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Everything posted by ScienceHobbyist101

  1. What about plastic bottles, then?
  2. The idea wasn't to leave it unattended; at least not for extended periods of time. I get that it can produce a lot of gas for a small amount of water. My question was simply what to store it in. I already have a bunch of empty soda bottles. I was considering getting balloons. Would either of these reliably contain the gases? And is there any clean-burning alternative that could also safely contain the gases until thrown in the outdoor fireplace? (I wouldn't throw plastic into the fireplace, obviously, and even hydrogen and oxygen would be thrown from a safe distance and only in small amounts.)
  3. I'm considering electrolyzing water, using wood ash as the electrolyte. 1. Is there anything in wood ash that would react with the graphite rods mechanical pencils use? 2. As far as means that are cheap and easily available go, what would you recommend for how to store the hydrogen and oxygen?
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