hi tycon69,
my first reaction to your post was interesting overall topic, but is it worth putting animals through possible suffering and isolation for an outcome that has been very well researched and documented at this point in time.
and, you may want to consider the guidelines for ethical conduct in care and use of animals from the APA (http://www.apa.org/science/anguide.html). the two parts that stand out to me are...
I. Justification of the Research
A. Research should be undertaken with a clear scientific purpose. There should be a reasonable expectation that the research will
a) increase knowledge of the processes underlying the evolution, development, maintenance, alteration, control, or biological significance of behavior
d) provide results that benefit the health or welfare of humans or other animals.
B. The scientific purpose of the research should be of sufficient potential significance to justify the use of animals.
i know it may seem like just a science fair project or just mice, but i still think it's important at every level of science to keep the same standards in mind.
if you are open to any science topic, have you considered something related to renewable energy or anything related to the green movement that is so hot these days? i just built a mini wind turbine in a class and performed a variety of calculations that are feeding into a potential installation of a larger turbine on campus....just an idea.
best of luck to you!