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Everything posted by Yvtq8k3n

  1. But after all what is autoignition?? I already saw it before but i still cant understand it.
  2. If that is what you did is rigth then Good job, i asked to my Maths teacher in my university, the best place where u should send that, I have no ideia what that is but u should send it to an maths magazine in my opinion. Still i will wait for her replay.
  3. As u may know, dragon exist in the mitologie for so long, but it is possible to exist an animail that throw fire like dragons? I was thinking and I found an possible gas that the animails could produce to be the fuel. (Saddly it is farts, was the only gas that animals could produce that i could remenber and is viable). The second is what will start the fire, guess what, i have no ideia. I cant find anything related to the way that fire starts only what is required on a fire to stay on. However i was thinking something related whit producing eletricity, in order to start the fire. Lets see where this goes.
  4. Yvtq8k3n


    I was quite happy whit the answers i forget that the suns have an mass so they also interfer, so basicaly it woudlnt work. Gj Srange. About the 3 statement that u said, if i some how slow down the moon the plannet will lose enegry(like spin less). Atom thx for explaining the net effect, i learned a new thing today. However even if it is imposible why should i stop trying?
  5. Yvtq8k3n


    Hep i forget to say that both planets have the same mass so both have the same gravity. Basicaly the asteroide is being affected by both gravitys from planet A as planet B. Don't forget this is teoric, it is quite improvavel that this may occour in our universe. I will try to explain better. The asteroid is being affect by the 2 gravitys however when the plannets move the forces that are being applied on the asteroide change. Sometimes the force that the gravity of A applys on asteroid is higher then B so the asteroid will be dragged by A. But after a "few moments" the planet A starts to lose is force and there is when plannet B starts to gain, so the asteroid is being dragged to B. However i dont know which direction B should have to spin in order to this effect to work. This is the only i ideia i had to "gain energy" through the gravity. As long as the system works and there isnt any external forces i beliave this is possible.
  6. Yvtq8k3n


