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About TyrantLizardKing

  • Birthday October 5

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    Paleontology, especially dinosaurs.
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Lepton (1/13)



  1. It's just Apollo jamming out. Don't worry guys.
  2. You kind of got this a little bit fundamentally backwards. Think of evolution as a tree, if that helps. We can narrow it down to primates. The first true primates to evolve were probably something akin to lemurs. Think of this as the trunk (this is vast over-simplification, but picturing it may help you). Now lemurs and monkeys probably arose from a common ancestor a few million years after, think of the tree branching into two huge limbs. The trunk of the left is lemurs and the right one is monkeys. Please take into account that these are not the same species of lemur that existed at the base of the tree, nor five inches away. These are entirely new species that arose from ancestry. Now, let's get back to our monkey branch. Since there are a lot of different monkey "types", there are a bunch of different branches that space out, much like the twigs of an oak tree. Let's focus on one larger branch, this has two sections in it. The common ancestor of both apes and monkeys. Remember, these are not the same species of monkey that were around 10 twigs ago. The ape branch is now branching like a limb of a tree, while the monkey one is still growing (also, so are lemurs on the other side of the tree). Now here we get to the different types of apes that were around earlier in the fossil record. Let's focus on one little section of branches, this includes our early ancestors and the early ancestors of chimpanzees (mind you, these are not actually humans and chimpanzees, but rather different species that are genetically and somewhat phenotypically similar to an extent). This is where you might find some of those inbetweens that you asked about, on the human side of the branch. You get species like Homo erectus that look like a human, vaguely, but a lot hairier and smaller, as well as having some distinct ape like features. The monkeys of today are still evolving, but of course you cannot see it. It's a gradual, very long pace. The monkeys of today are suited well to their environment, so they are not currently developing any human-like traits due to their arboreal nature. Hope this helps.
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