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Everything posted by Yvtq8k3n

  1. The reasons are pretty simple, who dont want to go from china to japan in less then 2 hours. In order to do this properly i would like to advice an type of monitor inside of the car wheel that would allow to pick the destination and the method to do it: faster, enjoyable. In order to stop the car, we could also add a stop button, that would try to land. The case of the car falling of the sky would be quite rare or praticaly impossible, because the car is always doing check-ups before starting to fly(abit of IoE), but even if it fail it would communicate to the other cars, in order to make the avoid it and also we have the stop button rigth? I realy dont know how much speed the fly car would be able to fly but i belive we could go at max 330km/h(i dont advice more higher then that).
  2. Thanks u make me realy happy and BAM everyone that said it woul never fly because it wouldnt.
  3. Unfortunaly i cant edit what i write so i will give an better image. Maybe now u should be able to understand better what im talking about. I think everthing is clear now, what i write is one of the combinations i thinked, i also dont know what would happen if both pushed air down. *Would the tunnels that i told before, improve anything? That is the kind of answer that im looking for.
  4. Ok let me reformulate, imagine that i have an umbrella, how much acelaration/velocity/enery(choose whatever u think is best) i would need to put on it in order to fly? If u could explain whit formulas would be awesome. (Yes im not an native english, but dont worry i can easly understand what u write). And yes i realise my mistake about the gyroscopes.
  5. I would ask what makes the an helicopter able to fly, i asked for an reasons and u give none, use maths, use science. Because if was by your hand not even internet would be possible(how can we pass information tougth the air?, maybe is magic, eletrical waves what is that?, physics dont allow it). Keep the spirit open and stop that ### talk. Because i want to shut up this guys that only say nothing i will give this. How does a helicopter stay in the air?Rotor blades work like spinning wings. Helicopters fly upward against the force of gravity by using their rotors to throw air down beneath them. At the moment there is no fact against what i write before and it seems even more capable of flying then before.
  6. Quick answer:No is not possible. I realy doubt that there will ever be an tecnologie that would allow to do that, but there is a thing that u can do to control other dreams. If u turn on a ligh is possible that the dreamer person sees the sun when is sleeping. However connecting the people in one dream is impossible, the only thing we may be able to do for now(in like 50 years whit luck) is to watch is dream but whitout interaction.
  7. I belive their is no problem in the fly cars, it seems an nice ideia. In order to prevent trafic they could add restritions, the higher u are the more faster u can go. Exemple: 20 feets in air would go like 70km/h, 40 feets 140km/h. In order for this to be sucesefull it would be highly recomended artificial intelegence, like google car have. So i only see vantages. Because it is artificial intelegence, in case of failer the car would call the mecanic even before the accident, abit like the IoE(that is already present now and it will be full operation at 2020. The problem of colisions is easly solved because not only my fly can but also the other transmite an sign and both car have sensors. So to finish, flying cars is not only an option but most likely it will be the future, Try bring what i said down, i would love to argue about this.
  8. Could u explain why?
  9. I also thinked about that, the only safe way to read from the brain is whit electroencephalogram, but as u may know, is only waves. U dont have full control of the waves so even if u move your arm or your leg u wouldnt know if it is moving, the only thing u would know if there is an high,low brain activite. There is a thing that i would love to buy in order to do proper testing that is NeuroSky(is not the best but is not too expensive) So there is 2 options spinal core, this is a delicate space an an wrong move and u may get paralitic or even die. So for now the best option even been the worst is the electroencephalogram, if we find the best place to put them we may(realy low chance) be able to track whit low detail if the left arm, rigth leg is moving. If u decided to invest on it i would love to be part of it. You are a bit late i had this ideia even before the SOA.
  10. Is more easy to think then to draw. Imagine that we are in 2D. Imagine that u have an square. Draw another prependicular next to it and link the corners and u will get an cub. Now u have an cube so we are at 3D. Now draw another cube and link each corner of the cube whit the other cube so u got a tesseract. Want go higher? Now we have an tesseract(4D) draw prependicular another tesseract and link each corner, congrates u are at the 5D. U will get this:
  11. I see im going nowhere, i will have to study everthing by myself, ok. I realy dont care about the UFO part. I only want to know if is possible, if would be better then what we currently have. Im quite sad because in science an thing fail when is proved that failed and yes i know that is Gyroscopes, and the thing it does is basicly turn a heavy thing more ligth. Please dont joke around because I may not be the best writer but im serius about this.
  12. Because i got this If the part2 spin a) and the acelaration it have could win vs is weigth then i belive it would be capable of flying. I will give u an youtube video u should check about his weigth and one of the ressons why i think this is possible: If your answer is this would never fly, then let me ask u why helicopters fly, because at my eyes the principle is quite similar.
  13. Did u even tryed to think about it? Because if no is your answer u will never get far, i want motives not empty answers.
  14. Intro I was walking today on the street and remenber of the past. I think i saw an UFO when i was 8 years. If i was sleeping or not, i have no ideia, but lets continue. Problem It was something like this(sometimes it would appear an red ligth other times blue)(maybe an airplane u would say): Part1(is the cirlce on the top) Part2(is the circle on the buttom) Middle(is where the blue/red circles are placed) Now my questions starts. In order to put this to fly i belive the the parts 1 and 2 have to move. We will not question the way this parts are connected to the Middle for now. Question 1: If only the part1 would spin which way should it be? a)rigth to left(the air will go down) b)left to rigth(the air will go up) Question 2: If the part2 would spin which way should it be? a)rigth to left(the air will go down) b)left to rigth(the air will go up) Question 3: Which of the parts would have to spin more? a)part1 b)part2 c)both parts If the both options were the same then: the UFO would hardly stability and easly would fall unless the Middle also spinned in the opposite direction.(is not an closed posibilty tougth, but is not may favorite because have alot of counter parts so i wont explore it). Save the options u choose, and try if u can explain it. Now lets to the interesting part. Question 4: Imagine that the Middle have like a few tunnels that would allow the air to pass through Part1 to Part2, What would happen? a)tunnel in L, b)tunnel in \ like in this position(0,0,0) to (1,1,1), maybe save energy or maybe give an boost to parts? c)tunnel in \ like in this position(0,0,0) to (1,1,0), maybe save energy or maybe give an boost to parts? d)adding this would completly Please dont ask how efficent, all i want is to understand if this would fly or no. Use everthing u have to destroy all the possibilities(when i say evething is everthing). Also an impotant thing is the stabilization.
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