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Everything posted by Clara

  1. Hi Mike90. When you are in a relationship, you should never feel like you are in the relationship just for the benefit of the other person. I think that the most important part of a relationship is that both people are happy. The guy should try to make the girl happy, and the girl should try to make the guy happy. That does not mean that the guy or girl should change who they are just to make the other person happy. In a relationship, each person should like each other because of who they are. What I meant was that each person should care about the other person's feelings. If I had a boyfriend, and I knew he wasn't happy with the relationship, I would want to end the relationship even if I did love him. I would end the relationship for him, because I cared about him. Also, when a relationship ends I think it is important for the two people to become friends again. This will normally help take away the pain of a breakup. The worst possible thing is when people breakup and then start saying mean things about each other. This will only make the breakup feel much more painful for both people. Sometimes a breakup is too painful, and it's impossible to become friends again. I can understand this, but they should never try to hurt each other's feelings after a breakup. Sorry, but you are going to need to use your imagination if you want to guess what I look like. I like talking in forums because people judge other people by their personality, and not the way they look. Ok, I'll give everyone a hint. I'm not a pink hedgehog... Hi Coquina. I agree with everything you just said. Sometimes a relationship can't start immediately. If you find someone that you like, just talk to them a little at a time. After a while, you will get to know each other, and be able to talk more. I agree. I don't think a girl or guy should go around looking for a relationship. I think you should wait until you find someone you like, not the first person you can find. I know exactly how you feel. I think it is really difficult for someone to judge their own beauty. Both of these statements are very true. There are nice girls and mean girls. There are also nice guys and mean guys. I think the reasons people get into relationships depends on the type of person, not their age. I'm 17, but I've never been in a relationship. I don't want to get in a relationship just because all of my friends are. I want to find the right person. I also know some people that are over 25 that would look for a relationship, and not care if it lasts.
  2. Wow... I can't believe how many people here are single and lonely. Sometimes, I think I'm the only 17 year old girl that's still single, but I guess that's not true. I don't really know why I'm still single. Guys really seem to like me, but most of them don't seem to care about my personality. I guess most guys are like that. If you know a guy that has a girlfriend, ask him to describe his girlfriend. He will probably say something like, "She's hot" or something like that... I guess I want to find a guy that cares about my feelings and personality too. When I look in the mirror, I wouldn't call myself a "hot girl". However, lots of guys say I'm really hot and everything. Anyway, if I am a "hot girl", my personality is probably the complete opposite of what you described. I'm sure that you can find a girl that you think is beautiful, and a nice person. You can never judge a person's personality just by looking at them. Don't worry about being shy, or quiet. If a girl doesn't want to take the time to get to know who you really are, then she isn't worth your time. Don't let anyone change who you are. I'm sure that you can find the right person, and she will not try to change you. Aww... That's sad. I can only imagine how you must feel right now. Don't give up or blame yourself. Living in the wilderness is not going to make you feel better. You just need to find another person. I'm sure you will find the right person if you keep looking.
  3. Clara


    Hi Herme3. I read your poetry, and I like it. Your poetry is kinda sad, but it reminds me of my signature.
  4. Hi everyone! I was just reading the "Hall Of Shame" thread, and I was thinking it would be nice to have a "Hall Of Good People". I think you should post the names of people that seem really intelligent, or have been good friends to you. I really haven't made any friends here yet, but I was talking to Radiohead, Yourdadonapogos, and Lenale in the chatroom. They all seem like really nice people.
  5. Clara

    Real Life

    Hi Mike90. Yeah, my sig does describe my feelings. I'm known as a "popular girl" but sometimes I feel like nobody really knows me. I know it sounds kinda strange, but I think a lot of people probably feel the same way.
  6. Clara

    Real Life

    Sorry, but you act like a little kid! I'm sure that everyone else that is 17 years old uses deodorant.
  7. Clara

    Real Life

    Oh dear... Yes, I do know ChewyPoop in real life, but he is NOT my boyfriend! He tries to embarrass me in front of my friends by saying he is my boyfriend. I don't like to say mean things about people, but ChewyPoop doesn't even use deodorant!
  8. Clara


    Ok, thanks! I'll check back sometime.
  9. Clara


    Hi everybody! I just noticed that this site has a chatroom. I went into the chatroom, and I saw about 15 people online. I typed a message, and pressed Enter. My message showed up in the chatroom, but nobody said anything. I waited about 10 minutes, and nothing happened. Did anybody see my message, or did I do something wrong?
  10. Clara


