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Everything posted by JCDC85

  1. Thanks for the welcoming I do not drain it and refill everytime so I guess ice molds is the only of those that seems convenient on a normal basis. Thanks, its gonna take quite a bit of reusable ice cubes, ha
  2. Hi all, I have been contemplating the best way to cool my 100 gallon Rubbermaid plastic water trough down to 50ish degrees F on a fairly regular basis. I keep it in my garage and use it as a cold tub for health and performance reasons. I need it to be affordable and as convenient as possible. -I was thinking of maybe an industrial ice maker but theses are $800 and up used on craigslist. -Maybe tarp off the tub and have a portable AC unit blow directly into the tub area.. AC units are still $250 or more and and it seems a cluttered setup. -Buy a chest freezer off craigslist and find a material with high specific heat & conductivity? -I read elsewhere that no common metal or material is going to compare with the heat capacity of using water, especially including the extra BTU absorbed when going through phase change..??? -Fill lots of small plastic bottles with water, add salt and cool them in a chest freezer? -This iCool sport thing is cool (pun intended) but it costs $2000. advertising link removed Other better ideas or ways to improve any of the above?
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