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Everything posted by Yvtq8k3n

  1. I still would like to know how the information of moving the limb, works. Its a unique single path for each moviment? In other words can i exactly say some eletric charge is on the line 323, he is trying to move the indicator finger at position X, or its like the line 323(arm) has eletric charge he is trying to move something from the hand(but we cant tell what finger his...nor the action he is trying to do) The "line" is just a example of the nerve system
  2. For all the models i see. I notice that or either focus in the region of the brain that controls the limbs or either the aputated limb. However i notice that in the 2 case. The models dont try to get the information from the inside, but from the outside by using electrodes in the exterior. Ins't that less acurate, wouldnt be better to insert a device under the skin in order to retrieve the informaton? I also would like to know the process to move a part of the body works. How the information travel from my brain to the middle finger in order to raise it? For instance, the path to raise the middle finger is a unique path, in other words raising the indicator finger uses another path? Or it works more like a river where the path starts from the same place and then diverge, in other words the path to raise the indicator finger and the middle finger are the same at some point?
  3. In my opinion, yes. If you associate war as competition. I dont see any problem in everyone try to do his/her best. When "we are all united" we will start make, lets say, policy for all. Another example of how this could be realy bad, is this idea, could easly lead to majoritys. Lets say Europa America Asia happly try to impose a certant policity to Africa Oceania.
  4. Is a nice wish. However that wish would slow the tecnological evolution. You can use the example of nasa and the russians as prove. In my opinion the unification of Earth would only be possible if we found an alien civilazation. We would stop compete whit each other and start compete whit them. This is just my opinion.
  5. Was expecting more. That was the examples. So time to look for your choises. For the 1st djinn you asked to be hulk, but since he will try to get the better of it. He will probably not only give you super strength but also, make your brain the same as a beast, irracional. For the 2, not that was bad, since it would give us some tecnological advencement, but i think is kind of little, still thats your wish.
  6. The ideia was to answer according the both scenarios, xd. I appreciate the attempt though.
  7. Kind of sad, no one tryied. So heres is my answer. For the 1st: I would ask, a direct/percise question. For example: Is there any real god? (Question like this are hard to conter since it is yes or no). For my 2; I would ask, a more ambitious wish: For example: Be the one to create the philosopher stone. Why? Simple, This would not only grant immortality to me be also allow achemy/transmutation to exist. .
  8. Once in a while, I like to explore other topics. So here is the 2 scenarios i thougth: Imagine that you found a tricky djinn and he grants you one wish, He will always grant your wish, but he will try to get the best of it. Example: You->"I wish for World Peace." And so djinn did: Wiped all other humans around the world. If there is only you, it cant be war. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// You are a lucky man and you found another djinn. This one is kind of nice and will grant you a wish. What wish would be the most complete? (Asking for more wishes wont work, neither asking to be omni god) I will give a few examples: You->"I want to be a superman" In other words: You got super strength, fly, eyes laser, However we also need to have in consideration that you also get his weakens. Lets see where this goes=) (I got this ideia from seing fate/night(if you saw it, you will easly understand where this came from))
  9. I dont know why it takes so long, i can bet that there is alot of people that would gladdly be "test subjects" in order to try to live a little longer.
  10. I recomend the use of Rift Glasses in order to be more realistic. About the system you should take a look for unity3d or unreal4. In order to make the heart and the tools, i recomend you create them manually you can put a kind of emitter on each tool and you would know the position of it. There is also a kind of glove that give the touch feelling maybe you should take a look at it, you may not need to create the tools manually. However it will make the program more complex for you.
  11. Is good to see people curiose i will try to explain it simple. Think eletricity as a river and a river always have a flow. That flow is called volts. So what happens when you charge your phone? You input the connector and the connector recharge the batery of your phone. In other words think like a Windmill, as long as the Water runs on it you can make bread, and then you can eat it:) However if you dont have enough presure of the Water(volts) because your river now is splitted in 2 you wont be able to produce bread so rip that ligt. That was the soft version, what realy happens is that the Led use the energy of the batery but since you are removing energy from that same batery it will never be able to get charge ans eventualy the batery wont be able to give energy to the led so it will turn off.
  12. Im curious, what is faster to download? A 50gb or a 10gb file? And if it is, how can be the same information in a place uses so much space and in the other use just 5 times less space?
  13. You are thinking it wrong. Imagine have a big box and a small box. However i can only put the sandwich on the big box. In order to save space i could create a way of doing a sandwich and put it on the small box. So the question is, which would be more cheap to travel, a small box or a big box? When i said that, i was saying that wasnt impossible, it doesnt mean we can do it.