    I was thinking and got the following ideia. Imagine 2 planets and an asteroid. Both A and B have the same speeds and orbit around their suns. To make things more interesting there are 2 ways B can spin clockwise or counterclockwise. I hope u guys understanded everthing so far. So my question is, is this prepetual motion? In my opinion the asteroide will be "stuck" while moving in this kind of loop.
  7. Yep charging would be a pain, however this may have alot of potencial, whit this, your create almost every thing, it can reproduce an item u would like to see, but in 3d. The only problem is the ammount of energy required in order to put this on the air... The leds dont waste alot of energy, but we cannot forget that this is nano tecnologie so storing energy would be hard. I just got an ideia, we could charge it, while is working. But is rather complexe so lets forget about that, Still seems an nice ideia(could be the future).
  8. Based on the ideia that this would fligh please tell me what u think about this project i will announce. I will call it OVNI Nano Screen(the name can change): Imagine that we not have one but 1024 × 768 things like the one i said before and each one have an rgb led inside, whit the primary colors: red,blue,green. As u may not know your screen works the same way. We can program each nano OVNI whit the cordinates and the color that he will show and we can have an floating screen, inst it awesome?? Problem: I advice this little ovnis to be inside of a house because of the wind. What u guys thing??
  9. I realy dont see any problem whit this. When he dies we can precisely conclude is age. Also this also raise another question. Can we realy leave forever? In the new era where alsmot everthing can be transplanted, my heart is weak lets change for a better one! My eyes arent seeing? Lets keep them because if we touch alot of them we may get complete blind. Lets continum, if we can fix everthing that start to fail can we realy live "forever"? We cant forget that there is also species like hydra that can leave forever and also tecnologie that can also replace great part of the humans organs.
  10. U can assume the costante change of the state of energy as "motion", like i said u can accept or not, is just a matter it will not change nothing. Still was fun wasnt it?
  11. I dont see any problem whit an perpetual motion machine. If u ask if it is possible, the answer is yes. The Universe is the biggest prepetual machine that exist, the ammount of energy it had is always the same, it doesnt lose, however it changes. But lets continium. However the energy is always changing, so there is 3 main ways energy can be found, trougth radiation, mechanic process and at last heat. When a machine is working, if u notice i tends to overheat arent i rigth? U can use that in order to prove that is impossibe to create such amazing generatior. However if he doesnt belive, ask him the following, Imagine a cliff(something whit a big decline) after u trow a ball and the ball hit the bottum, what is required for u to do in order to make the ball to move? The answer is simple u need to put the ball in the start position. In order to do that u need to use energy. To finish, there is perpetual motion at least i belive is possible. As i said The Universe is a perpetual machine however you may not accept it but u cant also deny it either as a scientist u need to have an open mind, that is the meaning of being an scientist.
  12. Yeah that is possible, do u know another amazing thing? Is also possible for me to move your arm and for u to move my arm. Strange isnt it? Still is pretty awesome. Do u see the monkey controlling the robot, now imagine both doing the same thing. It is possible, if we stop the connection and give the information of another person, is teoreticaly possible for me to move only your arms an not mine.
  13. So the require to project ligth is to be visible? I'm not buying it, could u please give me a prove about what u say? I'm not saying that u are rigth or wrong, what im saying is, i need to make my conclusions. Strange i had no ideia that ideia already existed. Nice, it makes me belive more that this would work.
  14. I know i need an surfice and Inow that is a good ideia, i didnt had though about it before, For what i know we can levitate things, make them move by using sound, we may be able to control the water vapor in order to create an surperfice. However the surperficie i wanted is an "invisible superficie to our eyes" a thing that i start to belive to be impossible, Even if we manage to control the water vapor, the surfice would require to be extremely thin in order to our human eye not notice the diference. Also there is problem of interaction, If i tryed to touch on the image i have no ideia what would happen. Once again INow well done. If the angle of incidence is 10° angle of refraction is 7.5° Conclusion: If we manage to control the water vapor, then it is possible, however i want more so. Keep an open mind.
  15. I know my english is not the greatest but i think, i was pretty clear. What i want to do is project in 2D an image, basicaly the ideia i had in mind was to create an kind of painel, where i could interact whit this 2D floating image. Calculating my position and what im trying to acomplish inst hard, the hardest part is to project an image in the air like i showed in the picture, I dont want an hologram, becasue this isnt 3D after all. Is just an projection in the air whitout having a par of glasses or a window.
  16. That is amazing, you surpised me, nice. Unfortunaly that's not what i ask.
  17. I will give u an hint, when a person yawn, u dont feel tended to, that is called mimic. Every human, do it unconciously, however in your case, iyou may have developted an how can i say "voluntary unvoluntary" mimic. Bascialy when u picture an person u tend to act the same way as they usualy behave. In other words, congrates you just found that u have developed an useless thing on your brain, keep the good job. However that isnt bad, if u decided to be an actress or actor, u can use this capacity. Basicaly everyone is good at something, memory, reasoning, etc and for you is mimic.
  18. Thanks man, that was the answer i was looking for, could u tell me the math's u did(dont need to me acurate), just to have an ideia.
  19. To me more clear i will give u an image: Now lets add a bit more info, as u may know some waves have the particularity of not acrossing walls. Im currently studying at computer engineering. In the other day one of my teachers talked about frequences and how radio waves behave when thier frequences is above 5gz(waves get blocked) and beneth of 5gz where they travel across the walls. Now back to action, as u can see i'm not talking about magic. In the 1st image we can see the image being blocked by the wall. In the 2th image there is an "emiter" or more. The ideia is to try to replicate what happen whit the other waves, but also whit ligth, so maybe if we use 5gz this may be possible. As you notice im not realy in full control of the waves because is hard to explority and programing is a free and full of creativity world. However that doesnt mind becasue i will explore both any way. I already saw it bro and yeah is pretty awesome, however they are in a box so, u cant realy touch them, yet. But it may be the future for movies for sure. Just to make a quick resume. Hologram is based on 2 things, motion(it needs to follow your eyes) and prespective the 3d vision we have now.
  20. I have another question, i would like to raise. Lets imagine that i have an projecter and when i put it in the direction of the wall, the image appear on the wall. So may question is. It is possible to make an "invisible wall"(a thing will block the ligth), in order to appear the image is floating in the air. obs:google glass or glasses dont coun't. My hypothesis is some kind of waves, maybe using nanotechnology(i doubt) or using the sound(an option that seems explorable).
  21. That is not bad but the question, was why the lizard can run on water and why we cant, So is required all part of the body in order to create balence or maybe if the feet dont sink i will be able to stay on the water. Lets image that now i have an tail like the monkeys, would that allow me to mainten more balence and help me to not sink?
  22. Lets forget the intro and lets get to the point. What is required in order to walk/run in the surfice of the water? Speed? density? I remenber there is a specie of lizard that have the ability to walk on the water, so my question is how? and could we also do be able to do it?
  23. I did my researh and meeh, i doubt i can use this, my 1st impresion was that we could get the map of the brain trougth the blood but it seems highly improbable, so i will think an better way. Thanks for the name of the method, Strange
  24. Im quite impressed, i didnt know a few options u write about, i'm going to check them, thanks. I was thinking, what if we manage to combine the last 3 u mention. we could full control of the brian. (I will talk whitout studying so dont start to cry) We could get the map of the brain, but using the blood,(in my opinion this is what i needed to get the job done) After that. We could see the eletricaly voltage in specifical ramifications, in order to calculate the ammout of eletrical energy used. (Seems legit, but i would do a bit of research)
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