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Lepton (1/13)



  1. One woman told me that she suffers from or has color blindness, but her parents and children don't suffer from or have color blindness at all. She said that she doesn't know why and/or how this happened to her and asked me why and/or how only she was born with color blindess and all the others not. I didn't know what to tell her at the moment. I also told her that I don't know too, because I really don't know why and/or how this happened to her, but I also really wonder why and/or how this happened to her too. What should I tell her otherwise? How really should I answer her question? What do you know? What do you think? What is your knowledge and/or opinion about her story? Does the color blindness can be possibly a X linked recessive?
  2. What is the way of the inheritance in the following image and what is the probability/chance that couple III-2 and III-14 will bring mutant descendant/baby if (in case that) they are going to be married?
  3. What is the most likely way for the inheritance feature? (from google translate) In other words what is the type/kind of inheritance that the below image shows? Is it autosomal? Is it X linked? Is it Y linked? Is it cytoplasmic? Is it dominance? Is it recessive? Also what is the probability/chance that the son of couple 1 and 2 will be mutant if (in case that) they are going to be married? I am newbie/novice in genetics and my lecturer/teacher didn't upload solution and/or answer to these two questions on the moodle, so I can't check and know if I solved and answered these two questions correctly or not, and I want to be prepared to pass my test in the next few days. Also I read that there are two parents that are deaf, but their four children are not. Why? How this happened? Any help will be appreciated!
  4. Is it autosomal dominant or X linked dominant?
  5. What is the most likely way for the inheritance feature? (from google translate) In other words what is the type/kind of inheritance that the below image shows? Is it autosomal? Is it X linked? Is it Y linked? Is it cytoplasmic? Is it dominance? Is it recessive? Also what is the probability/chance that the son of couple 1 and 2 will be mutant if (in case that) they are going to be married? I am newbie/novice in genetics and my lecturer/teacher didn't upload solution and/or answer to these two questions on the moodle, so I can't check and know if I solved and answered these two questions correctly or not, and I want to be prepared to pass my test in the next few days. Also I read that there are two parents that are deaf, but their four children are not. Why? How this happened? Any help will be appreciated!
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