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Everything posted by fredreload

  1. My idea is more about how to program a nanomachine that would respond wirelessly, although how electromagnetic radiation affects bacteria is also interesting as you brought up. Well to begin with we know that magnetic field can cause a stimulation in the neurons, that's how the transcranial stimulation device is built. So with that idea in mind, electromagnetic radiation can also cause an inbalance in potassium ion distribution, which in terms affect the bacteria, Note that I only heard about it in the article, how magnetic field create a electrical impulse in the neurons is still out of my reach. Then to duplicate that same process in the bacteria is another question
  2. The bacteria does not have neurons, but they respond to a surge of potassium ions like the neurons, you can read it in the article I posted in the first post, not sure about bacteria responds to the stimulus though Good call, I'll look into it
  3. Good call, I'll look into it
  4. You'll need some type of carrier for the nanomachine delivery, maybe a mosquito
  5. I was reading this article where they 3D print a circuit board, but a circuit board is still far from a computer. The future computers are most likely carbon nanotube or graphene based, well it's still faster then assembling one right? For some reason I kept picturing earth quakes messing the 3D printing process up = =
  6. So I got some ideas about ways to use 3D printing. To being with, let it 3D print a computer with all the available circuits and working structures like mother board and graphics card. Next, 3D print a factory of a large scale, it could be any factories and Chinese has a good example of 3D printing a house, just need some mechanical parts for the factory. You could also 3D print a 3D printing machine, the more the merrier. Lastly, 3D print a nanoscale factory for nanomachines.
  7. This is pretty cool, my idea is that an animation can be created with hyperspectral imaging, but I've heard the scale still need to be improved
  8. Right, that's for the fishies, but not the bacteria. I want to shrink it down so that bacteria can use electrocommunication wirelessly. The page above I linked also did not describe how bacteria receive the chemical potassium electrical signal, my speculation is that it enters the neuronal membrane causing an action potential. But then I need to know how this action potential is directed to the bacteria's reaction that stops it from reproducing, its reaction to this stimulus is not described, it does not have a brain. And right, we can provide the bacteria with electroreceptors then program it using the method mentioned above
  9. The media itself is still controlled by a group or organization. Does president have the power over media? I am not sure on that. Again, it is a form of information control, by taking out the information system would definitely delay the time of execution P.S Nanomachine self assembly is too much work, but a wireless controlled one could be quite useful, there is the idea that they can be controlled and produced with a nanofactory
  10. Right, this is how drug resistance bacteria shows up, I'm wondering if there is an application for this but haven't thought of one
  11. I am looking at this Wikipedia page of how fish communicate using electric field and it blows my mind. How exactly does the fish send and receive an electric field with their cells? https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/bacteria-can-convey-electrical-messages-the-same-way-neurons-do/ P.S. I'm studying this to program the nanomachine, actual programming method is still being thought up, it might has to be mechanical P.S. They didn't mention how the bacteria receive this electrical signal though = =
  12. For example, if I have a group of bacteria and one of the bacteria grows and arm, I want to quickly update this bacteria's arm to all the other bacteria. One thing that I found which is possible to transfer genetic material is through bacterial conjugation which transfer genetic material in the form of plasmid. Theoretically I could produce plsmids for all the bacteria and have them update as a package, but that wouldn't be efficient enough would it. Is there a biological way to have a single bacteria updates its capabilities to all the other bacteria in a short amount of time?
