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Everything posted by Shery

  1. 40 yards was just the estimate not confirmed. assume a building floor 120sqr yards and has 4 rooms so i want to mange all the inventories in it. i want to place some kind of tags and use a reader to detect them i hope u understand now. i've read about it that. it take 3.3V so normal size battery cell can be use. but do you think that it can be coonected to a software. does it has its own mac mac-address..??
  2. well this is my final year project. so not want to make a such amount of project. i just have to deliver or Demonstrate to my faculty that this thing i have made and it can also be implemented on large scale for offices or companies. so there for i need help to select the technology. the problem with the RFID technology is that the RFID reader for 40 yards is much expensive.
  3. i want to create my FYP Projects. “ Integration of IoT and OpenERP over Inventory Management.” in this we do. a building has many rooms and many inventories. so to keep them at their place and time to time get updated with their place we use to place some kind of tags(chips) and placed a Tag reader at the door of room. so when ever inventories move to any room the reader use to take updates and placed them into the ERP Software. The things i want to know that what kind of technology does i use to track the inventories and how to update it. 1-Bluetooth 2-RFID or other..??
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