We live in a 3 dimensional world, where everything has length breadth and height. But what if we live in a 2D' world? Every thing will be smashed down to a single plane surface. And what that world would look like? This is what explained in a novel "Flatland" by Edwin Abbott in 1800. But what is a dimension anyway? For us dimension is a direction, which we can picture as a line. For our direction to be dimension, it has to be at right angle to all other dimension. so 1D is a line, while a 2D is two perpendicular line. (a flat surface) Eg. when we stretch a line from its ends perpendicular to the line, We get a 2D square. Similarly a 3D figure adds a third perpendicular. consider the same square. adding a third perpendicular to each ends give us a cube. So what will be a 4 dimensional figure? A five? 10?