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Everything posted by donkey

  1. hi there, can you explain exactly how you went from 2 Litres to 3x600 uL? And what did you know about the initial 2L sample? Did all 3 600uL come from the same 2L stock or did you have 3x 2L initial samples? In general, my understanding of a yeild is that it's the amount you got at the end relative to the maximum possible amount (in a purification procedure the max possible amount may be the same as the starting mass of the protein you're interested in. This yeild can be expressed as a percentage. For example, lets say you had 2mg of your protein in 2L at the start (but this was an impure sample - your total protein concentration/mass including all the other proteins was way above 2mg). If after purification you had 600uL containing only 1 type of protein (i.e. a pure sample) you can now work out the yeild from the concentration/mass of protein you have. So if you found out that you had 2mg in your final 600uL sample then your yield you be 100%. If you had 1mg in 600uL, your yield would be 50%. The hard part is knowing what your initial specific (i.e. the protein you're interested in) protein mass / concentration was compared to your final sample. If you used an enzyme and assayed for enzyme activity at the start and end you could work it out. Do you have any way of knowing the concentration/amount of your protein you had in the first 2L sample (not total protein concentration but just the concentration or amount of the protein you ended up with). I hope some of that helps and please post back if you need some more help to clarify things
  2. i'm confused you do realise you could re-colour your picture (using only the 4 colours) with no 2 touching sections being the same colour, right?
  3. So could you say that a virion is a complete virus particle?
  4. BBC News (mainly online, i watch a lot of the TV shows online (like the 1 o'clock and 10 o'clock news programmes) and News 24) Google News -> wherever
  5. lol, north east of italy, next to croatia it's in the EU now so I'd hope most people would try and pay some attention
  6. I think Stryer et al is a good introduction to biochemistry withvery pretty pictures http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/bv.fcgi?call=bv.View..ShowTOC&rid=stryer.TOC&depth=10 unfortunately you can't flick through the pages on ncbi, you need to search.
  7. P, 22, male, hair on 3 fingers (not index) per hand
  8. i'm soconfused geddit? *sigh*
  9. hi, I used to be a chemistry student before switching to biology where i'm now doing biochemistry / molecular biology. Basically, to me molecular biology is all about DNA, gene expression and genetic engineering. You need a simple understanding of the chemistry involved but it's not really very similar to chemistry. You don't really need to know about mechanism of chemical reactions and such. Biochemistry, as the name would suggest, is a lot more similar to chemistry. Perhaps you could say that biochemistry and molecular biology are as much a subset of chemistry as chemistry is a subset of physics.
  10. I'm a bit confused, what do you have the solution to? producing RNA from a peptide sequence? p.s. hi all
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