR Fact A = we have ZERO inside DARK BOX Fact B = we have RED SHIFT inside DARK BOX Fact C - more long arm is giving more DEEP RED A ) true/false ? B) true/ false ? C) true/false ? Fact D - Michelson Morley saw ZERO D) true/false Homework : I already made test .. I can show You resoults ... ( I hope You will evaluate all without real datas) I'm sorry I don't know what I measured ( I not joking ) I need help someone need explain me what see sensor !
i want to measure in home 360/24h speed Am I able read Earth's motion ? do we have Doppler ? radio wave = light wave ? = EM signal ? what is better ONE arm or 4 arms ? ( precission ?) http://images.tinypic.pl/i/00765/8g7j8biccn4d.jpg sorry sorry DO WE HAVE ZERO in Michelson Morley ? ( I wan to build my own tool I can not understand how they proved ZERO ? ) In one ARM i can see DOPPLER 4 arms I can not understand how it works How 4 arms showing ZERO ?
Sorry ! mirror = detector ( sensor ) source ------------------sensor I'm sorry it is GPS ? sorry Radio---------------------------Signal detector ( after detection we have emission ) sorry sorry stupid question ??? ??? Laser --------distance--------mirror = radio signal ---------distance-----------detector INTERFEROMETER's ARM = RADIO's ARM ? Radio Signal = Light = EM wave ? I'm sorry I hope You are able read my post in english I want to measure in home 360/24h speed I'm trying to find distance to measure RED ? I have huge problem ? it is possible ? or we have ZERO ? Hey ???
The Michelson–Morley experiment was performed over the spring and summer of 1887 by Albert A. Michelson and Edward W. Morley at what is now Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, and published in November of the same year.[1] It compared the speed of light in perpendicular directions, in an attempt to detect the relative motion of matter through the stationary luminiferous aether ("aether wind"). The result was negative, in that the expected difference between the speed of light in the direction of movement through the presumed aether, and the speed at right angles, was found not to exist; this result is generally considered to be the first strong evidence against the then-prevalent aether theory, and initiated a line of research that eventually led to special relativity, which rules out a stationary aether.[A 1] The experiment has been referred to as "the moving-off point for the theoretical aspects of the Second Scientific Revolution".[A 2] Michelson–Morley type experiments have been repeated many times with steadily increasing sensitivity. These include experiments from 1902 to 1905, and a series of experiments in the 1920s. More recent optical resonator experiments confirmed the absence of any aether wind at the 10−17 level.[2][3] Together with the Ives–Stilwell and Kennedy–Thorndike experiments, Michelson–Morley type experiments form one of the fundamental tests of special relativity theory.[A 3] OK please help me evaluate how long ARM I must build to measure RED shift ! I speak here only about 360/24h speed later we can add more arms ( more mirrors ) source--------sensor Sorry mirror = sensor Source = EM wave ( radio, light ,.. ) How long arm is good to test RED ? LIGO interferometer what they Showed ?
I wont to prepare test ( what will be if Arm will be more longer /shorter )
sorry I want to measure table's position respect to what ? exist Doppler ? exist ZERO ??? help me please I studing about GPS technology I have big problem I see RED or there is ZERO and respect to what table is moving ? MORE LONG ARM ??? = MORE RED ??? or MORE ZERO ?? sorry ???
Can I use Doppler or I have to look ZERO ? I have one source and one sensor but what about for example 4 sensors ?