I need some help to help me identify this kind of chart. Does it have a specific name ?
I've been building it for years at work without knowing if there's a specific name or literature attached to it.
How does it show?
It is a chart showing a quantity and the rapidity to eliminate it through time.
And if the quantity is not eliminated, it builds-up.
How to read it ? Let's say we're talking about money, what you spend and your total savings.
week32 you earn 22
week 33 you have 18 left out of these 22.
+ week 33 you earn 20, so you have the top point = 20+18 = 38 for w32
As long as what you've earn a specific week has been totally eliminated, the line does not touch the one on its bottom.
The more vertical are lines, the faster you eliminate.
Any idea about how it's called ? Thanks