Orthomolecular therapy, biochemistry, mathematical biology, dietitian, physician, toxic substance specialist, neurological/gastric who knowswhat?...idk
Hoping to get some opinions here from those established in cutting edge medical research and application, because im having touble establishing what is what
I do not know much about these fields so please take my generalization with a grain of salt here...but arnt they all the same background education?
I want to help people stop being sick and start understanding and practicing health. This idea is very roughly developed i know, but because of my affinity for math and science and passion for nutrition, I have narrowed my education path to medicine of one sort or another. This is where i can really use your advise if youd share it...
I want to either work with molecular nutrition on earth for obesity and other extreme eating disorders, or help people figure out nutrition for leaving the planet. I like research, i like writing, i like lab work, and I like teaching/counciling...Which ever way, I want to look at how food has changed, will change, regulation, food creation, extreme environments and how it all works for and with our bodies metabolism and brains etc.
Does anyone know how to best get there using usa majors? I dont want to just be a Hippie Home Remedy nut (which i have to admit i somewhat am,) I want to help support our species to and through the next level of our fates- what ever that may be. How do I get the education needed to be of service this way?
I want to start university in 4 years or less... hopefully less, but the last time i went to school i relied on a school counselor to advise me and ended up doing childcare because all she could figure out from my description was that "im compassionate."
I want to do so much more then support children growing....I want to help our species grow!..., so to say the least i really want to have my path mapped out at least to masters asap... all my ducks in the right row this time.
first i thought i should get a bachelors in math, then i read that most people double major if interested in math, so i figured id add chemistry, but again these are very broad, and if i am to do medical work, shouldnt i be going to "medical" school? How do you know what schools teach the best for what you want to do and become?
I really am unsure of how to figure all this out... and am hoping someone will pass me some breadcrumbs or ideas to help me navigate.
any help would be appreciated- stories- what didnt work- if im talking about completely different fields? is there a way to combine them? if you know someone who did this or anything like it, your experience- book referrals- anything.
I will figure this out, but im smart enough to know I need to learn from others.i have the drive, i have the brain, the discipline and the destination, now how the heck can i get myself there efficiently and effectively?
Hope this is the appropriate place to ask. If not please please point me to where is...
Thank you,
Space Monkey