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Everything posted by Bluenoise

  1. It sounds like you should probably goto the doctor. This is roughly what will probably happen. The doctor will likely give you pain killers then send you to a physiotherpist. The physiotherapist will probably give you some light back excercises and stretches to do for a couple mounts and tell you to avoid any heavy lifting or other excercises that could strain your back.
  2. Merry Christmass all!!
  3. Uh well technology is just the implimentation of science right?
  4. Meh weeds pretty lame anyways. Just makes you stupid, sleepy, and a strange mix of feeling good with paranoia on the side. At least alcohol make people ultrasociable and do funny things. Leads to many memoriable stories. No need to make Weed illegal. Though to tell you the truth I couldn't care either way. It's just not for those of us that have better things to do with our time.
  5. I'd say 3 is target concentration for lack of a better word.
  6. reading the wikipedia page, it seems that most case of heterochromia is cased by some other disease or condition. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heterochromia
  7. Ummm not quite, ne mobo, processor, and ram should be all you need to change. Unless your graphics card uses a slot that's not commonly available on new motherboards. But you can always get a built in graphics processor.
  8. It's for proff reading.
  9. I think you're going to have to be a little more specific. You would expect for the two domains to be localized together/physically attached, and possibly for them to interfere with one anothers ability to function properly. What do you mean by fully functioning? Combining domains is done fairly commonly. Usually for the purpose of the addition of reporter domains to tag proteins e.g. GFP/YFP/RFP/CFP tags; or to assist in the purification/export of proteins by the addition of localization signals, his tags etc... It is often usefully to attach a domain of a protein that is exported out of a cell to assits in purification. Assuming the modification doesn't interfere with the folding of the protein one can expect a functional protein. Now all these really achieve is the localization of two elements together. Creation of new function by the combination of domains on the other hand isn't very likley. (Rational attempts at engineering new functions have proven very futile) I'm sorry I can't understand what you're trying to say, could you please reword this. (I can interpret this too many ways after making gramatical corrections.)
  10. This is exactley what I've been saying as well.
  11. Same here. They forced use to learn it in early school. Proclaimed it as vastly superior to printing. Even wouldn't except assingments that weren't in cursive. Eventually you realise it's virtually impossible for other poeple to read, especially quickly. Right now I can barley write cursive maybe a word every 10 seconds. I think most people develope their own writing style. Mines printing with ~50% connected letters. I just do what comes naturally.
  12. I'd say that people who eat bacon 5 times a week also do alot of other bad health choices that contribute far more than the bacon.
  13. I'd say it depends on the systems
  14. Yes this will work. Just remember to make serial dilutions of your test samples and not over digest, else you might not be able to tell the difference between the samples. Plus you should grind the crackers really really really well.
  15. It's very unscientific to take a very poorly defined concept like "soul" with no evidence what-so-ever and attempt to define it with other evidence. Science works the other way arround. You start with some peice of evidence; some fact to make you think that way. In science you take observations/ evidence and then create a word to encompass these discoveries. Not the other way around. Soul is a religious/spiritual concept that needs to be taken on faith to believe. It is thus futile to satisfy lack of, or questioning of faith in the concept of soul by rationalizing other concepts (like electricity) as a possible explaination. If one was to discover that there is some of residual electrical pattern/signature unique to the individual that is observable post mortem it wouldn't be proof for a soul. It would need it's own term to define it such as unique postmortem electrical signature (UPES). Not that it's possible since it would fly in the face of the concept of Entropy.
  16. Ummm that link you gave links to a page titled "Karl Schroeders Science Fiction"...
  17. Well he stated he wanted to compare the levels in different, and my method will work very well for that. If you want quantitative data well you'll have to do more work than that. You could even do it by weight. A can of flat coke should weight less than a fresh can. However you'd be very hard pressed to find a balance sensitive enough which can handle the 350g weight of a can of coke.
  18. This is soo easy. Just take a collection of soft drinks in plastic bottles of the same volume. One by one shake them like hell, then bunch a very very small hole in the bottom. and collect what sprays out. Once the preasure equilbrates it will stop spraying due to the very small hole in the bottom, and surface tension of the liquid. Anyways which ever sprays the most liquid has the most carbonation.
  19. I know around here many people get a BSc and then goto teachers colledge. Canada. I think it's about the same in the states.
  20. Well now we wait a few years till they build it.
  21. I'd try it. But knowing me I'd spill it and get oil all over my place.
  22. Gah don't remind me. I just ate asperagus. I can't stand that smell.
  23. Ok first I want to pose a general question, and then following that if necessay I'll go into some detail about what caused me to come to this conclusion. (i'm a bit stretch for time at the moment) Okay it is known that the general person can see light with a wavelength between 400-700nm. Now somepeople can see down to 380nm. Now I wondering if illness (say cold/flue) could lessen this ability? I've heard that this effect exists on sound, so it is not a far shot. I'm assuming it narrows the range of frequences that are communicated form sensory organs to the brain. So is it possible that someone could see light of say 380nm when healthy, but when ill would have their range reduced to say higher than 400nm?
  24. They say it uses salts? Well it likley uses some salt that adsorbs water forming a hydrous complex. Afterwhich the salt is likely moved into a smaller camber where is it heated producing very humid vapour that can be quickly condensed. That's just a guess anyways.
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