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Everything posted by jake.com

  1. jake.com


    http://www.bellaireneurology.com/headaches/migr_pain.html and also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Migraine#Depolarization_theory
  2. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/25/health/research/25aids.html?_r=1 Is this any help?
  3. i have a feeling penicillin is going to go the way of DDT...
  4. well, i had swine flu. it really sucks.
  5. Campylobacter is a bacterial pathogen that causes fever, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps. It is the most commonly identified bacterial cause of diarrheal illness in the world. These bacteria live in the intestines of healthy birds, and most raw poultry meat has Campylobacter on it. Eating undercooked chicken, or other food that has been contaminated with juices dripping from raw chicken is the most frequent source of this infection. E. coli is a bacterial pathogen that has a reservoir in cattle and other similar animals. Human illness typically follows consumption of food or water that has been contaminated with microscopic amounts of cow feces. The illness it causes is often a severe and bloody diarrhea and painful abdominal cramps, without much fever. In 3% to 5% of cases, a complication called hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) can occur several weeks after the initial symptoms. This severe complication includes temporary anemia, profuse bleeding, and kidney failure. Clostridium botulinum- This organism produces a toxin which causes botulism, a life-threatening illness that can prevent the breathing muscles from moving air in and out of the lungs. Sources: improperly prepared home-canned foods; honey should not be fed to children less than 12 months old. those are a couple. btw, it sounds more scientific if you call them foodborne illnesses. http://www.fightbac.org/content/view/14/21/
  6. if you're talking about this from birth, then the person wouldn't know what you're talking about. they would have no concept of sight or vision, since they have never experienced it. The closest thing i can think of for a comparison would be what a deaf person "hears". If it was from birth, he would have no concept of sound.
  7. jake.com


    sorry, my bad.
  8. jake.com


    29.96 kJ mol-1 of Br2 Br-Br 228
  9. Not a cube of ice, most likely. Shock waves (produced by sound) can, but a block of ice doesn't have a cavity that can be filled and ruptured with just the resonance frequency. A block of ice is much more structurably stable than a wine glass, which is what you're talking about, right?
  10. That's the most informative thing I've read all day! Thanks!
  11. thanks!
  12. Are there any examples of this ever happening? I understand that it's unlikely and more than likely fatal, but has it ever happened?
  13. So its an exponetial decay equation? I'm just learning that in Algebra II
  14. This is a genome map for chromosome 3 This shows how detailed a chromosome is for programming you. While a number of certain traits is impossible to determine, it's easy to guess that there are more than a few. Also, heres a map of the chromosomes that make up a human genome. This one is diagrammed to show all gene entries and QTL that have shown associations or linkages with exercise-related phenotypes. This shows how many phenotypes are related to one general trait. Seeing how there are hundreds of traits to choose from, an simple estimate shows that there must be thousands of traits in one gene.
  15. Hey, my trick knee's actin' up... I feel a hatecrime lawsuit abroilin'.
  16. sounds like it. I like the theory, but it will definitely cause some serious controversy.
  17. So, pretty much, the closer to the interior you are as an atom, the less light that can possibly reach the surface of the atom. This equation is just explaining mathmatically why you get less light if you're further away, right?
  18. What?
  19. You said probably. Can you think of some hypothetical situations where this might occur? In an extremely large molecule maybe? Like maitotoxin? or a water molecule structure?
  20. http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Baryogenesis http://www.experiencefestival.com/baryogenesis_-_the_sakharov_conditions There's a book on in too, called Theories of Baryogenesis, by- Antonio Riotto
  21. How much energy would this take, hypothetically?
  22. No, I didn't mean that it wasn't biology. I just said it doesn't interest me enough to even consider it for a research paper.
  23. #4 would probably be the easiest. #1 is the one I would do, the easiest one to research. #2 I wouldn't even consider for a biology paper.
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