    The orb pictures could be anything that some of you suggested. What do you all think about herme3's first picture? That's the one I think is interesting:
  11. Hi Yourdadonapogos. In this forum, I don't think anyone should judge anyone's personal beliefs. I hope you can forgive me for saying this, but I think it is kinda sad that you said such mean things to a large group of people because of their own beliefs. I'm not saying I'm a creationist, and I'm also not saying I'm an atheist. I just want to say that people have their own personal beliefs. I'm sure everyone has their reasons for their beliefs. You don't need to believe anything you don't want to. But you shouldn't be mean to anyone, or say their beliefs are wrong because you don't understand them. I would hate to see anyone criticize you for your own beliefs. I just hope you can feel the same way about other people, including creationists.
  12. Clara

    First Names

    Yeah, I don't think forums should make anyone say what their real name is. If someone doesn't want anyone to know, that's ok. I personally like my real name. I think Clara is a pretty name, but not very many people have it. I don't really know anyone else with my name, but if I'm sure there are others out there. I actually hate it when people just call other people by their last name. Last names are usually kinda boring, and sometimes a little silly. Using first names seems friendly to me, but I call people whatever they want to be called. Yeah, I think the avatars are a great way to express your personality. I think Amy is really cool. She isn't one of those girls that get in trouble, and wait for some guy to save her. She usually likes to be independent, and take care of the bad guys by herself. Some people say that Samus is cooler, but I don't think so. Samus doesn't really have much of a personality. Amy has a strong personality, and she also really cares about other people and animals. I think she is a good example of how people should be. I also think the signatures are a good way to express your personality. Mine may seem a little strange, but it kinda says what type of a person I really am.
  13. Clara

    First Names

    Hi everyone! How come most people don't call each other by their first names on the Internet? I guess people have to worry about privacy and everything, but I don't think it could hurt anything to know our first names. There are probably hundreds or thousands of other people with the same first name as you. I think it sounds kinda weird calling people by their usernames. I would never let anyone know my real identity, but nobody would know if they only knew my first name. My first name is Clara, but you probably already knew that somehow...
  14. Clara


    Thanks. I did download ZoneAlarm. Is Linux safer than using Windows with ZoneAlarm? I've never had any viruses or anything like that.
  15. Clara


    Hi everyone! I don't know about those orb pictures, but that first picture looks kinda creepy. Looks a lot like a person to me!
  16. Hi everybody! My name is Clara. I posted in these forums a while ago, but I never really introduced myself. I hope I can make some friends here.
  17. Clara


  18. Clara


    Ok thanks. I was just wondering what are some of the differences between the different operating systems? I don't really support just one operating system. I'm sure that everyone that doesn't like Windows XP has a good reason. I've always used Windows XP but never had any problems.
  19. Clara


    Hi everyone! I hope that nobody gets mad at me for saying this, but I kinda agree with herme3. I use Windows XP a lot, and I've never had any problems with it. What does Linux have that Windows XP doesn't? ~Clara
  20. I always thought a clock ticked every second, and the ticking noise was the second hand moving. Both of the clocks I was listening to ran on batteries. After about a minute, I noticed that the clocks were not ticking after the same time. One minute, they would both be ticking at the exact same time. A minute later, there would be a half of a second between the ticks of each clock. As often as they change, I'm surprised the clocks don't have to be reset more often. I guess it would explain everything if the ticking sound is made by a different gear in one clock than the other.
  21. When I was listening to two clocks ticking, I noticed that it would sound like one clock would tick, then the other one would tick about half a second later. A while later, it sounded like both clocks were ticking at the same time. After a while, it sounded like there was a half second difference again. However, the clocks both maintain the correct time. How can it sound like the clocks are moving at different speeds, and still maintain the correct time? Let me know what you think. ~Clara
  22. Clara

    C++ Files

    I tried that. I need the file name to be C:/(foldername)/1.txt then C:/(foldername)/2.txt and keep going for however many times I run the loop. When I try to declare the whole file name as a string, and put the file name in quotation marks, it just saves it as the name of the string variable. When I don't use quotation marks, I get an error about an invalid function.
  23. Hi! Do any of you know how to automatically number the names of output files when programming with C++? I mean, if I was using a loop, and wanted to output some text into a .txt file, how can I make it name the first one 1.txt. Then when it goes back into the loop, create a new file called 2.txt, and keep going until I'm done running the loop? Please let me know! Thanks! ~Clara
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