So why do you have the privilege of being aware of the bible, cobbled together in the Middle East and Italy, whereas billions of others are condemned to hell because they happen to live in a country which did not have access to it? Or were born too early. Isn't this rather unfair?
With the thicker lining, the force might be greater because the earpieces are slightly further apart (spring action of the bar over the head). But the force is not really the issue, it is the pressure that matters, and the thicker lining might well be spreading the force over a greater area giving a lower pressure and feeling more comfortable.
True, but the belief is irrational, and we try to understand it. Why does somebody believe that the bible is the word of god? It's a cobbled-together collection of mutually contradictory manuscripts from the Middle East. Why believe this and not something else? It seems totally abitrary.
What I really don't understand is why somebody posts it on a science forum. They clearly have no concept of science.
I can't see that move achieving anything, at least not mate in 2. Not wanting to deflect from this thread, this chess site has a couple of problems every day plus enough in the history to keep you busy for quite some time: The problems are really good because you can animate the moves and try things out, and you get a score for your attempts.
I suggest you actually read the conclusion of the report in the link you give:
"Occasional and low cumulative marijuana use was not associated with adverse effects on pulmonary function......Marijuana smoke contains many of the same constituents as tobacco smoke,6 but it is unclear whether smoking marijuana causes pulmonary damage similar to that caused by tobacco. ... It is possible that cumulative damage to the lungs from years of marijuana use could be masked by short-term effects; prior analyses have not attempted to disentangle these factors. "
I think he is at least justified in giving an opinion as to your motives for starting the thread, given that you seem to distort the findings of reports that you find.
-that is a complete misinterpretation of my post - I did not intend to imply any such thing. Given that solid hydrogen was predicted 80 years ago, I was curious to know what problems were involved for it to take 80 years to confirm. Nowhere do I suggest or even imply it was easy and that it should have been done earlier. I find this reaction rather odd.
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