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Everything posted by Bluenoise

  1. Yeah I probabley have ADD too. I have this serious problem where someone is trying to talk to me but I'm thinking about something and I can't make myself pay attention to them. It really sucks when we have confrences cuz someone will talk about their work, and something will trigger an idea in my head. My mind will go off thinking about some crazy train of thought. And then I'll realise my supervisor has been talking to me for the past couple minutes, and I have no idea what he said. So I just nod and smile till he stops...
  2. It's probably the cranberry juice. Likely it's altered the balance of various stomac/intestinal bacteria. Actually it's been show to kill H. philori (sp?) so it's probably a good thing. Eventually your body will adapt and things will get back to normal. Unless you have some sort of pain in your gut associated with it I wouldn't worry. Maybe eating some pro-biotics will help (yogurt). Time will take care of it. No need to go back to drinking pop. Don't know much about migraines but you could read this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Migraines "Migraine was once thought to be initiated by problems with blood vessels. This theory is now largely discredited. Current thinking is that a phenomenon known as cortical spreading depression is responsible for the disorder. In cortical spreading depression, neurological activity is depressed over an area of the cortex of the brain. This results in the release of inflammatory mediators leading to irritation of cranial nerve roots, most particularly the trigeminal nerve that conveys the sensory information for the face and much of the head." and a headache? Well it's an aching pain in the head as the name states. Likely many causes there. I never get them, and rarely even a slight headache. Actually I can will head aches away when I feel them coming. I just relax my mind if I feel one coming on and they go away.
  3. Yeah It happens to me all the time. Usually when I'm doing slight variations on things I do regularly. Like I'll goto the computer to pull-up a file or website. But I'll start by checking my e-mail and news headlines, and then I'll get up to go do somethign else. But a split second later I'll realise what happened and go back and do it right. I also mean to check what time it is, so I pull out my cell phone and look at it. But I don't read the time, and put it back in my pocket. Then I realise I didn't really check the time so I do it properly.
  4. Now as I know very little on the subject this is just how I've always pictured it. (I usually refrain from posting my speculates cuz I hate debate but.. ..oh well) I've always had the opposite problem, imagining a universe that ends; That I can't handle. An infinite universe always seemed much more logical. I imagine it as an infinite universe with an infinite amount of matter and energy in it. I picture the big bang as a cycle of expansion and contraction. Which leaves the problem of how an infinite amount of mater can contract into a sigularity without requiring an infinite amount of time. I see it as the accumulation of blackholes, and as the density of blackholes and mass grows space get progressivley more bent and distorted till it bends in on itself so much that space with all the spacial demensions with all it's infitine matter and energy gets bent into a singularity. At this point it "rebounds" and the universe unfurrles or "flattens out". Like imagine if you had an infinitely big piece of paper and you tried to fold opposite directions in on themselves, till it crumples up into a little ball... Please don't tear me to peices now...
  5. Righty-O! You seem to have a good grasp of the procedure.
  6. No they will not percipitate at standard gravity. You need to increase it via centrifugation for this to occur. Brownian motion is stronger than gravity for particles this small. Yes salt is necessary to percipiate DNA since a positive counter ion is needed. However in most cases this much salt is already present and the addition of more is not necessary.
  7. Well no they don't start with exons. But sequencing the mRNA will give you both the start/stop of the mRNA and each individual exon for the included spliced forms. Anyways RACE PCR is just a very specific method for sequencing the ends. Whose terminology most definatley falls out of the range of the given assingment
  8. You can't live off Ramen for too long, it's missing many essentual vitimans and nutrients. Actually it is not unheard of for students to try and eventually develope scurvey. No reason to live off Ramen. Living cheep and healthy isn't too hard. Try potatoes, tuna, dried beans and cheep frozen veggies ($20 of that will probably last you a few weeks). Though Ramen is definatley the laziest way to do it. Plus I doubt all the MSG is very good for you. (not all brands contain it but likely the majority do)
  9. 4500 years ago!!! lol I think not. That's 2500BC not all that long ago in geological terms.
