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Everything posted by fredreload

  1. LOL, I got asked many times what I did for my senior design project, though I didn't really work on it, my partner did it all. Partly the reason why I'm stuck with a software job now sigh. But you are right, it is nothing to regret over, if a company can't handle this then I probably shouldn't be hired, life permits a few mistakes
  2. Right, we are built based on oxygen needs, so it really is hard to replace it with other elements
  3. Come on, oxygen is not the only thing with atomic number 8, we can go with flourine atomic number 9 or something, and excrete it as gas, we don't even need to drink water P.S. We got artificial sugar right? This thing should be even easier Nevermind I found my answer here
  4. Bose Einstein Condensation is form at temperature close to absolute zero and matter becomes a matter wave. My idea is that all matters essentially becomes matter wave at a certain degree close to absolute zero, it is just easier for gas to become a matter wave at low temperature instead of a solid. And the absent of heat is essentially when all heat is taken from it, heat being electromagnetic radiation, or light. So if you can freely manipulate this wave at close to zero degree, you can freely create all matters based on this matter wave P.S. Or someone explains to me what matter wave is P.S. As my speculation goes, if you want something, you just bake it http://www.chem4kids.com/files/matter_becondensate.html
  5. You might wonder how cold is space, here's a great article here. My idea is you can cool or cold anything in a vacuum? Sounds pretty convenient, you only get to cook in the morning though
  6. Is Oxygen the only thing we can breath that helps sustain our life?
  7. Well, anything that would land me a job lol, pay service sounds good. Well the idea is you still have to work your way out, getting a job is a start P.S. Man, everyone wish they'd find a job Iron Man style, but reality just seems different
  8. Getting a PHD could be helpful, but most of the time job has little to do with school work. What we need is on job trainings. Freelancing could work but that would require much more experience P.S. But you are right, PHD always gets a higher pay
  9. Now I remember looking, probably not seriously enough, during the depression back in 2009 looking for a job. And for half a year I couldn't find one until I get back to Taiwan. I am saying that jobs are pretty hard to get either in Taiwan or America or just about anywhere. I remember wanting to work at Pixar in Emeryville or for companies like EA. Now I am alright with a job that pays reasonably for my daily expenses. The problem with job is just that they are too hard to get. What if the job has entry level positions to increase job positions? I mean really entry level jobs where you just surf the web and try to collect information. There are dumasses like me out there who is in desperate need for a job What if you pay for the position you want? Ya, I'm not saying anything illegal here but we apply to schools we want with some money, why not do the same for jobs? Open for your thoughts on how to get a job, many thanks
  10. This is the open worm project. It is similar to my idea of how the brain should be simulated. Our brain consists of neurons, and it is these neurons' firing that constitutes the consciousness and behavior. So how do you know this is the worm's neuron at work instead of just a random number generator. Well one thing they did is they run the worm's brain with a lego body, and surprisingly, when the body hits a wall, it retracts, similar to a worm's behavior. It is not likely for a random number generator to generate this behavior. There are probably many arguments saying this is not an AI, but I haven't thought of those, it is up to you to bring them up. As gross as it seems, this is a starting point. Why do they start with this worm? Because it has the least number of neurons around 300 and last time I've heard it has about 7500 synapses. It is a number that is pretty reasonable for the current computer to handle. The webpage says it has a hardware simulation with the Amazon's Cloud Computing device, but I wasn't able to get any information from this, so if anyone has any information on it let me know. Now what is the significance of having this application? Well, once we get the worm to work, we can start building and simulating animals with bigger neurons, and eventually a human. The idea is that we can transfer our consciousness into this virtual thing once we create an empty shell in the computer, but that is a huge leap from what we are doing currently. As well as being a speculation on my part. Anyway I didn't run the worm program, I've only read of this site and know there are projects like this. Let me know what you think and if this can be considered an AI. Possibly you Strange, many thanks
  11. Very interesting, thanks for the detailed explanation. I had little experience with openGL using flat shading from school lol, it was interesting. I never got into game programming and my code is just messy while having the industry as being time consuming and fast paced. Although designing a game engine does sound interesting. Making a good one would require experience and skills. I looked a bit and I got a bit curious of the potential of using a real time database for the terrains instead of individual object files. This would make a lot of the objects reusable after all they are all code chunks that can be loaded from the database. I heard it can be time consuming, well, do you think loading and rendering an object from the real time database would be a problem? I think it's worth a try. I'd like to hear your thoughts on it I never really got into loading difference scenes in game design, most of my projects are just one scene, so I didn't really have the experience of piecing the map together. The experience I had with the newest Doom game is good, the loading between scenes, not levels, take almost no time. Right you could load chunks of data while the player is moving, but how do you know what to load? What if I decided to go back in level instead of progressing? That is another question I have. So, while having a bit of programming knowledge. I'm not really a game designer, so don't take my words too seriously P.S. I really like the idea of real time, personally I think all computers should run on that standard
