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Everything posted by RobC673

  1. One of the mysteries for me is why when electrons are fired one at a time through a single slit they form a diffraction pattern.
  2. To solve the mysteries of the quantum world I reckon we will have to wait for the emergence of another Newton/Einstein. Normally I would have said it’s going to be a century or so but looking at the population explosion, it could be a lot sooner. I have the feeling that their nationality will be Chinese and their sex is going to be male. Just hope I am here to see it happen.
  3. The one about the scaling effect.
  4. I have read this reply many times but still do not understand it. Could you give a reply that would be readily comprehensible to a 16yr old school boy? Thanks RobC673.
  5. It is said that the universe is expanding faster than the speed of light. But even if it is not can the force of gravity override this expansion to cause galaxies to collide?
  6. We are told that space is expanding and that the rate of expansion is increasing so taking these factors into account how do galaxies occasionally collide?
  7. We are told that the universe is not a collection of galaxies sitting in space, all moving away from a central point. Instead, a more appropriate analogy is to think of the universe as a giant blob of dough with raisins spread throughout it (the raisins represent galaxies; the dough represents space). When the dough is placed in an oven, it begins to expand, or, more accurately, to stretch, keeping the same proportions as it had before but with all the distances between galaxies getting bigger as time goes on. I have a query, is if this is the case why are certain galaxies colliding?
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