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Everything posted by hodge

  1. Proving you wrong is not the issue. You must present an experiment/observation that (1) does not reject your hypothesis AND does reject standard hypothesis or (2) shows corresponsence with standard models plus explanation of a mysterious observation. I would be nice if your model had some prediction of an observation that was later found. It is not incumbent on others to disprove anything.
  2. Perhaps dark matter is not matter. The rotation curve and bending light data could equally or better modeled as a negative gravitational force outward from the center of spiral galaxies (only - not elliptical galaxies). Better yet a model with an aether originating at the center of spiral galaxies whose intensity slope directs matter. Wait a bit. An aether that direcs matter sound like general relativity (GR) model of "space" (originally called a "gravitational aether"). All that would be needed would be the source at the center of spiral galaxies and not in elliptical galaxies. Matter decreases the density of the "gravitational aether" and the aether bends light like in GR.
  3. Yes. Below are links to the experiment and its assumptions and results. You can do the experiment with a laser and household items. Diffraction experiment and its STOE photon simulation program rejects wave models of light http://intellectualarchive.com/?link=item&id=1603 Hodge Experiment distinguishes between wave and particle caused diffraction patterns http://intellectualarchive.com/?link=item&id=1712 STOE assumptions that model particle diffraction and that replaces QM http://intellectualarchive.com/?link=item&id=1719 Hodge
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