  13. I want to create a simply carbon to carbon bond structure using possibly an enzyme or and easy method of building it into the shape I desire. Right if this succeed you could make diamonds, but first thing first, how do you normally create a carbon to carbon bond in thin air? I'm looking for a cheap alcohol enzyme creation technique, not something I have to monitor over. And if I do need an optical tweezer to place two carbon atoms next to each other for carbon to carbon bond formation, let me know how it's done
  14. That would make sense, well, but nothing would stop the nanomachine if it does exist
  15. P.S Intercept radio waves in mid air, thanks for that one too P.S They will lurk for now How about self assembled exponential growth nanomachine? One that can spread across the entire globe undetected P.S Virus or bacteria is another option, but I thought nanomachine would be more effective
  16. My idea is about the power grid scenario, but even then power does not matter if you cannot get the information across if someone can sabotage the wireless and line connections. If all fails phone line probably still works, I haven't thought of a way to sabotage line connections lol. It's like before they can issue a missle strike or nuke strike you intercept the message and generate a false message, or you jam the message completely. Wireless signal can be jammed, satellite can be shut down but they communicate through wireless anyway, then lastly the phone line. Most military base got their own power generator, Then lastly there is the internet. It's all about promoting wireless signals and manipulation, without giving me bad dreams, that is, and messed up half of my brain, thanks for fixing the heart P.S. I don't know about the electromagnetic wave experts/visitors though, if they want they can do some serious damage
  17. I really want a basement and underground tunnel, well one that is beneath the ground. Though those things does not seem to be too popular here in Taiwan. A basement might be good enough to survive a nuke strike? Anyway, building an underground structure is still quite an arduous task, let me know what you think
  18. Well, I'm not sure which should go first between cutting phone lines, or cutting power. One thing is for sure, the information system needs to be take out, all phone line, internet, any wireless, satellites, and all communication has to be taken out in an instance. Next is to cut the power, I would target power plants and power supply lines. What would you guys do? P.S. Communication jam comes first
  19. Yes, the science of attraction, sorry to hear that about your marriage, try to have some fun
  20. So, how do you hack and make someone fall in love with you? Chance is people has been thinking about this type of question, let it be love potion and hypnosis, what really does the trick? I've heard from a friend that eating chocolate is able to trick the mind into the same wavelength as you are falling in love, but what exactly happens there? Maybe when you does it and the girl falls in love with someone else instead. How would you make it so that the girl falls in love with you? Let it be verbal, strong voice versus weak voice, what wavelength is the mind in, who do you think of, and what do you do? This is a bit of behavioral analysis too as girls generally play with hair or sit with leg straighten, and pupil dilation. If the above behavior shows, she is interested, if she crossed her leg, she is probably not interested. This is looking at it from a scientific point of view, I mean come on, normal guy doesn't check all these signs to make sure a girl is interested in him. So maybe that with these ideas in head, we can decode the mystery of love, we can start from the behavioral analysis, percentage statistic, and ultimately hormone secretion in the brain
  21. Thing is the person needs to be conscious, if the person is not conscious, can some type of image trigger a response? For instance, move feet or hand involuntarily https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visual_cortex
  22. The immortal jelly fish does it with transdifferentiation, the definition of transdifferentiation is the ability for one cell type to convert to another without going through the pluripotent state, or becoming a stem cell. So the first thing we need to figure out is what signals the specialized cell to differentiate. That could be used for us to trigger our own cells to start the transdifferentiation process. Clearly because transdifferentiation requires a change in the cell type and it is best for us to learn from nature. After that we try to figure out if we can transdifferentiate the cell into the same type, but few years younger without having to revert back to the pluripotent state. So nerve cell becomes the same nerve cell but a few years younger. Now if you revert it to back say back when you are 10 years old the size and shape would be different so I would maybe set the age at 30 when cell division stops. Thing is I never picture the cell to reverse growth, it would have to jump back to an earlier stage, just like you can't stop a single directional car from moving backward, you can only change it's position to an earlier place. Now we learn from the Nobel Prize winner that the cell's DNA damage, mitochondrial damage, and telomere length is restored when the cell is revert back to its stem cell state. So if we can jump back and have our DNA damage, mitochondrial damage, and telomere length partially restored to age 30 then it would work. Thing is if we need to change our entire body back into stem cells then grow from there I wouldn't know how well that would work. P.S. So the question about immortal jelly fish is, does its tissue really revert back into an earlier stage without turning into a different tissue type. If it does then it would be of use to us
  23. Well my guess is that you're saying the second case is more likely. I suspect that wound healing also has to do with microRNA as some suggested that microRNA plays a role for lizard's tail regeneration. But let me add that there is a Nobel Prize winner capable of resetting any cells in the body to its stem cell state using four transcription factors. it takes a few cell divisions to return back to the stem cells state, but it applies for any cell type. When in stem cell state all DNA damage, mitochondrial damage, and telomere length is restored. But how do you reverse aging one step at a time?
  24. So I've been thinking about cells and aging. And I hit upon a question. Let's I am examining the aging of two cells at my hand, one on my right hand, the other on my left hand. We agree that when we grow until adult hood, our cells stop dividing and being to age. But why do all the cells in our body age at the same rate? If the cell in my right hand is 30 years old, then the cell on my right hand should also be 30 years old. It is as though they are able to communicate and synchronize the aging rate with each other. It could also be that, I got two clocks all set at 8:00AM and alarm goes off at 5:00PM as the DNA unwinding and aging scenario if I imagine DNA to be like a clock. Well, I feel that the cells communicate with each other as they age seems like a more possible method. I am speculating here that if we can find the agent that signals the cell to age it would be easy to solve this problem, but of course it could also be the other case. MicroRNA could be involved with cell to cell communication. Well I haven't thought of ways to manipulate this one. An internal clock to every single cell in the entire body all synchronize to age at the same rate. We'll need to find some way to hack this clock. Tell me what you think and let me know which is the case
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