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Everything posted by DreaDurb

  1. I recently took an exam in which my professor asked "which is not a component of the cerebrum?". I answered the pons, but was a little thrown off since the thalamus and hypothalamus were also options. It has always been my understanding that the cerebrum composes the cortex and medulla of the cerebral hemispheres (which compose the telencephalon). The hypothalamus, thalamus and epithalamus make up the Diencephalo. Since the Telencephalon and Diencephalon both make up the forebrain, I asked the professor if he meant "which is not a component of the forebrain?" Rather than cerebrum...... Anyway, I was told that the cerebrum includes the hemispheres as well as the thalamus and epithalamus. I have not been able to find literature that excludes these components, but I'm still having a hard time wrapping my mind around it. What do you guys think? Does the cerebrum include epi/hypo/thalamus?
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