  14. Im curious where this will go, so i will raise a few things you failed and a few things that some may told but didn't explaied. So we split a object untill we reach atoms, so far so good. Re-building in the exact position it was before? quite hard but possible. However how the atoms go from place A to place B? You need matter to recreate the object, so even if you send the information about the precise positions about the atoms, you would still need them. Unless you already have them, if thats the case it wouldnt be a teletransport but it would be a copy. What im saying is, in order to create the same object you needed to send not only information, but also the atoms of the object. Think like this, imagine we have a sandwich and two teletransporters. We put a sandwich in the teletransporters A, how will the sandwich appear in teletransporter B? Even if we splited the sandwich until we reach atoms, we would need to send them to teletransporter B. We cant convert atoms into energy and even if we could, we still needed to send information, so it wouldn't work.
  15. Quite interesting, i can give you a few options. Or the way i would do it in order to compress the image, i hope that we can lose abit of quality. I would convert all colors from argb to rgb, in other words we would now instead of having (m*4)^n, we would get (m*3)^n. Now we have a few options, there is 2 ways of compressing, by the biggest or by the smallest, this also how the OS(Operaty System) storges data, in a little soft version. Lets start from the most efficent way(save space). You analize an image and you see that there is a pattern of colors like red, yellow, red,green, red, yellow, red, blue. So what you do now is the following, you grab in this partner and you try to find other pattern, in the pattern you got. So now instead you will get this following patterns: red, yellow; red,green; red,blue; Whit this, our gold is to reduce the ammount of "samples", less samples means more space saved. Dont forget you need to have a map in order to know where each samples start and a good computer also, to find the patterns. The other way is doing the same, but backwards. In other words you identifie the small samples 1st and you try to reach the big patterns.
  16. Nope, however because im nice and i have no ideia what are you talking about, just download visual studio:D.
  17. Hello once again, i was thinking about magic(not thay i belive xd, but i gave me an nice ideia). Imagine that we want water(we could easy remove it from the air). Imagine we want eletricity, because this is already tecnologie it would have bateries to store eletricty so this isnt also a problem). Imagine Wind, this gets a bit interesting, from what i saw if we manage to give energy to one part of the air, it would make an current. Now the most interesting part, Fire. We can use eletricy to start the Fire, but only that wouldnt work. So we need an fuel, that's were water enter, so could we use water as fuel? What is require for an substance to be fuel? (because i dont want to put a external link i will say that i saw an news about water being used as fuel, however i'm not 100% sure if it was true). Ps:dont try to imagine the engine behind this, what i want to know is if we can produce fire.
  18. I based on my logic to answer, one thing im sure if you kill your father in the past, you will not cease to exist. Because you already exist.However your suposed you will never born.
  19. I will say what i think(sorry my english is quite bad). From my point of view time travel is impossible. But if it would be possible, what would happen? In my point of view nothing special. Even if you manage to kill your father, even before you were born, you would still exist. In other words if you go back in the future and you killed your father then you would exist in that time line(where your father lived) however if you go to the future your actions may cause drastic changes, but you would still be alive.(so as long as you stay in your father time line your are safe:D, thats because your wil follow the evolution of the sociaty), I will give an drastic example. Imagine that i decided to kill Newton, so i go to the past and i killed him. However i used a few Newton formulas to make the time travel. So what would happen? (if you stay in the past where Newtown lived, nothing special will occur, at least you wont notice.) But the future will change unless you decided to replace him(but in order to the future be like the one you lived you must follow every single action he did all is life. All the details matters. Now the second part, lets imagine we killed him and we got back to the future. What would happen? Basicaly you would be the only one knowing who Newton was and the machine would still exist because it came whit you, .
  20. Yvtq8k3n


    I came up whit this ideia and i would like to know if it is possible. Unfortunaly it is in 2d but i hope you guys can understand. We have 2 projecters one projects the image and the other will project the "counter" image. So may question is, what would happen? (In order to make it more easy u can think the projecters as lasers)
  21. Yvtq8k3n


    Thanks for the answers. So like i was thinking it is possible to nullify light.
  22. Yvtq8k3n


    What is sound? Sound is a vibration, basicaly an wave. What is light? What i found about ligth is that it can be an wave or particle. However couldnt conclude which of those is, maybe both? As u know we can block sound by creating an counter have. So my question is, can we create an counter wave in order to nullify the light?
  23. I just told that may be an possibility it doesnt have to be that, it was just an kind of example, dont take it so personal. It can also be hidrogene, like i said is just an tougth.
  24. That maybe an amazing answer however im not an fan of cars so it means nothing to me;( Could u try exlplain what is it? Or if u cant, try to explain what makes auto-ingnition occur.
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