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  1. I need to set a single ground rule here, since this is an entirely theoretical question (until we get to the point of technology to prove otherwise) The ground rule is simply how we are (theoretically) controlled through some form of life-force (like a soul, typically mentioned in religious belief). If someone can prove me entirely wrong on this ground rule, please mention it to me. With that said, if we were able to control a small part of our brains using that life force and only such, what would happen if we were able to control our entire brain? Of course, my belief is that we are incapable of controlling our brain due to some external force preventing us, perhaps to prevent the destruction of the universe (but of course, that's entirely theorized). My questions currently are the following: - Would we be able to physically evolve ourselves much more quickly using our brains potential? - What would be a downside, or a "limitation" of our brains? - Would there be a "safety" measure to prevent our likely deaths from overexertion of the brain / body? I want to hear all about your opinions, facts, and what not. I am not studying neurology or anything brain-related, so I really cannot prove anyone wrong with factual statements that relate. That is also why I decided to put that 'life-force' ground rule in, because I cannot prove that we control our brains in any other way that I would understand. Once again, if someone proves differently, I'll update this post. Now, bombard me with science!! -Kon
  2. Some of the ones I've noticed easily weren't as accurate or exact, but this one played out exactly like I recall in the memory I saved from a dream (as mentioned prior). I can definitely believe the statement you've made, and I'll base my next opinions/questions on it. Do you think that my mind altered the similar memory I had to be identical to the event that was playing out while it was happening? Was it "overwritten"? Is my mind intentionally causing this feeling of dejavu by overwriting past memories? Are there any disorders/syndromes that link to such a thing? I feel as if I am partially losing control of my own mind/memories when this form of dejavu occurs, and how easily it's being.. well, "overwritten". Once again, I'm curious if anyones ever had similar experiences or have been diagnosed with a particular syndrome/disorder that relates to it. I am bipolar, if that adds on to anything whatsoever. Thanks for assuring me that I'm not some crazy time-teller bahah! -kon
  3. This has been going on for some time now. I've also noticed that I've lost my memorization capability to an extent around the same time this has been going on. The crazy part is, these events are actually happening after the dreams occur. Meaning, somehow I am capable of witnessing a blurry glimpse of the future in my dreams. I don't have very "fluent" dreams, meaning they're generally blurry or short scenarios. When I wake up, I don't take note of these glimpses and I end up "forgetting" them very quickly. Since I'm seeing no documentation whatsoever on such a topic, I'm deciding to name this the Future-Dejavu Syndrome (my naming isn't too .. unique. sorry) The way the events play out are below, in order. - I encounter scenarios during my dreams when I'm sleeping which haven't happened in reality yet. - I wake up and always forget the scenarios in my dreams (yet they are stored in the back of my head still, this might explain my sudden memory loss as of lately?) - When the same exact scenario happens in reality, my mind clicks and I bring back the memory which I had during my sleep which wasn't even existent in reality until the very moment it happens. Weird, if I say so myself. Any ideas at all of what is happening? Is there some neurologist / science research center I can contact to discuss about this? It seems like a huge topic, I would be willing to examine further using machinery. (of course, theres no way in hell im donating my body for science!!) Thanks! -Kon Edit: One last thing! If you guys are interested in sharing your theories, go right ahead! I love hearing about scientific knowledge.
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