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Everything posted by Bluenoise

  1. ignorance *edit* Also it makes alot better of a story that way...
  2. Well seeing as there's no such thing as a nanite I'd have to say the answer is no. On the other hands DNA synthesis machience do exist that can chemically synthesis strands of a DNA. Umm I'll spare you a chemical explaination, I doubt it would help. But here's a nova video that may. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/sciencenow/3214/01.html But yeah no such thing as nanites, that's the relm of science fiction. A very distant sci fi.
  3. Well you could just goto the drug store, and by one of those protein removal contact solutions with cases. They basically contain a dilute hydrogen peroxide solution along with a special case for it. The case contains this metal catalyst (so iron magnesium thing I'm guessing) that will cause the rapid decomposition of the hydrogen peroxide into Oxygen and water. It's alot easier than dealing with enzymes from liver, or blood. Alot cleaner too I may add. Also this reaction doesn't produce hydrogen gas in any significant quantity just water and Oxygen so there isn't any need to seperate them, and yeah to get some hydrogen gas just disolve metal in acid... but be carefull...
  4. Oh this is only the first, and relativley simple I can't to see what's next. But yeah apparently they're just like normal zebra fish but glow red.
  5. They sell these?? why didn't anyone tell me??!! I'm getting me some now. http://www.glofish.com/default.asp Here's a quote taken from a recent new scientist article.
  6. You do know that neanderthals have 48 chromosomes right?
  7. Ummm pretty much all life dies really fast in space....
  8. God that was a long time ago I learnt this and can't say I can remember what it is at all. Hmmmm you probably should have posted this in either a biology or medicine form.
  9. I wouldn't marry a nerd or a super model. Both sound rather boring if you ask me. And why would I marry someone that bores me?
  10. ring! ring! ring! ring! ring! bannanna phone!
  11. But is complexity and detail not composed of many simple things?
  12. Best of luck with all that.
  13. I have no idea why but I've heard of it. I had a friend who used to sneeze and then you hear him exclaim "yes!" like he just won something. He said the best sneeezes were when he got multiple ones... I on the other hand find sneezing really anoying and irritating, get no sense of pleasure from it at all. Really y'all sound a bit nutty to me.
  14. Do you deserve it? wft are you talking about? Geeeze suck it up. We all have to do things we don't like. I wouldn't get so hung up over it.
  15. No the end is when you eat everything. There are a finite amount of levels, and a finite amound of food. Once it's all up there isn't really anything left to do.
  16. Oh it was red. I was thinking that white might work better, but decided against it.
  17. It would probably work if you used less sugar. On a side note. I make a wine popsicle a few weeks ago (inspired by black books). BAD IDEA. tasted really really really bad.
  18. You obviously don't spend enough time reading the chemistry and biology forums then... Or maybe it's more of a result of people being able to much better spot rediculous theories in the field that they are the most familiar with...
  19. All speakers and microphones constantly take in sound and covert it to enelectricity. A speaker and a microphone are really the same thing for the most part. Try plugging in a simple speaker into your microphone jack you should be able to record your voice with it. But yeah the amount of energy in sound is insignificant.
  20. How much will this thing probably hold? and is it possible that they can make it read only?
  21. I have no idea what you're trying to say here. Maybe you should rephrase it. It's like you've given bits and peices of a story, without connecting them. I'm not sure how anyone could answer you. I'm guessing he's in some sort of psy ward? that's why they can forcibaly inject him?
  22. What are the ramifications for us up in Canada, Where our government agencies don't tend to feel like they're on some sort of religious crusade?
  23. Ha ha from the title I was so sure you mean a mouse trap that kills the mouse by catapulting it. LMAO
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