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Everything posted by TheMadWriter

  1. Hi! I am working on a project that includes medical alert dogs for a certain condition, and after doing some research I have confirmed that in most cases, including seizure alert dogs, scientists still do not know how dogs can tell about seizures, some websites I looked at told me it was a "sixth sense" that dogs have so they can "sense changes in a humans aura". Anyway, my question is, if we do not know how dogs know, how do we train them to tell us when they know. If anybody knows, I would appreciate the information.
  2. That could be, but we don't have blowflies in my area, or anything like that, and my dog has acted weird around the time, 1-3 hours early ( I don't exactly remember). Still something to think about, thank you!
  3. Sorry, I just could not get the Quick Question Thread to work. Anyway, my point is, I know they can tell when the pressure is different because thats how they know about storms coming early. But if one spot has an abnormally high or low area, can they tell? I also wouldn't mind the science behind how they know. Thanks!
  4. I'm not sure I'm doing this right (new here!) but I have my own quick question. Anyway, can dogs pinpoint exact barometric pressure changes. I know they can tell when it changes overall, because thats how they know about storms, but can they "sense" the exact point? Sorry, this might be too long. Thanks!
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