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Everything posted by fredreload

  1. To begin with, let's make a distinction about regeneration of the head and embryonic growth of the head. Regeneration of the head matches the age of the individual, you don't grow an infant's head on an adult body, you grow an adult head on an adult body, this step presumably follows the part where the embryonic stem cells have differentiated in accelerated aging. If you assume a perfect regeneration of the head, then it would comes with the original person's consciousness as well as original person's memory(brain structure remapped through regeneration, I am not sure how). All that being stored somewhere(in the neighboring cells?), I assume the acceleration of aging is a factor for the original person's consciousness and original person's memory. If you make a clone body, it does not come with original person's memory and original person's consciousness. P.S. Not many creatures can regenerate a head, I think hydra is one of them.
  2. Hi, Freewilll has a more complete picture about what I am trying to describe, I will add on to that. There are two things I am interested about regeneration. I want to achieve head regeneration in human, complete with brain and everything. The idea is that it could achieve immortality, and even cloning would not suffice such a result if assume that the regenerated head brings back the head. Second, I want to achieve reverse aging through regeneration. Though based on your idea of going through embryonic stem cells part by part is not exactly the most efficient way of reverse aging. But your theory is correct, I agree with you.
  3. Yes, but there are synaptic delays. I guess bullet time is not possible heh.
  4. The computer has a clock, and a quartz controlling this clock that could be overclocked. The brain, while not function in terms of binary, should also have a clock based on my speculation. While part of the brain regarding consciousness should have a circadian rhythm. If you overclock the brain, what do you think would happen? Well, the consciousness would not exist if the frequency goes above a certain speed. But apart from that region of the brain regarding consciousness, which is at the pons, the rest of the brain could run at a faster rate. The electronics retrieve information in terms of 0s and 1s, but the brain does not have 0s and 1s to retrieve and pass on, you just need to get there.
  5. Well, it might induce apoptosis on the surrounding cells and update the limb for the older axolotl arm.
  6. Well, then we must assume that regeneration would not help in biological immortality, making biological immortality a bit far fetched.
  7. So you are saying the young axolotls could make the attached old axolotls arm into a young axolotls arm using regenerative technique? That is amazing. Though I do like to know the mechanism of action that the young axolotls is doing to the old axolotls arm. Does it reverse ages the arm using a hormone with the repair action?
  8. Let's assume I clone a lizard so there are two identical lizards in genetics, one older, one younger. Experiment: I cut off the arm of both the young and old lizard and stitch the old lizard's arm on the young lizard's arm place where it's cut. Question: Would the young lizard attempt to transform the old lizard's arm into a young arm using regeneration, or would it simply shed off the old arm and grow a new one in its place? Analysis: I am always fascinated by the idea of regeneration and I know there has to be a communication mechanism among the cells during regeneration, but I am not sure if the mechanism seeks to reprogram a cell or push it aside and grow a new cell in its place. This has a very big implication in cellular reprogramming, for instance, a hydra, which can grow from a single cell, if I want to renew its age, I just revert the age of this single cell, and it would reprogram the rest of the body to match its age. If it does not reprogram the cells then it would reprogram an entire body in place of its old ones. Which, when apply full body regeneration to the humans(hopefully in the future), would be meaningless. It would just grow an entire new body out of the existing body instead of converting the old body to match its age or structure.
  9. 1. Could we induce embryonic stem cells the same way we induce pluripotent stem cells? 2. Could embryonic stem cells regenerate into an entire embryo?
  10. For those who does not know what cold welding is, Google it or look it up before you post here. The idea is if you put two metal pieces together inside a vacuum chamber without the oxidative layer, a bond would form between the two metals and fuse them together(I am not sure which type of bond). So the story goes, if I put my hand into a vacuum chamber and touch the metal, would they fuse? Keep in mind that our human body is made of carbon and water.
  11. Well, I'd assume that big bang should not happen in a timeless domain. Therefore, what is outside of the universe should have time and therefore, another expanding universe.
  12. What do you think is outside of a universe?
  13. I will answer this question. I myself had the same question in a post before, what if we swap our DNA with a bear. The answer is, the effect will not show until you apply regeneration(cell proliferation). And as you begin to regenerate the body parts, you will begin to unlock the structure. It's good that people are finally catching up in terms of science :D.
  14. Thanks for the answer, sir.
  15. Alright, I'll give an example of the most common sweet I take, chocolate milk and coke and sweet mango drink for every meal daily. If you make a union between the three they both contain glucose, fructose, and maybe a small amount of saccharin. So alright it doesn't mean no sugar, it just means very low amount of it produced by cells, my bad. Cognition? This is based on myself really, but if I want to be accurate I'd have someone conduct a test on me .
  16. We've got AC running but the mosquito still land, but thanks I'll take the electric fan idea. It's impossible to dry out, we're surrounded by the pacific ocean in the island here in Taiwan.
  17. Well, as you know I've been on a diet which is devoid of all sugar content. I am still eating regularly like rice, at one point I ate a giant pizza which is devoid of sugar content, mostly except a small a mount of pineapple, but my brain is still on low activity. If you do assume that the entire pizza is converted to glucose then the brain should function the same, which it was not. Fructose could be a factor.
  18. Well then based on your logic saccharin makes you smarter with a chance of causing cancer, same thing as I am pointing fingers around .
  19. Hmm, a radar, but that only works on radio wave or microwave spectrum. I was thinking something more detailed like the Google self driving car, but a Lidar system cannot tell the weather, can it?
  20. Well, a sweetener. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saccharin P.S. Sugar, or Saccharin, is also said to cause cancer. P.S. I was warned by my elementary school teacher that saccharin is added to most product to make things a lot sweeter than it originally is. But it was never mentioned that it could cause cancer. I am not sure if saccharin or sugar makes the boost in brain activity. P.S. Anyway I stopped taking all sugar content for 3 days because I was trying to lose weight and it is advised by a taxi driver(Taiwan has some pretty crazy taxi drivers). And on day 3 I have a much easier time falling asleep as well as less brain activity. I go from like Rain Man to someone that can't remember what happened for the last ten minutes. P.S. It is also said that devoid of sugar causes cancer cells to die. If I do develop cancer that would be the first thing I do, stop taking sugar. And I lived without sugar for 3 days so it shouldn't be fatal, other than lowered brain activity.
  21. I dunno if it is the artificial sugar or natural sugar that does the trick. But if you don't believe me, just start taking or if you already did stop taking sugar for a week and you will know what I am talking about. Other food suggestions are welcomed, like lemon? I am not sure if lemon does the trick as mentioned in "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy".
  22. Well, you guys aren't islanders, I have like 5 bug bites on me as I am typing this post, but right, making species extinct could raise a problem.
  23. Crispr is where I got the purging idea, it has nothing to do with radio wave. And radio wave is just an idea for me to start finding support articles relating to EM radiation and bug repel.
  24. I'm thinking of using a type of radio wave to purge the bug on this island. Only the harmful ones like mosquitoes or crockroaches. I got this idea from crispr where they are thinking of using crispr to make mosquitoes extinct, unfortunately I've never read that article, just read the title. Then I bought a bottle of repellant that is supposed to help against mosquitoes. Anyway, let me know if you got any bug purging ideas. https://www.electroschematics.com/3864/ultrasound-and-insects/
  25. Ya, I'm using this as an example to refer to the real world model, airplanes.
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