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Everything posted by Bluenoise

  1. Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously, Obviously... Except there isn't a single obvious thing in anything you wrote there... Except that it's a obviously massive stretch of the imagination.
  2. I work with non-coding RNA's. Designing methodologies to isolate new classes. Working on my masters in Biochemistry. Have three projects going in paralle now, and it's starting to make me a little... ...high strung to say the least.
  3. Not at all. It's just most of the amazing discoveries are beyond the scope of a person not educated in a related field. Thus they don't make good headlines for the general public.
  4. Yes two seperate concioussnessess. It's ultra rare in humans. But there is a living example in the states now. http://www.geocities.com/heldenkline/Hensel.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abigail_and_Brittany_Hensel
  5. You're confusing your self. The cheep 35 dollar edition is the original edition 1. It's mainly sold as a collectors item now. The $153 edition is the 39th edition of the book. It is modern, and about 10x as long. This is the one that's currently used to teach. IE. Original only $12 http://www.amazon.com/Grays-Anatomy-Descriptive-Surgical-Henry/dp/0914294083 New edition $153 http://www.amazon.com/Grays-Anatomy-Anatomical-Clinical-Practice/dp/0443071683/sr=1-2/qid=1168894906/ref=pd_bbs_sr_2/103-7235034-9001458?ie=UTF8&s=books
  6. Yeah in undergrad I think I averaged $400 a term in books....
  7. Who knows, maybe I was the one who fluked and just got luck. Hey I'd be surprised if there was a string of 6 characters that wasn't a word is some font in all the languages out there! I guess the fact that it said something like Hello and not turkey sandwich gives it some credit... We'll never really know I guess lol.
  8. I have no idea what you just said...
  9. No I mean turn that into base 10. Like so 1AF5 = 5 x 16^0 + 15 x 16^1 + 10 * 16^2 + 1 * 16^3 = 6901 remember F = 15 and A = 10. Try that with B89D
  10. Maybe not but they're both right. Why don't you try this number "1AF5" and se what you get with Klaynos's example.
  11. You mean this equation right? (the newtonian equation, which gives 1.8c doesn't work for high speeds) w=(u + v)/(1+ uv/c^2) well set u and v both to c and see what you get. i.e. c. Thus all objects moving at c do so in all reference frames. The idea that time goes slower for objects as they approach c is what puts my mind at ease for this problem. Though I can't really explain why...
  12. Okay sorry for the tripple post but. I SOLVED THE PUZZLE!!! Well with the help of my hindi friend of mine. The characters aren't in the standard font, but are used in an Yogesh font which is for hindi/sanskrit. It's kind ironic, actually. By a major fluke TheBigDino was kinda right, he just happened to hallucinate the answer almost. In Hindi when taking the old archaic 8 looking character into account it reads "hllu hllu" Which ironically enough means "Hello hello". Thank you. Thank you very much. *edit* The trick was to put the characters into google, and see if you got a hit to anything meaningfull.
  13. And isn't that what connotations are?
  14. Here's the word. The 3rd and 6th characters translate to some sort of accent or modification. If someone can translate this that would really really help. but otherwise here is the word. Actually I'm pretty sure it's hindi. Okay. So the weird sideways 8 is in archic sanskrit. The word in modern term is ह्ढह्ढ I think... common there must be someone who speaks hindi here... I might be looking way to far into this however...
  15. I'm not so sure about that. I got microsoft sam to speak it out and you know what I heard. "aa a o aa a o" It doesn't sound remotley like hello.... It actually sounds exactley like I would have imagined åæøÅÆØ would sound pronounced. As å, æ and ø are sounds or vowels in certain languages, Danish for example. I was in denmark for a good chunk of this year, and Microsoft sam did an ok job of pronouncing it. Actually I typed those characters into google. And it turned up a .pdf written in some languadge I don't know. Hindu? Arbic? where those characters represent a word I think... I'll try to findout the languadge (&*%$ why can't I spell????) and translate it now.
  16. I think the first one is something simular to an aldol condensation. Actually I'm nearly 100% positive it's related in some manner. I just can tell you cuz I left all my notes in another city and the internet sucks for this... Maybe in a couple weeks when I pick them up sorry....
  17. There are 3 sections. Physically sciences, biologicall sciences, and verbal reasoning. Here is a link to sample biology questions. http://www.aamc.org/students/mcat/bssampleitems.pdf As you can see their for the most part biochemistry based. The closest to anatomy there is in that sample is about which tissue secreats mucous during a cold. That's all assuming this sample is a decent representative of the rest of the test. There's likely to be some anatomy at least.
  18. really? I thought Alas has negative connotations to it, kind of like "unfortunatley we now have a winner" . While "at last" was supposed to be possitive, like "Yes! finally a winner"
  19. Cistron - geeze your teacher has a unique way of wording things... Really what's wrong with the word gene anyways. Why don't you write your take on the question and I'll tell you what I think of your answer. I'm not about to write you a 2 page essay...
  20. How do you buy something at a library.
  21. Biochemistry. I think I'm pretty well set up for the mCATs I was reading over a sample test and everything seems to be pure science based. There's almost nothing pertaining to anatomy or medicine in it.
  22. How do you know the essay question before the test? Plus this question is pretty non-specific, and worded really badly. Are you sure you wrote the whole question down? I could interpret it to mean a few different things. Like it could mean: How the genetic code specifies for the production of proteins. How proteins specificaly interact to certain regions of DNA.
  23. Yep looks like the more recently one that you'd want is. http://www.amazon.com/Grays-Anatomy-Anatomical-Clinical-Practice/dp/0443071683/sr=1-2/qid=1168894906/ref=pd_bbs_sr_2/103-7235034-9001458?ie=UTF8&s=books I may just buy this. I've been contemplating doing a bit of a change of direction. Instead of going all the way to the pHD just finishing my masters writing the mCATs and going to med school... I have trouble sticking to one area...
  24. Are you for real? Seriously I'm having a hard time believing this isn't some sort of joke.
  25. specificity for what? I'm not sure what you're asking.
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