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Everything posted by Duration

  1. Center of the Earth? What diameter center are you referring to?
  2. I am traveling at .5c towards you. I turn on a light aimed at you. In one second, how far did the light travel? 186,000 miles? OK How far did I travel in that same second, 93,000 miles? Good. The light is ahead of me 93,000 miles in one second. The light is 186,000 miles closer to you in one second. I am 93,000 miles closer to you. The light appears to be traveling at .5c away from me from my perspective, as in the one second duration, the light goes from me to 93,000 miles in front of me. That means my perception (illusion) is that the light is traveling at .5c. The light is coming towards you at c, BUT, depending on how far away I am from you when I turn the light on, you will not even see the light until it arrives at you, which is a delay from when I turn on the light and when you perceive the light was turned on. During that delay (which is proportional to the distance I am away from you), I traveled a distance, and the light traveled a distance. Your perception and my perception are wrong, they are both illusions that don't represent the reality that the light traveled 186,000 miles in one second, and I traveled 93,000 miles in that same second. You don't even see the light until it hits you, so your observation doesn't begin until the light hits you, which at that point the light is not a distance away from you. If the light continues on its path beyond you, you can then observe the velocity of the light traveling away from you while I continue to travel towards you.
  3. Sorry. I felt the need to respond to his demeaning comments.
  4. Volume has no velocity, moron!
  5. So there is a dead end sign out there somewhere, eh? The universe has an infinite volume, it's not even debatable!! Space is infinite, there can be no stopping it.
  6. Nothing, as in no distance? That would be a trick. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged Did nothing make you do it?
  7. Correct, it never began and it will never end. Do you have a problem with that, or are you of the belief it was created from nothing? Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged Just like you ignore the outer volume of your enclosed universe?
  8. BS! The volume of the universe is infinite. Prove otherwise. Show me a picture of the dead end sign, and then show me a pic of the non-volume on the other side of the dead end sign.
  9. So you define the universe with a specific volume? Are we inside an expanding balloon? Why are you only counting the volume inside the balloon instead of the total volume of space? I don't need a book to understand infinite volume. ...and your self imposed boundary of where the universe ends is to laugh! I cut a pie into four pieces and give you one piece. What percent of the pie do you have? I dare you!
  10. The volume of the universe is expanding? Into what, non volume? You're out there, dude, and so is science if they think the volume of the universe is expanding. Infinite space can not be expanded on!
  11. Because your question is impossible. There is not 2 universes, there is one, which is of INFINITE volume. How the heck could you have a specific volume of a universe? How could volume be limited in space, when there is unlimited distance in every direction possible in THE universe? Give me a break! You live here, not somewhere else. You occupy this space, not that space.
  12. So we have the volume of our universe, what is the volume of the other universe? Are you counting the same volume twice and calling it a different universe? Absurd! ...and why not call the total combined volume "our universe," as the term "universe" implies "everything," correct?
  13. What is the volume of the two environments?
  14. He (or She) is here, not there. Two different points can not share the same environment. Impossible.
  15. You are a product of your environment, not another environment.
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