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  1. chimeric and transgenic are totally different things aren't they? I thought A chimera is an organism derived from two (or more) different cell populations with different genomes whereas transgenic is just an organism that's had a gene added isn't it?
  2. I'm not convinced. Sounds like some sort of wiki-snobery
  3. this thread *might* be of interest (probably not): http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=12663
  4. all I know is that proteins can be transported into the lysosome by vesicles which fuse with the lysosome. I'm not sure that enzymes are released from them to destory other organelles.
  5. I asked that before and someone mentioned something about genetic diseases which I personally think was a bit weak and a bit of an insult to geneticists...
  6. Proteins called cyclins are involved with cell cycle timing. It'd be easiest just to quote wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyclin
  7. I'm a bit confused, couldn't (wouldn't?) the shotgun method use dideoxy sequencing (i.e. it's not either or). My vague understanding is that shotgun sequencing is essentially a method used for assembling sequences together in order to reconstruct sequences of large stretches of DNA (such as a genome) whereas dideoxy (Sanger) sequecing tells us which actual base pair molecules appear in order.
  8. I wouldn't be surprised, thousands of protein structures have been deterimined - and as far as I know most of them have been determined by X-ray crystallography. To answer the first question, I would say that x-ray diffraction and crystallography are two integral parts of x-ray crystallography which is using diffraction of x-rays by crystalised molecules (e.g protein) to infer the structure of the molecules. So, technically they're not the same thing but with sloppy english people might be refering to the same thing
  9. Thanks, I appreciate you using your beer money to help educate us all
  10. I don't think it does stand for radical. Side chains are not radicals!! Here it is just the side chain of an amino acid (for example, the side chain of Glycine is just H and for alanine it is CH3). I always took R groups in organic chemistry to be an organic group (where R sort of stood for rest [of the molecule])
  11. energy is required by proteins in cells to carry out many process. For example, proteins use energy to change shape and signal another protein. Examples: G-protein signalling They also use it to produce a chemical reaction and either produce or breakdown a chemical. Example: production of fatty acids probably uses energy. Energy is generally stored in the form of high energy bonds in ATP
  12. Ophiolite, I thought the exact same but couldn't be bothered sayinhg it
  13. ok but you can't say "tRNA does get translated" - that's not correct. That's like saying "google language tools gets translated" (which makes no sense) instead of saying "google language tools helps translate english to german". I think that's where the confusion arose anyway
  14. tRNA isn't and is never turned into a protein / amino acids. tRNA is a functional RNA molecule.
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