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Everything posted by fredreload

  1. Then add in machine learning, so the thing scans and learn
  2. Executed by AI, I don't expect to hand pick bacteria and DNA strands
  3. How about this? Using light to run on and off gene expression. I speculate, haven't read into it. But it's from NCBI =/. They are notorious for having high detailed on topic information
  4. "Light-based sterilization is nothing new – ultraviolet light can do a number on pathogens, though it also does damage to humans – but the new method uses a narrow spectrum of visible, harmless light wavelengths known as HINS (High Intensity, Narrow Spectrum) light to do the trick. HINS light excites molecules within bacteria such that they produce a chemically lethal response, in essence pushing bacteria to kill themselves. " Alright, this is directly quoted from the article. It targets certain molecules within the bacteria. My guess? An enzyme. That's how Penicillin destroys bacteria, by destroying the bacterial wall enzyme builder. But for an intensity this high, I doubt it'll pass through the skin. We'd be shifting the light intensity back and forth all day microwave->ultraviolet. New theory, like how neuron works, modify the bacterial cell membrane's polarity with microwave or lower wavelength of electromagnetic radiation, thereby destroying it. As for viruses, I have no idea, I'll have to study its casket structure. I'll check the rest of the posts tomorrow, but thanks for posting here
  5. " But while it drives bacteria to cell suicide, it's harmless to humans and therefore can be incorporated into existing lighting systems in clinical environments to provide continuous sterilization of surfaces and air. " Directly from the article, while not tested on human body, it is harmless to the human body. So right it is not tested on the human body. And this is not maser, alright so let's factor maser out. Laser, on the other hand, is stimulated emission. So that leaves infrared laser, anything of higher intensity might damage DNA. So this narrow down the spectrum that is harmless to human. It is an ultraviolet light. So laser is better. Thanks for clarifying the point, sir
  6. That is a good question lol, and it opens to many fields, the one I found which I believe to be credible enough is here. It does it by exciting the molecules within the bacteria to kill it, not sure if it works for virus. Now I just happened to be the one that walked by and thought hey I could combine this idea with theoretical sciences to generate goodness. Of course that would theoretically keeps me and my family in good health, assuming nothing weird happens. Keep in mind this is not the only method in destroying bacteria, it will be open for other options
  7. For instance, when someone sneezes, disintegrate all germs and viruses in mid air. Or destroy harmful stomach or colon bacteria with precision and sterile. Directional microwave, I like the idea for large area disinfection. Definitely a useful tool
  8. That's cool, gotta show me how it works
  9. What's better at killing germs, laser or microwave?
  10. Like earth, where it is surrounded by stratosphere naturally, maybe create a stratosphere like that around the spaceship, that way we won't ever have to worry about air escaping into the vacuum. I know so far there isn't a way to create artificial gravity like that, only the one with mechanical force, but maybe with other means it would help, I haven't thought it through, that's why I'm asking for ideas
  11. I want to create an artificial stratosphere for my crop, I might grow some cucumber. Earth has stratosphere because of gravity, but how do I create one in the thin air? Open to ideas, many thanks
  12. Hmm, is there enough oxygen at above the cloud level? I'll keep that in mind
  13. Heaven and earth design is really cool. It probably wouldn't go high up, but moving around is sufficient. Another thing is magnetic field and health concern, but that probably isn't that bad of an issue. How much force can it generates based on earth's magnetic field? What about the electric field design? Being on a higher ground would definitely have a better advantage I wouldn't use temperature design since temperature changes all the time, rises and falls, I prefer something perpetual, that's why I didn't consider the hot air balloon method. I want something that stays stationary in the air, but only moves if there is wind or if you intend to move it. My idea is more like the UP Pixar animation lol, the site I checked was able to trap helium in a one atom thick graphene balloon. You also need to worry about atmospheric pressure, without atmospheric pressure it won't float. Then it should be easily adjustable from there. I think the heaven and earth design is cool, as long as it doesn't pose a health concern I would be in for it
  14. Metal heh, I want to float on air not water lol, the material still has a selective few options, and the lifting air, helium versus hydrogen. I dunno if graphene can be produced at such a scale, but cool I'll look into it P.S Further study shows that building several smaller balloons would be a good idea
  15. Right, didn't consider the cost lol, maybe I'll open an air transport or air McDonald P.S I hope Swansnot doesn't get mad at me, I thought these are pretty good ideas
  16. I think I found my answer here. As for purpose, my own personal vacation floating island with pool and fish that is self sustainable , never rains, perfect sunshine, and a fantasy setting
  17. I also took and interesting in the production of melanin, well my idea is to have more variety of colors, but only those that can be generated by the amino acid. Here's a look at Wikipedia description. So if you do figure out how to make different colors with these techniques, that would be cool. Keep in mind the color is the wavelength of light that eyes can perceive
  18. So I am really interested in the idea of a floating land mass or land masses from anime and movie and I am generating if not drawing some ideas on how to make it a reality. Now keep in mind I want to keep this floating land mass perpetual, which I want it to stay floating for as long as possible, therefore I'm not completely rejecting but I think the idea of a hot air balloon might not work here since you would be ascending and descending based on the temperature. The helium balloon has a chance of breaking but if you manage to contain it as a permanent source let me know. My idea is on vacuum, with every liter of vaccum you can sustain a weight of 1.28 g according to Wikipedia here. With this idea in mind and I recently took an interest in the carbon fiber, why not weave a huge vacuum balloon capable of staying in the sky forever. Well the problem with carbon fiber is there is no way to expand this net by itself. It might need to be built in space, since space is vacuum, but it depends. It has the strength of steel and it is light weight. The rest is to have it stay floating like a cloud. Let me know what you think or if you have any other floating mechanisms, I'll gladly hear it
  19. I'm sorry I must have remembered it from some movie >.<
  20. So I found an interesting clip here, and I was wondering if we take the bouyancy into concern and add a cloth with the hydropholic surface, one that repels water, onto the cloud or some aero gel that is lighter then air, can we possibly walk on the cloud? let me know
  21. Hmm, my idea is to have radio wave program the machine at a nano scale mechanically, I'm not sure if they can store instructions but I doubt you can build a computer at this size. But still looking at it as a power source is still a good idea, I just need to be able to control it mechanically based on wireless instructions, so I was eager to know how the bacteria interprets potassium inbalance to stop its reproduction process
  22. G)It isn't really that hard, you get a glass bowl with a tank of water sealed with some water grass that can generate oxygen and some fishers then you are set to launch it into space, keep in mind it needs to be sealed, not sure if water can hold the temperature, I'll check on that later
  23. Well, I'm currently exploring natural existence of organism in space. Since, if it can live in space, we can use its mechanisms to live in space, sounds pretty practical. I heard they discovered a dragon like creature, so here I post fishie. If you can cultivate fish in space, well just between earth and the sun, it can be pretty cool I didn't mean to double post, delete one for me thanks
  24. Very interesting, I wonder if they have a set of antennas lol, if they do they can feed off radio wave
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