  12. I'm curious as to know how a game runs in Windows, does it goes into DOS mode? If the game is 60GB after installation does the game use all of them when it runs? Does the game select the files it needs to run? If you can provide a video to the basics of how a game runs it would be cool, or answer these questions for me, many thanks
  13. Well hmm, you physically write the number onto a paper like 1024, or you print it out from a computer. Then when the computer needs the data you just OCR it back into the computer and decrypt it P.S. You just need a computer to understand what it is, make no sense lol P.S. You'll need a converter program, and have another program run on that converter P.S. Maybe load from database
  14. I was wondering why the data cannot be stored as analogue For instance, if you store 2^10 bits that's 1024 for base 10 and I stored it on a piece of paper. Now when I need that data I just do OCR on the paper and I translate 1024 back into 2^10 bits In other words, you can use another computer as a storage device, but then you need to translate the base 10 back into base 2, that would take some time and searching and decoding
  15. People are too afraid of the idea of bacteria, I'd imagine it to be as common as yeast over time. My mistake, the microorganisms are used to produce the enzyme needed to make carbohydrates, and that would be something that makes sense to mass produce. Although my understanding of it is as much as Novozyme posted. Stem cell burger would be out in the menu by year 2020. Well, my ideas need to be refined, I believe some of my ideas are great, but I myself do lack the motivation to run it. I can get some idea pretty close to where it needs to be, but getting it to work is another problem. So I suggest simulate the whole process before following my ideas through. Personally I think carbohydrate could be mass produced. We'll need to get the ATP source and Rubisco enzyme though
  16. Because carbohydrate is not insulin. And you know, I'd also like to know what makes the insulin production process so expensive. The first stem cell burger was sold for 1 million I think, but now it costs only 12 dollars, think of the progress we can make
  17. So again you need sunlight to make ATP, we might need a bucket and bring it next to the sun
  18. That's cool, I know from discovery channel that people's been tracking wild life like turtles and moose with GPS chip and camera. Well I'm sure tracking lizard would be fun
  19. I'm more into GPS and consumer location. If I have to track the users based on their cell phone number is it possible? I want to visualize something like Google Map with locations of all the cell phone users on it and updated on real time. I think this would be very good information on a business and economic point of view. P.S. If it is not possible to track the users, then maybe have the data on an anonymous level, is there an application like this?
  20. Right, I just found out you can do it on icloud to track your family members. Well, but I haven't thought of any use with this application. The problem is you need to manually add new family members to the application. If I can get the GPS location for other people then it would be a lot more fun, for instance, monitor the human traffic around my neighbor, find out what other people are doing. I'm sure the government has got one of this thing working.
  21. As scary as my title sounds, my idea is to create a tag for a person, by having this tag you can quickly identify who this person is and where he is going. In other words you get the identify information of the person, what the person wants to display, and his location. By having this tag, in a work environment, you can quickly track where everyone is at any given time, or you can identify a stranger having this tag that makes the person more approachable. You can also avoid this person if he is some troubled ex. Well the problem for this would involve privacy, but again this tag is placed voluntarily by the user. It could have some sort of social or work benefits, when your boss or your friend needs to find you, or you need to find your friend or your boss. Tell me what you think
  22. I think I forgot to post this
  23. You can make ATP from sunlight, to me it seems like a solar cell battery lol
  24. Lol, I'd say we can add in some game mechanic for collision detection and evasion. For instance, avoid crashing when all the cars are trying to hit you or when police are chasing you. Or the battle ship style, mine sweeper P.S. Trick like this probably need prediction algorithm implemented
  25. My first driving lesson when I got on the highway is turn your head when you make a turn. The instructor told me that there was this case where the driver turns the wheel to the left when he looks to the left for traffic, which almost got them into an accident. Then when you make the turn you need to focus not to speed up and hit the car in front, nor slow down and get hit by the car on the back, and have to check if there is car coming up or slowing down on the right, this puts the driver in a rather awkward position. But long story short, when I make a turn I turn on the signal, make sure there is no car on the side, and try to be fast and swift. Swift, but not sharp, and I really do like to have a Google car and just sleep in the car since I don't drive now lol
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