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Everything posted by AdonisLoved

  1. Wouldnt it take about 7 minutes? But light is affected by the holes gravity correct?
  2. So light takes time to travel. But think about the absence of light or a black hole taking in the light and space around them, how long could it take to notice the gap it would leave, Could it be instant? Or would it take longer. It should be longer because the light is being pulled in. The fact, however, that the absence of light should be instantly perceptible due to the idea that the light isn't traveling anymore but being sucked back in the direction of the black hole against time, and space. The "dark hole" we see is happening there and now?; while the light we see happened years, to billions of years, ago. Would the hole be a 3dimensional(|+/-|?) object only imperceptible due to the fact of its gravity? Or is it a lack of dimension that causes such gravity. Also our pupils, oddly resemble them. The take in light, and project it to your brain. Any pros out there? -adonai
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