Thanks all for your replies. As you can probably tell, my knowledge in this area is fairly superficial.
OK, so the reason I wanted to check my understanding is as follows:
If, as is observed, single electrons fired through a double-slit produce an intereference pattern, it does not follow logically to infer that the electron passes through both slits and somehow intereferes with itself. I believe that when detectors are placed at the slits (a) the electron is detected passing through only one of the slits, and (b) the interference pattern is dampened down. However, the resultant interference pattern cannot be disputed, so what has caused it? Would it not make more sense (both instinctively and logically) if it were the case that while the electron passed through one of the slits, a wave also passed through both slits? The resultant two wave fronts would then interfere with each other as you would expect and in turn the electron, causing the electron's path to deviate as observed. After all, (again as I understand it!), it is only the path of the electron that suffers the "interference", not its speed or energy level or any other characteristic. I liken this to a boat travelling on water: as it moves forward it produces a bow-wave. Something similar could happen with electrons (or any particle) moving through space, whereby it produces some sort of bow-wave which I guess we currently can't detect. If a moving particle has some sort of associated bow-wave, then wouldn't that also chime rather well with the wave-particle duality principle? It would certainly explain why the electron is detected passing through only one slit, and possibly why the presence of the detectors dampens the result (the detectors absorbs some of the wave energy).
This explanation makes much more sense to me, but then I'm far from an expert in this area and maybe this idea has been considered and dismissed previously.
Any thoughts?