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Everything posted by fredreload

  1. Hmm, this brings me to my other question though. A pure projectile weapon without the gun powder cannot be stopped, like a sling shot
  2. Right, but the gun is purely mechanical, to disable the gun remotely perhaps through raining, but with electromagnetic field seems hard P.S Also comes in many types of different materials You could use directed microwave on the gun powder
  3. Can you disable a gun powder gun with electromagnetic radiation? Can you use laser to shoot down a bullet?
  4. Is there a method of wave to wave communication? As for, an interaction between radio waves. This comes from a Taiwan taxi driver btw Like a receiver carrier wave Or modify wave in mid air
  5. Water molecule are composed of atoms H2O, what about fire? What property is fire composed of? Photon? Electrons? Neutrons? Protons?
  6. I did check it out once, there are chemical agencies doing it, forgot the price though. I'd imagine ATP could be stored and non degradable like Google Box and algae? Beats me, I am quite unfamiliar with this molecule
  7. Ya well, I was exaggerating = =, but really, for plants, it all comes down to Rubisco enzyme, and if you supply ATP for 24 hours, the reaction should run for 24 hours, assuming you have unlimited supply of ATP. The only reason plants does not produce glucose at night is because there is no sunlight and therefore no ATP, but if you shove or inject ATP into the plant at night it should continue the reaction. Assuming synthetic ATP is creatable
  8. The role for sunlight in the photosynthesis reaction is the production for ATP, if you have ATP, the reaction could continue for 24 hours I think for the production of glucose of rubisco enzyme, I forgot if oxygen is produced in this cycle but one of the O from oxygen comes from water H2O. Now to create this ATP source you would need to renew it without producing CO2 because combine with the CO2 my body exhale would be more than enough for the Kreb cycle to handle. Well, I dunno how much ATP we need to bring, so I'll leave it at this. But anyway, thanks for the heads up, ATP is not renewable without a light source
  9. You got me :D, I meant to say respiration breaks down of sugar, it's been a while since I've studied Kreb cycle, my mistake Well yes consider the ATP consumption as a factor, I would probably go with concentrated plant enzymes. To solve the ATP problem you could cheat with electromagnetic radiation(speculation) or use some other method to renew ATP(haven't figured it out). P.S If the photosynthesis reaction is faster than the ATP generation, then I would throw in a mini cycle for ATP production through glycosis, but since I cannot confirm it, I suppose this falls under speculation, sorry guys
  10. Well the idea is if you are traveling to zones where oxygen is not presented, for instance, under the sea, or outer space, without an (oxygen tank). And I would also ask, why isn't photosynthesis faster than respiration? At an ideal one to one ration aka photosynthesis versus respiration, I"ll name it the tree hogger
  11. Let me ask you this, which is faster, respiration breaks down of CO2 or photosynthesis to produce O2. The answer seems to be the later. So we put like plants plug in front of our nose, each time we exhale CO2 from our lung it is converted by the nose plug to O2 and breathed back in. Could CO2 be converted in such a short time? Well since photosynthesis works faster than respiration, it should work
  12. Well I didn't know that, my mind was on the workings of a nanomachine and how it could break down bonds. As you know enzymes and catalysts works by having the correct molecular pieces placed inside them. Even then they could be disabled by inhibitors. Point is you could use an electrical charge "cage" to grab the correct element, but it would be easier with a spectrometer? Well, not something I could visualize at that scale
  13. We all know the importance of electric field when involved with brain simulation for consciousness. The thing is, how can one simulate a positive or negative charge inside a computer? It might involve the simulation of three dimensional space time and having that structure built inside a computer. But could an electrical charge exists without it?
  14. Sensei is correct in stating that a spectrometer could work, because the spectrum of light reflected is different for each element.
  15. If you do not know an element's atomic number, can you infer it from its bonding structure with other molecules? Or is there other ways of identifying an element?
  16. So quark is the smallest particle available that can be seen. But how big is a quark and are they all the same in size? Can we have a big quark and a small quark? Please let me know, thanks
  17. So I am curious as to know how the enzyme "gets" to the right place for a reaction. To begin with, enzymes are free floating in a cell. Do they attract to the substract like a magnet and home in on them or how exactly do they move? I know I can't really picture this in a molecular scale, but how enzymes move has a lot to do with how a nanomachine could be designed.
  18. Hmm, the sun is losing mass, the result radiates away as heat and light.
  19. Fission is the opposite of fusion, what do you guys think, could it reverse the sun's energy?
  20. You could, incorporate the neuronal structure into that of a computer. Since they both run on electricity. So would you grow a watch built out of neurons on your wrist based on the DNA given high enough mutation rate, that is hard to say. The eel is an attempt to combine electronics with organic energy.
  21. An eel
  22. Computer and life form mix has been a general consensus these days. Well you can't really develop a laser from organic life, so why not mix machinery with life?
  23. Like the one that runs on the lowest amount of power available
  24. They should use this. Ya, I've seen caterpillars and flowers in my dream, I dunno what they mean , just kidding, no hard feelings. Well alright, they don't need to unite yet or they need to, either way, I'll call upon them when I need help
  25. Well, when I have dreams I feel like the image comes from a 486 computer, not the HD 1080 resolution. Some of them the screen is small or even off focus when I turn my head. The one that computes my head with meshes, not on molecular detail, is one of the best experience I've had, even though they have not approached molecular detail. The device feels like it comes from a crudely made microwave, and only slightly improved in the past 2 years. There are some that pulls off a dream in a dream, many have failed. You wake up feeling more alerted, prone to light, but later feels really tired if not spasm throughout your body. The brain, sometimes I wake up feeling my brain dented with a headache, good thing we got tons of pain killers stored back home. That's the alright one if they have not permanently damaged something. I dunno if these guys are privately funded or interdisciplinary. I see potential in them, good potential utilizing AI to make everyone happy, not just me. Of course I am looking for a ticket to eternal life if not solve the mystery of consciousness and being summoned from another realm with full memory and body swap. But it's all speculation Some say they are dirty dirty, personally I think they deserve some recognition
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