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Staring out windows (this is generally performed in fourth period french)
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Sadly none, as of yet...
Favorite Area of Science
Prone to changes with my fancy, though generally speaking, chemistry, biochemistry and molecular bio
- Atom
Theophrastus's Achievements

Atom (5/13)
Given the temperature, pressure and density of a simple hydrocarbon, how would one go about find its identity, by using equations, and not empirical data.
I'm guessing yes, for obvious reasons...but just to be sure...
Actually, the green of copper roofs on old buildings is primarily a mix of copper carbonate and hydroxide, due to moisture and CO2 in the air, resulting in the characteristic green colour. Pure copper (II) oxide is black and insoluble. In terms of the colouration, the source of it is primarily copper ions, released by the electrodes. I recommend perhaps running the experiment for longer, and then bringing it to a halt, waiting to se what becomes of the solution as the water vaporizes. Usually (I've tried this one before, a fair number of times), one is left with a lot of leftover sodium chloride, a small quantity of greenish- bluish crystals (probably a smidge of copper chloride and hydroxide), and as well, a rather large quantity of dull orange copper powder. In your second experiment, is the grey compound suspended in the solution, or dissolved, as I would probably guess it to be aluminum hydroxide.
- 3 replies
Hey, John, out of interest, would there be any way to extract the lactic acid, to get (regardless of crudeness) a relatively useable product? I think a while ago, YT, did something like this, extracting relatively pure (around 70% oleic acid) from olive oil by placing a jar of olive oil in the fridge overnight, then removing the insoluble mass present at the top. This is the very crude product. Then, adding sodium hydroxide, filtering off impurities, then adding hydrochloric acid finally leaves one with a somewhat usable oleic acid product. (Either way, the main impurities, are other aliphatic carboxylic acids like palmitic, stearic, and myristic acids)
Firstly I believe this is a repeat of an old thread if I'm not mistaken...hmm? As for uric acid, yes it can be found in urine, but in what purity? A wretched one, which would make it absolutely useless. I recommend that you start by buying one strong mineral acid (usually hydrochloric or sulfuric) and working your way up from there, as these can then further be used to make tons of organic, carboxylic acids, from their respective salts, when required and so forth. You can also then later, once you have enough technical, and theoretical experience, work with some even nastier (though useful) stuff like hydroiodic or nitric acid. You can easily buy hydrochloric acid at most hardware stores as "muriatic acid," and similarly, I believe I've heard sulfuric can be bought as "car- battery acid," though I've never done so myself. Happy experimenting. ps:I presume you know the risks associated with these stronger acids, if you don't, or are unsure, just consult MSDS (material safety data sheets; just type it in on google and you'll find your relevant querry) pps: and regarding horza's method, I know potassium permanganate (another strong oxidisers) to my own alarm, I found out very recently that it is sold quite commonly in certain pharmacies. Addition of potassium permanganate to alcohols wil yield the corresponding carboxylic acid, and the reaction runs to completion. In contrast, I find chromate would yield primarily an aldehyde product, unless you use excess oxidiser and heat it rather nicely, as it is a much weaker oxidiser. I believe dichromate would be more efficient in this respect. Chromates also happen to be carcinogenic, which... well... isn't quite fun.
What's a hickey? (tee hee!) *theo apologizes for throwing thread off topic with dirty comments*
Well yes' date=' but the rates of various enzymes may are rather slow, and variable; some taking much longer than others. (This could be exploited, given larger concentrations, but you'ld have to punch in the numbers) This can also depend on your choice of solvent, and what other substances are present. Aside from the physiological purposes in humans and animals, to which we are scarcely conscious of as it is, there are no other uses that I've heard of.
A rather simple question, but I'm hoping for some follow- up if an answer is given.
Out of interest, how would one go about reducing carboxylic acids, to aldehydes?
Sorry for the late post... but yeah, UC got it right. I'm using tylenol, actually (not the vile suspension, but the tablets), which where I come from is easy to come by, and relatively cheap. Joy.
Yeah, and even if the gunk were to be prevalent enough so as to form a visible, insoluble mass of sorts, the sheer quantity of impurities would make it rather useless. (Don't forget that dietary impurities (what you ate) can affect the composition of saliva as well) However, as horza said, unless your current was high enough, I find it unlikely that the enzymes would be damaged. Though they may perhaps pose a problem for enzyme function, as the process might reduce/ oxidize the metal ion cofactor (if altogether possible), or other such groups at the binding site, which can screw with your enzyme. So I would say that the process would probably affect function moreso than structure.
Well actually water makes up 99% of saliva's total composition, so your yield of other such proteins and whatnot, would be rather frugal. The remaining 1% consists primarilly of sodium, potassium, chloride bicarbonate phosphate ions and such, trace quantities of mucus, trace amounts of peroxide, thiocyanate, other antibacterials and such. The main enzymes are a- amylase, lingual lipase, lactoperoxidase, lactoferrin immunoglobin a, and various lysozymes, as well as trace amounts of tons of minor enzymes. It also contains various suspended human cells, and trace amounts of a strong painkiller; opiorphin. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saliva#Contents Here's a little more on the antimicrobial agents within saliva, if you're interested: http://jdr.sagepub.com/cgi/content/full/81/12/807
Ah, forgot to take note of that, that'll mean I'll have "sodium oxyphenylamine", which upon the addition of acid, will give me p- aminophenol.
A fun little thread that deserved some good- natured necromancy! I know this talk is all four years old, and whatnot, but it seemed twas cut off in an untimely fashion, for lack of a brilliant ending. Anyone with cool ideas who wants to join in the fun? Or maybe this year we'll get a new cast... Anyone got any worthy nominations? [Greek Chorus runs onstage]