  10. Some alcohols can percipitate some proteins and all DNA, however in this procedure it is used to percipitate nucleic acids. The proteins wont percipitate because treatment with the protease has already chopped them up into oligiopeptides (which don't percipitate easily), and I doubt an ethanol layer on water can cause significant proteins to percipitate and collect in the interphase. Alternative methods use a buffer that percipitate only proteins (salt, pH various ions etc), which are then removed by centrifugation prior to collection of the DNA. However the method stated in the OP is an at home method so trys to avoid the use of expensive lab equipment. As mentioned above if the histones aren't removed by a method such as protease digestion they will contaminate your DNA. Which is important in downstream applications such as sequencing and in-vitro transription, as they may block the progression of polymerases and other DNA binding enzymes. (It's best to do a phenol-cholorform extration prior to use to remove everything, however this once again isn't an at home thing.)
  11. It's really easy actually. Just think about stuff and get yourself pumped up (sex, sports, violence, anything you consider exciting or stressful). This will raise it quickly. Or clear you mind and think really calm relaxing thoughts (like floating in a pool with no noise or cares etc...) and it will lower. It will likely work the first time you try. It's really simple. With practice you can side steps these thoughts and will it directly. It's really far easier than most people would have you think. A good place to practice are those free heartrate and bloodpressure readers the have in large drugstores and walmart.
  12. Yeah sure. I've done it before. But you'll get a hangover from doing it. Video game hangovers suck.
  13. Yeah dito. You're low in electrolytes. Go eat a crate of bananas or drink some sports drinks (e.g. gatorate)
  14. It is not possible. A plane is huge and even the biggest conveyor belt would fit inbetween the wheels of a plane!!! It's a trick question!!! run for the hills!!!!
  15. Ummm I'm not quite sure what you mean by getting it to "gel". For what purpose? Well if you freeze it to -80C or colder it gets viscous like a gel. Otherwise you can add glycerol to it to thicken it quite a bit.
  16. Most likely the guy doing the experiments is just getting better at training rats through practice, or he's getting better at identifying corrent behavoir.
  17. No #3 is about the location of the mRNA in the genome, and the start and stop of the exons that are in the genome.
  18. Yeah there just isn't a safe predictable method that allows one to change the DNA of a grown adult. It's a problem of delivery, and specificity. Though it currently being done with stem cells to some sucess. However that requires the removal and culture of these cells then they are altered and reintroduced to a person.
  19. The giant squid. prove me wrong!! I dare you.
  20. Though this is homework, I'll resist my regular intentions and answer anyways. Your answer for #1 is viable and will also provide a rough estimate for #2. Sequencing of the fragments obtained by your anwer for #1 will provide a definate answers for 2; and 3 when compared to genome sequence. Microarrays can be done for 4 and first part of 6. In-situ can be done for 5 and the second part of 6. There are also other possibilites, but the ones I've listed are probably the easiest / most practical. Edit to tell you the truth 4+5 would be done easiest using a reporter gene assay however this wouldn't tell you which spiced form is present, only that one is. However as the question doesn't specify this either way you may want to say that.
  21. The hydrogen that is available as water is not in an energetically favorable position to provide reducing power; while hydrogen bonded to NAD is. This is because when a water molecule looses a hydrogen it produces a less stable hydroxide ion. While the loose of hydrogen from NADH produces are more stable NAD+ molecule. Note the the hydrogen removed from NADH is also accompanied by the loss of two elections. If this was to happen with Water you'd be left with an ultra unstable species HO+
  22. Oh didn't realise there was sodium in it...
  23. Just out of curiousity what provides the counter ion for the Clorine in this process to create the salt stated?
  24. NO. Well you could "mate" but no viable offspring could be produced.
  25. Uhhh with current molecular biological techniques no one really takes these theories seriously. Plus what's wrong with the idea that our ancestors simply walked to their locations? or built small boats?
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